« Pour ce rendez-vous IRL (in the real life ? ), on va boire un verre et discuter de l’actualité du Bitcoin et des crypto-monnaies en général.Donc pas de présentation mais des échanges d’information et du réseautage. » Où ? – Au Seven Bar, 20 rue Souverain Pont à Liège Quand ? – Mercredi 24 juin 2020 de 19h00 à 21h00 En savoir plus : meetup.com/fr-FR/Bitcoin-Liege ...
Read More »Quand Gavin lâche Craig
En donnant du crédit aux affirmations et aux démonstrations de Craig Steven Wright, Gavin Andresen avait lancé en mai 2016 la formidable carrière de clown funambule de l’entrepreneur australien. Interrogé en février 2020 dans le cadre de l’affaire Wright/Kleiman, Andresen a admis sous serment qu’il avait peut-être été dupé. Extrait de la déposition de Gavin Andresen : Velvel Freedman (avocat) :...
Read More »Fed Analysts Refer to BTC as “Money”
Many have gone back and forth regarding how to classify bitcoin. Is it money? Is it simply a speculative asset? How can it be used, and what are most people supposed to do with it when cash and credit cards remain so prominent?Bitcoin Is Money, According to Fed SentimentAccording to economists at the New York office of the Federal Reserve, bitcoin is like an extension of fiat money. In other words, it’s not a new type of money or even necessarily a new coin. Rather, it’s being described as an...
Read More »12 Reasons to Buy Bitcoin in 2020
Investing is a serious endeavor that requires comprehensive research, experience, and reasons behind each decision. Popular cryptocurrency proponent Brandon Quittem recently decided to list 12 reasons people should buy Bitcoin.Performance, Chaos, CuriosityQuittem firstly outlined Bitcoin’s past performance. More specifically, he referred to the last decade, where the primary cryptocurrency became the best performing asset. As CryptoPotato reported earlier, BTC marked ROI of nearly 8,900,000%,...
Read More »Isaiah Jackson: Bitcoin Can Really Help African Americans
Isaiah Jackson is the author of a book called “Bitcoin and Black America.”Jackson: The Black Community Needs New Financial PoliciesIn a recent interview, Jackson discussed what bitcoin and cryptocurrencies could potentially do to push the African American community forward. He’s adamant that the methods of America’s current financial system do not always pertain to African Americans, and he thinks the community needs its own policies and coins to do business and survive.He comments:We have...
Read More »DeFi Flippening: The Total Value Locked in Compound Surpasses MakerDAO
The sudden jump of total value locked on the DeFi platform Compound has caused a flippening event in the decentralized finance sector. The TVL on Compound surpassed MakerDao’s as of yesterday, and the gap continues expanding today.Compound Overtakes MakerDAOMakerDAO has been the predominant force for total value locked for years, according to data from the DeFi monitoring resource – DeFi Pulse. Its influence over the entire marker was so unambiguous that the website tracked “Maker Dominance,”...
Read More »Compound, 25th Largest Digital Coin, Jumps Past $200
Bitcoin is going through a strange time. As this article is being put out, the world’s number one digital currency by market cap has dropped into the $9,200 spot, meaning it has lost about $200 from its price over the past few days, but other coins – altcoins like Compound – are booming, and reserving places for themselves in the top regions of the crypto market.Compound Is Surging Like No Other CoinAt the time of writing, the Compound token has spiked by more than 250 percent, which means...
Read More »VP of Binance Futures, Aaron Gong: We Saw 217% Institutional Clients Increase In Q1 2020 (Exclusive Interview)
Binance is currently the world’s leading cryptocurrency exchange by means of the trading volume. Launched in 2017, the company has managed to become a standard in the industry quickly.Despite its fast phase growing, the giant exchange launched Binance Futures, the cryptocurrency derivatives trading platform of Binance, only in September 2019. Binance Futures allows users to trade Bitcoin and leading altcoins with leverage as high as 125x.In the months following the launch, Binance Futures...
Read More »Millennials Prefer Bitcoin Over Gold, Real Estate, and Government Bonds, Survey Says
While Bitcoin encountered lots of turbulence in the past three years, people’s perception regarding the primary cryptocurrency has improved significantly, a recent study revealed. By comparing data from 2017 and April 2020, it concluded that more people are ready to trust it over traditional financial institutions and assets, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic.2017 Vs. 2020 Millennials Love BitcoinThe Tokenist compiled the survey among nearly 5,000 participants in 17 countries. The...
Read More »Une introduction au Lightning Network
« Le réseau Lightning est un protocole de paiements pair-à-pair basé sur le réseau Bitcoin, permettant de réaliser des transactions instantanées, et aux frais négligeables (en dessous d’1/10 de centime). Imaginez que vous mettiez une petite somme de vos économies « en ligne », et que tout le monde fasse la même chose. Le résultat est un réseau où toutes ces sommes sont interconnectés et peuvent...
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