Decentralized Finance – kurz Defi – ist, innerhalb der Bitcoin-Szene der Megatrend schlechthin. Am Anfang war Bitcoin. Und mit Bitcoin war plötzlich etwas digitales geboren, was nicht kopierbar ist. Eine Sensation, denn im Internet war bis anhin alles kopierbar. Musik, Filme, Dokumente.. es gibt nichts was nicht kopiert werden kann. Bitcoin hingegen ist anders; jeder Bitcoin exisitert genau einmal. Bitcoins können nicht kopiert und...
Read More »Bitcoin Price Touched $100,000 on Binance Quarterly Futures For September
The last 24 hours have been nothing but volatile when it comes to Bitcoin’s price. The cryptocurrency went on a rollercoaster, surging above $12,000, dropping to $10,490, going back up and back down. In short – it’s been a wild few hours.Most interestingly, however, a user’s algorithm “went ballistic,” according to Changpeng Zhao, seemingly sending the price for the BTC/USD Quarterly Contract on Binance to $100,000.Bitcoin’s Price Going CrazyTo an outsider, the last few hours might seem like...
Read More »Bitcoin Flash Crash um 1’500 US-Dollar
Bitcoin-Preis Chart Es ist wieder einmal passiert: Der Bitcoin-Preis hat einen glatten Flash Crash aufs Parkett gelegt. In den frühen Morgenstunden fiel der Bitcoin-Preis innert Sekunden um satte 1’500 Franken. Mittlerweile hat sich der Bitcoin-Preis etwas erholt. Streng gesehen war dies kein Flash Crash, sondern ein normaler Abverkauf, Kurssturz. Denn der Preis ist nicht ganz...
Read More »Bitcoin-Preisziel: 199’928.22 US-Dollar
Bitcoin Rainbow Chart aka Bitcoin Stock to Flow-Modell Der Bitcoin-Preis hat in diesen Tagen zugelegt und liegt nun wieder klar innerhalb des bekannten Bitcoin Stock-to-Flow Charts. Diese Graphik ist auch bekannt als Bitcoin-Regenbogen-Tabelle. Das Blockchain Center hat einige sehr interessante und interaktive Visualisierungen zusammengestellt. Bitcoin-Preis von 199’928.22 US-Dollar am 11.02.2022 Wenn an jetzt diese Modell einigermassen...
Read More »After Bitcoin’s $1500 Immediate Plunge, Is The 2020 Bull-Run Over? BTC Price Analysis
The past ten days, which were the last days of July, were a blessing for the price of Bitcoin.Right after breaking out above the blue-marked trend line at $9200 on July 21st, Bitcoin started to fire its engines, and yesterday – following ten magic days – BTC price recorded a fresh 2020 high above $12,100. An incredible 31% increase.And then it came: Immediately after recording the new high, we got the first significant correction since the 2020 parabolic run had started. And what a correction...
Read More »Weekend Ride: Bitcoin Plunged $1500 In Minutes, After Recording Fresh 2020 High
The cryptocurrency market went through a Sunday morning roller-coster with some intense moves charted. Bitcoin marked a new yearly high of above $12,000 before tanking in a matter of minutes to $10,490 (on Binance). Similar developments followed most altcoins, but the market appears to have calmed now.Bitcoin’s New 2020 Top And DropAugust doesn’t look anything like July for the primary cryptocurrency so far. While July began with slow and dull price movements, Bitcoin has taken August for a...
Read More »Bitcoin Continues to Surge; Is $12K Coming Soon?
Is bitcoin on the verge of striking the $12,000 mark?Bitcoin Is on a Serious RollIt sure looks that way considering how high bitcoin has been moving over the past two weeks. Initially crossing the $10K mark and breaking that psychological barrier, the currency then rose past $11K, a step many people didn’t expect the digital coin to take. Now, at the time of writing, bitcoin is continuing its present ascension and is trading for $11,353, the highest it’s been in roughly one year.The previous...
Read More »Le bitcoin à 10 000 euros
+ 3,5 % en 24 heures+ 24 % en une semaine+ 40 % en un mois Le bitcoin s’affiche actuellement autour de 10 000 € sur les principales plateformes de trading. Article précédentBlockchain: Orange in the full black
Read More »Graham Clark Revealed as the Alleged Twitter-BTC Perpetrator
The alleged hacker behind the recent Twitter fiasco has allegedly been identified. 17-year-old Florida teenager Graham Clark has been arrested and is now facing up to 30 separate felony charges for potentially “scamming people across America.”Graham Clark: The Man Behind the Mask?The recent Twitter bitcoin hack that took place on July 15 is among one of the most well-known and prominent bitcoin-based scams to occur in the history of the space. Several high-ranking accounts – such as those...
Read More »The Practice of Hodling Bitcoin Is Up, Up, Up
The amount of hodling that is occurring in the bitcoin space has increased tenfold. According to a new chart unveiled by Unchained Capital, the number of bitcoin holders that haven’t moved their digital funds over the past year has surged to an all-time high.Hodling Has Reached an All-Time HighThis makes perfect sense when one considers the economic conditions people everywhere are facing. The coronavirus pandemic has caused major shifts in global economies. Fiat currencies have lost much of...
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