Hey Krypto Fans, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 725. Heute geht’s um folgende Themen: Bitcoin NVT Indikator signalisiert BTC kaufen, Bitcoin für die Rente – General Electric friert 20.000 Renten ein & mehr als 5000 Shops in Frankreich verkaufen Bitcoin. [embedded content] 1.) NVT: Top and Bottom Indicator Signals Time To Buy Bitcoinhttps://www.newsbtc.com/2019/10/10/nvt-top-and-bottom-indicator-signals-time-to-buy-bitcoin/ 2.) Bitcoin für die Rente? – General Electric...
Read More »#724 Eindrücke vom World Digital Mining Summit 2019 aus Frankfurt
Hey Krypto Fans, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 724. Heute ein live Video vom World Digital Mining Summit 2019 aus Frankfurt: [embedded content] 4.) Bitcoin Informant bei iTunes als Podcasthttp://ppq6xp.podcaster.de/bitcoin-informant.rss 5.) Der Bitcoin Informant Inside Telegram Kanalhttps://t.me/bitcoininformant Sonnige GrüsseDennis “Bitcoin-Informant” Koray
Read More »YouHodler: Passives Einkommen dank Bitcoin
YouHodler: Verdiene 12% mit deinen Bitcoin-Guthaben! Geld wirft keine Zinsen mehr ab? Denkste – nicht so im Bitcoin-Land. YouHodler wurde in erster Linie durch die Vergabe von Darlehen bekannt. Doch dabei muss man seine Bitcoins hinterlegen und dies ist ziemlich riskant. Neu bietet YouHodler aber eine viel bessere Lösung um mit seinen Bitcoins Geld verdienen zu können: Mit...
Read More »BitBox02: Swiss-made Bitcoin-only hardware device ???⚡️
Founded in 2014 by Bitcoin contributors and renowned applied cryptographer Dr. Adam Back, Blockstream is a pioneer in Bitcoin and blockchain technologies. The BitBox02 is now available at the Blockstream Store. Store your sats in this Swiss-made #Bitcoin-only hardware device and narrow your attack surface. Purchase now with the Lightning Network or an on-chain payment! ???⚡️...
Read More »UNICEF to Begin Accepting Donations in Crypto
Charity and cryptocurrency have developed quite a partnership over the years. The latest addition to that mix comes in the form of UNICEF, the United Nations’ organization that seeks to aid starving and impoverished children across the globe.UNICEF Is at the Heart of a Crypto BoostUNICEF has announced that it will begin accepting donations in both ether and bitcoin. It is the first UN-based organization to accept crypto, which could potentially mark a huge point in crypto’s development and...
Read More »Bitcoin Is Very Much Alive, Says One Analyst
Earlier today, Forbes put out an article asking the question, “Is Bitcoin Dead?” The writer suggests that the currency is not necessarily deceased; just experiencing a nasty pullback of sorts, and that what could really sink it is if it doesn’t find a “killer app” that keeps it alive and in use.Bitcoin: It’s Still Chugging AlongIt’s funny how the minute something doesn’t seem to be doing well, people begin to question whether it had any prowess in the first place, and bitcoin is no exception....
Read More »La Roche-sur Yon : Bitcoin / Cryptomonnaie : révolution monétaire et sociétale ?
Table ronde autour de Bitcoin dans le cadre de l’Innovation Week 2019 organisée par La Roche-sur-Yon Agglomération et la Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie de Vendée. Où ? – La Loco Numérique 123 Boulevard Louis Blanc à La Roche-sur Yon Quand ? – Vendredi 11 octobre de 11h00 à 12h00 Avec :– Pierre SYLVESTRE, responsable du pôle Conseil et innovation au syndicat mixte e-collectivités...
Read More »Bitwise ETF Proposal Rejected for the Umpteenth Time
It looks like we won’t be seeing a bitcoin exchange-traded fund (ETF) anytime soon. The latest (and allegedly final) attempt being made by Bitwise has outright been rejected by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), which means there are no more proposals on the table waiting to get a “yes” or “no” vote.Bitwise Is Out of the LoopThe good news is that this hasn’t harmed bitcoin or Ethereum in the process, the two largest cryptocurrencies by market cap. While other smaller coins have...
Read More »Alipay Torches Binance CEO as False Bitcoin Rumors Fester
In what can only be described as a virtual slap in the face, the Chinese mobile payment platform, Alipay, strongly rebuked bitcoin exchange giant Binance for attempting to implement Alipay as a fiat on-ramp. Did Alipay Reverse Its Bitcoin Ban? New payment options for peer-to-peer (P2P) crypto trading on Binance’s mobile app came to fruition yesterday, as exchange boss Changpeng “CZ” Zhao emphatically unveiled the news on Twitter. The new function allows for mobile users to engage in P2P...
Read More »Ripple Price Analysis: XRP Tumbles At $0.30 Resistance, What’s Next?
XRP saw a small decline of around 3% over the past 24 hours and it currently trades at $0.2705. The cryptocurrency has started to pull back slightly after surging by 9% over the past week of trading. During the first week of October, XRP has been performing very well as it attempts to make its way back to the $0.30 level.XRP is the second-largest cryptocurrency with a market cap of $11.68 billion.Looking at the XRP/USD 1-Day Chart:Since our previous XRP/USD analysis, XRP continued meeting...
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