ADA price failed to surpass the $0.500 resistance and declined against the US Dollar. The price is now trading below $0.500 and the 55 simple moving average (4-hours). There was a break below a key bullish trend line with support near $0.460 on the 4-hours chart (data feed via Bitfinex). The price could continue to move down if it fails to stay above the $0.425 support zone. Cardano price is struggling below $0.50 against the US Dollar, similar to bitcoin. ADA price...
Read More »Glaube an Bitcoin ist gross: Auf den Bitcoin-Adressen ruhen die Coins seit mehr als einem Jahr
Vom Allzeit-Hoch notiert die Digitaldevise Bitcoin (BTC) weit entfernt. Und doch ist das Vertrauen in die Kryptowährung nicht erodiert, im Gegenteil. Noch nie in der Geschichte gab es so viele Bitcoin-Adressen, die länger als ein Jahr nicht angerührt wurden – von einem panischen Ausverkauf der breiten Masse keine Spur, wie aus einer neuen Infografik von hervorgeht. Der Bitcoin hat sich von seinem Allzeithoch im Oktober 2021 wieder...
Read More »CME Group Launches Euro-Denominated Bitcoin and Ether Futures
The Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) has announced the launch of euro-denominated Bitcoin and Ether futures in its marketplace. According to a press release from CME Group, Bitcoin and Ether Euro futures will each be sized at 5 Bitcoin and 50 Ether per contract. Contracts will be cash-settled, based on the CME’s euro reference rate for each cryptocurrency. That means that they won’t deal in the exchange of actual Bitcoin or Ethereum. “Our new Bitcoin Euro and Ether Euro...
Read More »3 Reasons Why BTC is Trailing Alts During the Bear Market: Genesis
Joshua Lim – Head of Derivatives at Genesis Trading – recently provided a breakdown of Bitcoin’s late underperformance against the rest of crypto. He provided 2 metrics indicating that Bitcoin’s price is “heavy” relative to previous market cycles, followed by qualitative reasons for why this is the case. Ethereum Outperforming Bitcoin Per a Twitter thread from Lim on Sunday, the first indicator of Bitcoin’s ‘heaviness’ is its performance against Ethereum. The ETH/BTC price...
Read More »Mt Gox Creditor Refutes Bitcoin Dumping Rumours
Eric Wall, a creditor of Mt. Gox, confirmed that new reports swirling that 137,000 BTC sent to creditors would soon be dumped on the market are false. In a recent Twitter thread, Wall said the repayment system is not live yet. While addressing the rumors floating around across social media channels, the former CIO at Oslo-based crypto investment firm Arcane Assets said the payouts will also occur in tranches over months instead of offloading thousands of BTC all at once,...
Read More »Survey: More Stores Are Looking to Accept Crypto Payments
There was a time when a store accepting crypto payments was not the norm. In fact, it was downright wacky. There were many companies that were concerned about accepting digital assets as forms of payment due to their volatility, but according to a new survey conducted by financial giant Deloitte, as many as 75 percent of America’s retailers are planning to accept digital currency payments within the next two years. Crypto Payments Are Becoming More Popular Moves like...
Read More »Staatliche Investoren richten Portfolios neu aus – knapp die Hälfte analysiert nun sogar digitale Assets
Staatliche Investoren richten Portfolios neu aus – knapp die Hälfte analysiert nun sogar digitale Assets 59 Prozent der staatlichen Investoren haben ihre Portfolios in Erwartung weiterer Zinserhöhungen neu ausgerichtet. Nicht zuletzt auch im Bereich Digitalwährungen zeichnet sich eine grosse Veränderung ab, wie aus einer neuen Infografik von hervorgeht. Noch im Jahr 2018 führten lediglich 12 Prozent der Staatsfonds und...
Read More »Solid P2P Offers Peer-to-Peer Crypto Alternative to Centralized Exchanges
[PRESS RELEASE – Please Read Disclaimer] Cryptocurrencies have massively outgrown the initial phase that started with Bitcoin’s inception over a decade ago, being close to mainstream adoption now and being utilized for payments as well as investments from millions of people. As such, finding the right spot to purchase them has become more critical than ever. While having several pros, centralized exchanges face a lot of criticism these days, especially with regulatory...
Read More »Bitcoin-Lizenz? Binance goes Germany!
Die Binance Bitcoin App ist ausgefeilt und bietet ein grosses Sortiment an Funktionen. Während Peseudonymität, Zensurresistenz und Dezentralisierung zu den wichtigsten Merkmalen digitaler Währungen gehören, gewinnt die Branche an Stärke. Regierungen haben begonnen, das wachsende Potenzial von Kryptowährungen zu erkennen, indem sie an klaren Normen und Vorschriften für den Kryptomarkt arbeiten. Diese besagt, dass zentral lizenzierte...
Read More »Bitcoin Mining Difficulty Expected to See Largest Increase in 7 Months
The bitcoin mining difficulty is expected to see its largest increase in over seven months later this week. This comes as the hash rate has surged by almost 30% in the past two weeks. Largest Increase in Mining Difficulty Since January? The bitcoin mining difficulty adjustment is an essential part of the world’s largest blockchain that makes it either easier or harder for miners to do their job depending on the number of entities plugged into the network. Essentially, the...
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