NEO galt lange als die chinesische Version von Ethereum. Mittlerweile ist das NEO Blockchain Projekt komplett international aufgestellt. Die Neo Foundation gehört zu den aufsterbenden Digitalunternehmen und hat mit dem Neo Token einen erfolgreichen Coin auf dem Markt. Nun nennt das Unternehmen erste Informationen zur inzwischen dritten Iteration der Smart Contract fähigen...
Read More »Sonect: Startup ermöglicht die Bargeldabhebung via App! Wann wird Bitcoin implementiert?
Sonect erweitert das Filialnetz der Migros Bank. Dank der Partnerschaft mit dem Start-up können Kunden der Bank in diversen Geschäften Bargeld beziehen. Weltweit ist Bargeld als Zahlungsmittel und nicht erst seit der Corona-Pandemie auch in Grossbritannien auf dem Rückzug. Weil viele Menschen die Versorgung mit Bargeld als Teil der individuellen Freiheit sehen und verteidigen...
Read More »800 Millionen US-Dollar in ETH: Grayscale kauft zwei Prozent aller Ethereum Token
Grayscale: Grösster bekannter Bitcoin Hodler kauft kauft 2% aller ETH Token. Ethereum hat trotz Krise ein erfolgreiches 2020 hinter sich. Das Crypto-Asset hat die Talfahrt der vergangenen Jahre überwunden und findet wieder zu alter Stärke zurück. Grund dafür ist auch das enorme Interesse an Ethereum aus dem Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Bereich. While everybody has been focused on our bitcoin accumulation, the @Grayscale Ethereum Trust now...
Read More »Bitcoin’s Core Value Is to Be Rationed, Says the Acting US Comptroller of the Currency
During his appearance on DC Fintech Week 2020, the Acting Comptroller of the Currency Brian Brooks praised decentralized networks, highlighted the expanding role of cryptocurrencies and the necessary regulations, and hinted that central banks could actually become nodes to blockchain networks. Brooks On Crypto And Regulation In Brooks’ opinion, banks have treated cryptocurrency assets as “pawn shops or some other kinds of disfavored businesses that can’t be touched” in the...
Read More »Paypal integriert Bitcoin: PayPal-Aktie und Bitcoin-Kurs legen zu!
PayPal jetzt mit Bitcoin Kauf und Verkauf – weitere Währungen unterstützt Paypal öffnet sich für Kryptowährungen. Kunden können unter anderem Bitcoin und Ethereum kaufen, verkaufen und als Zahlungsmittel benutzen. Der Bitcoin-Kurs schoss ab dieser Nachricht in die Höhe. Und auch die PayPal-Aktie ist begeehrter denn je. Mit Bitcoin bei 26 Millionen Händlern bezahlen Zuerst geht...
Read More »Traders’ Digest: After $12K, Bitcoin Is Heading To $14,300 Before 2021
Characterized by an explosive rally in the last 24 hours, bitcoin just took back this year’s high again. But a popular TradingView-based analyst is calling for BTC to hit $14,300. This is based on the ‘Underlying Trend-line’ analysis, which, according to him, is the “the most consistent trend-line since March.” Bitcoin Testing The Underlying Trendline Again, Next Stop $14,300 As per TradingShot(TS), a widely popular bitcoin analyst, all the signs are pointing to BTC rallying...
Read More »Bitcoin Is About to Strike the $12K Mark All Over Again
Bitcoin is on the verge of hitting the $12,000 mark again. This would be the first time the currency has done so in about two months, with late August being the last time the price of the world’s number one cryptocurrency by market cap has come this close.Bitcoin Is Once Again Heading for the TopDuring that time, the asset rose as high as $12,400, though a historically bearish September would then set in and drag bitcoin down to the bottom of the financial ocean, taking its price all the way...
Read More »FinCEN Issues $60 Million Penalty to Bitcoin Mixer Larry Harmon
Larry Dean Harmon is a hired bitcoin mixer that is now in trouble for bitcoin mixing. In other words, he’s stuck facing a multi-million dollar fine because he did his job, though whether that job is legal is still widely open to question. As the owner of bitcoin mixers Helix and Coin Ninja, Harmon has been saddled with a $60 million penalty by the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN).Harmon Has Been Saddled With a Big PenaltyIn a statement, FinCEN claims:[Harmon] willfully violated...
Read More »Darkside Crime Ring Donates $10K in Stolen BTC To Two Separate Charities
Imagine running a charity program that accepts money for noble causes. Suddenly, a criminal or malicious actor shows up and decides he’s going to give some money he stole to you. You’d like to say yes because any amount helps what you’re working towards, but the fact is that this is stolen money, and your conscience could never be okay with taking it. In addition, you’re likely to get locked up in some legal issues down the line. What would you do? Unfortunately, for two charities, this is...
Read More »The Biggest Concern of Bitcoin Investors Until The End Of 2020: Will Trump Get Reelected (Survey)
Bitcoin’s price is undeniably affected by many factors. Throughout its nascent history, it has displayed continuous correlation with the performance of gold, although, at times, it’s moving hand-in-hand with the stock market. The overall macroeconomic landscape has also proven to be a factor for Bitcoin’s price. For example, it saw a 40% decrease in March when the world declared a state of global pandemic induced by the outbreak of the novel coronavirus COVID-19. The 2020 US...
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