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Bitcoin (BTC)

Ledger Recover, un nouveau service qui fait débat

Ledger a annoncé aujourd’hui le lancement d’un nouveau service de récupération de clés, basé sur l’identité, destiné aux utilisateurs qui souhaitent pourvoir récupérer l’accès à leur fonds même en cas de perte de l’appareil, du code PIN et des 24 mots de récupération. Utilisant le partage de clé secrète de Shamir, Ledger Recover crypte votre clé et la divise en trois fragments. Chaque fragment est envoyé à une société distincte :...

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Opinion: Crypto Fans May Want to Wait on Their Calls for Regulation

Earn Your First Bitcoin Sign up and get $12 Bonus Referral bonus up to $3,000 Sign up Everyone keeps talking about crypto regulation as of late. It appears the topic has gained a lot of steam since crypto exchange FTX collapsed into a steaming pile of bankruptcy and fraud. Regulation Should Wait Until We Can Replace Those in Charge Under normal circumstances, a situation like this would indeed...

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Bulletin Hebdomadaire Bitcoin Optech #250

Bulletin d’information hebdomadaire Bitcoin Optech du 10 mai 2023 traduit par @copinmalin. Le bulletin de cette semaine résume un article sur le protocole PoWswap et comprend nos sections habituelles avec le résumé d’une réunion du Bitcoin Core PR Review Club, des annonces de nouvelles versions et de versions candidates, et des descriptions des principaux changements apportés aux logiciels d’infrastructure Bitcoin les plus répandus....

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P2P Bitcoin Marketplace Paxful Is Shutting Down

Earn Your First Bitcoin Sign up and get $12 Bonus Referral bonus up to $3,000 Sign up Peer-to-peer (P2P) bitcoin marketplace Paxful has closed its doors, meaning the digital currency space is still not yet out of the woods when it comes to exterior, negative circumstances. Paxful Says Goodbye Paxful used to be one of the most prominent, well-known bitcoin marketplaces in the world. Employing 200...

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Meetup Becrypto à Liège

Le prochain meetup Becrypto aura lieu exceptionnellement le Lundi 22 mai dès 18 heures à Liège. Vous aviez pris de bonnes résolutions à la sortie de l’hiver ?… Fallait pas ! Le 22 mai, c’est le PIZZA DAY et tous les cryptoenthousiastes ne manqueront pas de le fêter comme il se doit en mangeant une bonne pizza (accompagnée d’une orange pill’s, bien sûr…) aux abords du Seven Bar (20 rue Souverain Pont). C’est aussi un meetup de...

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We Asked ChatGPT Which 5 Cryptos Will Survive in 10 Years: The Answer Might Surprise You

Many crypto naysayers are heard arguing that most of the existing projects won’t stand the test of time. And it’s true that a lot of them haven’t been existing for a long period. In the grand scheme of things, even Bitcoin is a baby. With that said, we took the opportunity to talk to no other but ChatGPT itself – the AI language model that took the world by storm in the past few months. We decided to ask which five cryptocurrencies will survive in the coming decade. The...

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Opinion: Joe Biden Will Never Take Responsibility for Hurting Crypto or America’s Standing

Earn Your First Bitcoin Sign up and get $12 Bonus Referral bonus up to $3,000 Sign up Joe Biden is responsible for a growing number of mishaps since he first entered the White House. He’s responsible for the collapse of the crypto space, the death of the American economy, the border crisis, the list goes on and on. The problem is that he’ll never admit to any of this, as he and his fellow nation...

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Interview with Jason Blick, AZUR Chairman

Earn Your First Bitcoin Sign up and get $12 Bonus Referral bonus up to $3,000 Sign up Can you give us a brief overview of your special economic zone and what sets it apart from other zones? AZUR’s special economic zone is a true paradise for blockchain and crypto businesses, nestled in the beautiful island of Anguilla. Our zone is designed to provide the most attractive regulatory and fiscal...

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Oberlandesgericht Frankfurt am Main: Freund haftet nicht für miese Bitcoin-Investment Tipps

Seit 1971 ist dieser Bürokomplex Sitz des Oberlandesgerichts Frankfurt am Main. Das Gericht hat entschieden, es gibt keine Haftung für entgangene Kursgewinne beim Kryptohandel. Ein ungewöhnlicher Rechtsstreit wurde vor dem Oberlandesgericht Frankfurt am Main ausgetragen. Ein früher mit dem Beklagten befreundeter Mann forderte die Übertragung von Ethereum-Anteilen als Wiedergutmachung für entgangene Kursgewinne, die der Bekannte in seinem Auftrag...

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