Yearn Finance is undoubtedly all the rage in the cryptocurrency field right now. Up just shy of 80% in the past 24 hours, it peaked at almost $39,000 on Binance.Now, industry proponents such as the CEO of one of the world’s largest Bitcoin margin trading exchanges are making bold predictions about its price.Arthur Hayes: YFI to $100,000YFI is the governance token of the yield aggregating platform Yearn Finance. Launched in late July, the protocol attracted countless investors looking for...
Read More »The U.S. Is Taking Its Crypto Back from North Korea
Recently, Live Bitcoin News reported that the U.S. was looking to sue North Korea over several million dollars-worth of cryptocurrency that had been stolen over the past year via cyberattacks on two separate exchanges. There has been a break in the story in that the U.S. is no longer planning to file suit, as it has already gained access to the nearly 300 accounts that the stolen money had been filtered into. The country is now moving to transfer these funds back into American digital...
Read More »Analyst: Why Bitcoin Should be Priced in Gold Instead of USD
It has long been questioned as to why Bitcoin is priced in U.S. dollars when they are two entirely different entities. One is an inherently weak currency that has been continuously devalued for almost 50 years, and the other is a mathematically finite digital store of value.In a recent blog post by entrepreneur, Sylvain Saurel pointed out that the purchasing power of $1,000 in August 1971 has lost more than 85% of its value in 2020, and is not even worth $150 today.“Pricing Bitcoin in the...
Read More »L’enfance agitée de Bitcoin (2009) : quand (presque) tout le monde se fichait du BTC
« Bitcoin est né le 3 janvier 2009 et a survécu pendant plus d’une décennie sans rencontrer beaucoup de problèmes. Néanmoins, à son lancement, le système était loin d’être mature et une longue période de développement, tant informatique qu’économique, a été nécessaire pour qu’il devienne ce qu’il est aujourd’hui. En particulier, durant sa première année d’existence, Bitcoin a bénéficié du dévouement...
Read More »China Penalizes More Than 20 Mining Firms
The Inner Mongolia region of China is a prime hotspot for bitcoin miners. The energy is cheap and plentiful, so if you’re looking to potentially be part of the extraction process for new coins, this is probably the place to do it in.China Takes Quick ActionHowever, if you show up to do business within this region, make sure you don’t lie on your application form, and always be clear about who you are and what you’re looking to accomplish. Approximately 21 mining farms – including those of...
Read More »La Citadelle VR – Bitcoin Meetup
« La Citadelle VR est un espace virtuel, ouvert à tous, où des personnes francophones peuvent se rejoindre les samedis dès 21h30. L’objectif ? Partager un moment de convivialité, s’entraider, comprendre, parler d’actualité, etc… » Prochaine rencontre : Samedi 29 août de 21h30 à 23h30. Pour rejoindre ce meetup vous n’avez pas forcément besoin d’un casque VR, un PC sous Windows avec micro suffit. Seul un compte sur est...
Read More »Winklevoss Twins Suggest $500K Price for Bitcoin
The Winklevoss Twins – the head executives of the Gemini Exchange in New York – believe that the price of bitcoin could potentially reach $500K in the coming future.The Winklevoss Twins Are Pushing BTC All Over AgainWhile they didn’t give a date regarding when people can expect the world’s number one cryptocurrency by market cap to reach this figure, they did say that with the current state of the dollar and with gold on such a meteoric rise in recent weeks, bitcoin is looking better than...
Read More »Costly Mistake? Yearn Finance (YFI) Reached $77,000 On Binance
Yearn Finance, the DeFi protocol that took the entire crypto field by a storm, continues to break new grounds.Its governance token, YFI, suddenly shot up to 77,000 BUSD on Binance in what appears to have been some sort of a mishap.In any case, the cryptocurrency continues to impress as its price already surpassed the all-time high of Bitcoin, peaking at $23,166 against USDT on Binance.YFI Price Touches 77,000 BUSDIn what may have been a costly mistake, the price for YFI against BUSD suddenly...
Read More »Federal Reserve Banking System nimmt Bitcoin Wind aus den Segeln
Die Politik des Federal Reserve Banking Systems (FED) hat den Bitcoin zuletzt zu einem Jahreshoch verholfen – die Optimisten sahen bereits ein Allzeithoch und die Marke von 20.000 US-Dollar kommen. Jedoch ist der Kurs des BTC zuletzt wieder ins Stocken geraten, was auch mit einer Neuankündigung des FED zu tun hat.Bitcoin News: Federal Reserve Banking System nimmt Bitcoin Wind aus den SegelnChairman Jerome Powell äußerte sich kürzlich gegenüber CNBC. In diesem Video wurden die Highlights...
Read More »Paris : Bitcoin Meetup au Sof’s bar
« Retrouvons nous au mois de septembre comme chaque premier mercredi du mois pour un Meetup Bitcoin Paris. Bien évidemment nous comptons sur vous pour respecter le bon sens sanitaire. Comme d’habitude, pas de présentations, ni de structure pour ce meetup, mais des échanges autour d’un verre avec des passionnés et nouveaux venus. Ouvert à tous ceux qui veulent en savoir plus ou simplement...
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