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Bitcoin (BTC)

Peak Euphoria Usually Leads to Maximum Pain: Is This Why Bitcoin Lost Almost 20% In a Week?

Bitcoin has had a rough week of trading. Roughly about eight days ago, the cryptocurrency was hovering above $12,000, causing many to believe that the bull run will take it above the current yearly highs and push forward.The entire community was ecstatic, and there were little to no signs of bearish sentiment. As it’s commonly the case, however, things took a turn for the worst as peak euphoria usually leads to maximum pain, according to a popular cryptocurrency analyst.A Trading Lesson to...

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#966 Bitcoin in 15.000 Restaurants, Japans junge Crypto Trader & DeFi Boom schon vorbei

Hey Informanten, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 966. Im heutigen Video geht’s um folgende Themen: Mit Bitcoin in 15.000 Restaurants bezahlen, Japans junge Crypto Trader & Ist der DeFi Boom schon vorbei? [embedded content] 1.) Mit Bitcoin in 15.000 Restaurants bezahlen 2.) Most New Customers at Japanese Exchange BitFlyer Are in Their 20s

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Bitcoin meetup à Bordeaux

« Le Winecoin est un meetup détente sans aucune présentation ou sujet particulier. C’est l’occasion de boire un verre et de discuter de monnaies décentralisées, Bitcoin et de sujets adjacents. » Quand ? – Jeudi 10 septembre 2020 de 19h15 à 22h15 Où ? – The Central Pub Gambetta, 3-5 Cours Georges Clemenceau à Bordeaux En savoir plus :

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Ulysse, vos billets d’avion en bitcoin

Ulysse, agence de voyages et intermédiaire de commerce consacré à la vente en ligne de billets d’avion, accepte désormais les paiements en bitcoin et autres cryptomonnaies *. « Nous sommes ravis d’être le premier acteur du voyage aérien français à offrir le paiement en cryptomonnaie à nos clients. La proposition de cette fonctionnalité répond à une demande forte de nos clients ces dernières...

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Why This Labor Day Week Could Be Huge for Bitcoin

Without reiterating too much, this past week has been rather rough for bitcoin. The currency has lost about $2,000 and fallen from $12,000 all the way down to the low $10,000 position. To say that things are bearish for the coin would be something of an understatement.Labor Day Is Here, and That Could be Good for BitcoinAnd yet according to some analysts, this week is going to prove pivotal for the world’s number one cryptocurrency by market cap. This is Labor Day week, which just last month,...

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FINMA: Sygnum gets regulatory clearance

Sygnum granted capital markets services (CMS) licence for asset management in Singapore Using Sygnum’s digital asset trading facility, investors can broaden their investment opportunities and add diversification by trading previously non-accessible securities in a tokenized form, including equity, debt, and real estate. They also benefit from instant settlement via the Sygnum-issued digital CHF (DCHF), the flexibility of moving between...

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Would Regulating Bitcoin Like Stocks Be a Bad Idea?

One of the big problems that everyone seems to have with bitcoin and crypto is that they are not as regulated as other financial markets. For the most part, they are designed to be decentralized and give more monetary power to users, but without any regulation at all, things are bound to get out of hand.Bitcoin Regulation May Take On a Different FormNow, some are promoting the idea of bitcoin being regulated the way India regulates its stock market. The idea comes from Deepak Kapoor, a...

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Wiener Scale-up Bitpanda startet in der Türkei und verzeichnet immenses User-Wachstum

Wiener Scale-up Bitpanda startet in der Türkei und verzeichnet immenses User-Wachstum In Europa hat Bitpanda (Gutschein für Anmeldung weiter unten im Artikel) inzwischen mehr als 1.2 Millionen Nutzer und beschäftigt 230 Mitarbeiter, nun folgt nach der Expansion in Spanien und Frankreich auch der Start in der Türkei. Zudem strebt Bitpanda eine weitere Expansion in der MENA-Region (Nahost und Nordafrika) an, wie es in einer Medienmitteilung...

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Bitcoin-Analyst: Bitcoin-Preis könnte bald ein Allzeithoch erreichen

Laut diesem Analysten könnte Bitcoin bald ein Allzeithoch erreichen Vielleicht kann sich ein Kauf von Bitcoin gerade jetzt lohnen. Dave the Wave ist ein renommierter technischer Analyst auf Twitter. Nach seinen neuesten Erkenntnissen testet der Bitcoin-Preis eine mehrjährige Trendlinie. Das bedeutet, dass der Preis die Trendlinie berührt und nach diesem Ereignis steigen wird....

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Bitfinex Leads Investment Round in Lightning Network-based Derivatives Platform LN Markets

With support from big players in the industry, LN Markets can guarantee its customers top-notch trading capabilities.LN Markets, a trading platform that is built on top of the Lightning Network, has concluded a pre-seed funding round for an undisclosed amount led by crypto exchange Bitfinex among other investors.LN Markets leverages the Lightning Network hence solving issues on the scalability layer on top of Bitcoin, which enables instant and cost-efficient transactions.Win for Bitcoin,...

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