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Bitcoin (BTC)

Une monnaie privée en France !

« L’agenda politique sur la monnaie numérique publique, ainsi que ma récente visite du Musée créé par la Banque de France m’ont conduit à de multiples réflexions. Qu’un ministre ne veuille pas de monnaie privée sur notre sol (curieux, d’ailleurs que ce soit précisément ce mot à double sens qui affleure ici) c’est une chose. Que la chose soit impensable en est une autre. On va parler ici d’une...

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Wann ist der richtige Zeit zum Kaufen oder Verkaufen?

Erst fiel der Bitcoin-Preis, dann stieg er wieder. Wann ist der richtige Zeitpunkt, um Bitcoin zu kaufen oder zu verkaufen? Die einfache Antwort lautet: Kaufen Sie Bitcoin, wenn Sie Lust dazu haben, aber handeln Sie nicht mit den Coins. Finden Sie unten heraus, warum! Der größte Preisanstieg in nur zehn Tagen Sagt Ihnen der Begriff „FOMO“ etwas? Dabei handelt es sich um die Angst, etwas zu verpassen (engl.: Fear Of Missing Out). In der Krypto-Szene kennt man dieses Gefühl nur...

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Cheap ETH: Ethereum Just Flash Crashed 20% on Poloniex

The second-largest cryptocurrency, Ether (ETH) went through a sudden flash crash on popular exchange Poloniex. It saw its price dropping down with 20% in an instant, allowing those who had placed orders along the way to benefit from the quick recovery.ETH Flash-Crashed On PoloniexFlash-crashes tend to take place every now and then on the cryptocurrency market. Just now, Ether (ETH), the second-largest altcoin went through a sudden steep drop which saw its price being reduced by as much as 20%...

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Engineer Fined for Using Russian Supercomputer for Mining BTC

When will people learn that they shouldn’t be “mining on the job?” Unless you’re employed as a bitcoin miner, you should wait until you’re on your own time to engage in such activity.Mining Can Be a Tricky – and Sometimes Illegal – BusinessThat’s what one Russian engineer is learning this week. Denis Baykov, a worker at the Federal Nuclear Center in Sarov, has been fined roughly 450,000 rubles (about $7,000 USD) for utilizing a supercomputer inside the nuclear facility in which he works to...

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Band Capital Allows Users to Take Short and Long Positions on BTC

The main net of Band Capital, a decentralized finance network, began on Monday, September 30, and customers will now have access to the startup’s new decentralized application Bit Swing, which offers bitcoin binary trading options.Band Capital Is Live for Crypto TradersThe company is backed by a venture capital firm known as Sequoia India, and this is interesting in that India has had a very mixed relationship with cryptocurrency. The nation has repeatedly banned activity surrounding crypto,...

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Venezuela Is Going to Use Crypto for Payments, Maduro Says

Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro openly admitted that his policy is definitely pro-crypto – especially regarding Bitcoin and Ethereum. He said Venezuela’s government will use cryptocurrencies as a “method for free national and international payments.”Let’s not forget that the U.S. imposed sanctions that have largely isolated the country from the global financial system, causing one of the world’s most severe economic crises and forcing statesmen and executives to use a whole new network...

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Top German Bank Predicts Bitcoin to Hit $90,000 After Halving, Calling It ‘Ultrahard Money’

Bayern LB, one of Germany’s top banks, has published a report in strong support of bitcoin superseding gold, predicting a price of $90,000 per BTC post bitcoin’s halving in 2020. Within a report entitled, “Is bitcoin outshining gold?” the bank’s researchers delved into the stock-to-flow ratios of gold and bitcoin, specifically regarding the impact of reduced supply on asset value. The Stock-to-Flow Model A stock-to-flow (SF) ratio is an analytical method commonly used within commodities,...

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Bitcoin Depot Looking to Expand to 1,000 Crypto ATMs to Better Serve Underbanked

The prevalence of underbanked people in the United States is a cause for concern. Currently, eight percent of 115 million households in the United States alone are underbanked or don’t have access to banking services such as checking accounts, savings, loans, or lines of credit. This prevalence is driven largely by high fees, inconvenience, and a distrust of traditional banking systems. While there’s no fast or easy solution to America’s underbanking issue, could cryptocurrency ATMs be the...

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WEG Helps Businesses Say “Yes” to Crypto Payments

German bank WEG is paving the way for retailers to begin accepting crypto payments in the year 2020.WEG Helps Institutions Say “Yes” to CryptoWEG Bank is owned by both the blockchain firms Nimiq and Token Pay, as well as by the Litecoin Foundation. In an interview, CEO Matthias von Hauff says that the establishment is beginning to accept applications from companies and businesses that are interested in accepting crypto in the future. He says:You don’t have to be a customer of the bank. All we...

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Bitcoin Art : Le Radeau de la Méduse 2019

Après l’autoportrait de Delacroix et La Liberté guidant le peuple, le peintre muraliste Pascal Boyart revisite aujourd’hui le Radeau de La Méduse de Théodore Géricault pour en faire un hommage à Bitcoin. Pour qui est attentif à la forme du bateau qui arrive au loin, l’allégorie est transparente : Après la tempête de la crise financière les naufragés du système bancaire hèlent le nouveau paradigme qui...

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