Der Handel mit Kryptowährungen birgt Risiken. Wie die Faktenlage tatsächlich ist, das geht aus einem neuen Handelskontor-Beitrag hervor. Unter der Lupe: Bereiche Volatilität, Blasengefahr, Politik, Scams, Umwelt und Stablecoins. Volatilität Klar ist: Kryptowährungen sind in ihrem Wert äusserst unbeständig. Dies gilt sowohl für den Bitcoin, als auch – hier umso mehr – für Altcoins. Seitdem Allzeit-Hoch vom 10. November 2021 hat die wichtigste Cyberdevise, der Bitcoin, 57 Prozent an Wert...
Read More »The clock is ticking for Ethereum
The crypto world has been eagerly awaiting what is now called The Merge. This is the moment when Ethereum switches from proof-of-work to proof-of-stake. The developers are doing everything they can to make this transition happen in August. If they don’t transition in time, then a digital bomb will explode and slow down the network. Proof of stake will first be rolled out on Ropsten on 8 June. This is Ethereum’s test network. Not only Ethereum...
Read More »La crypto est morte, vive…
« Les narratives s’évanouissent rapidement dans le monde des cryptos […]. La chute est brutale et violente pour tous les détenteurs qui ont perdu de l’argent. Néanmoins, cet événement, qui demeurera comme un jalon de l’histoire du secteur, offre la possibilité de prendre un recul salutaire […] : L’extrême majorité des utility tokens ou gouvernance tokens n’ont que peu de pertinence sur le long terme, ne permettant pas de capter...
Read More »Meetup BECRYPTO
Notre meetup BECRYPTO de mai 2022 est planifié pour le mercredi 25 à 19h00 ! Après avoir tenté notre chance du côté des salles bruxelloises, notre meetup se tiendra finalement dans notre bonne vieille Salle Lumière, à l’Université de Liège (place du 20 août 4000 Liège). Meetup de présentation Avec une présentation très emblématique : un point sur la fiscalité des cryptos en Belgique...
Read More »Gruppe Börse Stuttgart ermöglicht Kunden von flatexDEGIRO den Handel mit Bitcoin&Co.
Die Gruppe Börse Stuttgart und der führende europäische Online-Broker flatexDEGIRO gehen eine Partnerschaft im Kryptohandel ein. Kunden von flatexDEGIRO in Deutschland und Österreich erhalten zum Ende des dritten Quartals 2022 über ihren flatex-Account direkten Zugang zum Handel mit wichtigen Kryptowährungen. Hierfür stellt die Gruppe Börse Stuttgart ihr integriertes Angebot im Kryptogeschäft zur Verfügung: Kunden von flatexDEGIRO können über die Retail-Plattform BISON unkompliziert und...
Read More »SEC Chair Predicts Other Cryptocurrencies Will Mimic Terra’s Downfall and Harm Investors
The Chairman of the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) – Gary Gensler – opined the turbulence in the digital asset market has not ceased with Terra’s fiasco. He predicted that a lot more coins will “fail,” which will harm an additional number of investors. The Turmoil is Not Over Yet The cryptocurrency market has significantly declined in the last few weeks. Bitcoin, for one, is down by over 25% in the past 14 days. However, all eyes were on Terra’s native...
Read More »Camper & Nicholsons Will Accept Crypto for Yacht Services
Camper & Nicholsons – a company that sells, manufactures, and charters luxury yachts – has teamed up with Bit Pay to permit companies and individuals in need of boating services to pay with crypto assets like bitcoin. Camper & Nicholsons Says “Yes” to Crypto Payments The move is pushing the goals of bitcoin and its digital counterparts closer to being achieved. What many people likely forget is that while bitcoin and many of its crypto cousins have taken on...
Read More »Van Eck Seeks to Enter the NFT Market
Van Eck – a company that at this point, every diehard crypto trader and fan should know about – is entering the non-fungible token (NFT) space. Van Eck Is Establishing an NFT Division Van Eck made a name for itself many years ago when it became one of the first companies to try and get a bitcoin-based exchange-traded fund (ETF) approved by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The company went through heavy rigamarole trying to earn a greenlight on its...
Read More »Binance Visa Card Guide: Read Before You Order
Spending cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum in shops and restaurants is getting easier by the day. More and more merchants grasp the potential of cryptocurrencies and adopt them in one way or another. Several cryptocurrency debit cards have recently popped up to help businesses offer digital assets as a payment method. Just like any other conventional ones, cryptocurrency debit cards allow you to conduct day-to-day transactions using BTC, ETH, XRP, and other...
Read More »Ajeet Khurana On the Future of Crypto in India
Ajeet Khurana is a crypto expert looking to bring positive change to the digital currency world of India. Ajeet Khurana Discusses India’s Crypto Future The nation has continued to have a very rocky relationship with crypto and apparently cannot decide if digital currency activity should be banned. Not long ago, Khurana offered an interview about the development of crypto in the nation and where he thinks the future of the space is headed. Khurana started off by talking...
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