The British YouTuber and rapper – KSI – revealed that he is a strong supporter of Bitcoin. According to him, the primary cryptocurrency represents the future, and hodlers would profit in the next years. ‘I’m Really into Crypto’ Olajide Olayinka Williams “JJ” Olatunji, better known as KSI – meaning Knowledge, Strength, and Integrity – opined strongly in favor of Bitcoin recently. Speaking to the British magazine GQ, he argued that the digital asset would play a major role in...
Read More »Marvel Enters The Crypto Space by Releasing Spider-Man NFTs
The blockchain-based digital collectibles marketplace VeVe will begin selling Spider-Man non-fungible tokens this weekend. The initial series of NFTs will include five variations of the Marvel superhero, costing between $40 and $400. NFTs Caught in The Cobweb The comics book giant Marvel Entertainment partnered with the VeVe marketplace to launch the first official Spider-Man NFTs. The collectibles will be available to the fans of the superhero from Saturday, August 7th....
Read More »Half of UK Citizens Interested in Taking Crypto-Backed Loans
According to a Coinbase research, 51% of British adults said they are “very interested” in taking out a loan using digital asset holdings as a guarantee instead of traditional methods. 39% revealed they are willing to employ cryptocurrencies to send and receive money in international transactions as well. Brits Want to Adopt Crypto for Transactions Coinbase conducted a survey among thousands of British residents and concluded that they have significantly increased their...
Read More »Crypto Market Cap Taps a 2-Month Record as Bitcoin Touched $44K (Market Watch)
The bitcoin bulls came to play once more and pushed the cryptocurrency to a new near three-month high of around $44,000. Most alternative coins have seen gains as well, with ETH closing down to $3,000. The total market cap added another $100 billion in a day. Bitcoin Touched $44K Ever since the middle of the week, bitcoin’s price has been on a roll for most of the time. It recovered thousands of dollars in days and reached $40,000 on Thursday. At the time, though, the bears...
Read More »Elon Musk Supports Crypto Community Ahead of Crucial Taxation Vote in the US
The crypto community continues to rally the troops just hours ahead of the crucial vote on digital asset taxation from US Congress. This time, they have received support from one of the most influential people today – Elon Musk. CryptoPotato reported yesterday the controversy that arose from US authorities in regards to the country’s attempt to regulate and implement taxes on the digital asset industry. In shorts, Senators Mark Warner and Rob Portman proposed an amendment...
Read More »Welche Zukunftschancen haben Kryprowährungen?
Kryptowährungen liegen voll im Hype – ganz unabhängig davon, wie diese auch heißen. Bitcoin, Dogecoin, Ethereum usw. In den letzten Jahren haben sich zahlreiche unterschiedliche Kryptowährungen entwickelt, die in kürzester Zeit enorme Kursgewinne zu verbuchen hatten. Immer wieder wird um das Thema Zukunftschancen von Kryptowährungen gestritten, wobei die Meinungen sehr stark divergieren. Der nachfolgende Bericht soll ein wenig diese unterschiedlichen Meinungen aufzeigen und so...
Read More »Bosnien, Australien, USA: Zombieminen sollen wiederbelebt werden
Luftaufnahme einer Goldmine in Atlanta, USA. Foto CC0 Gemeinfrei via Unsplash Steigende Metallpreise: Geschlossene Minen in Afrika und Australien werden reaktiviert, wie ORF berichtet: Die Bergbauindustrie will bereits stillgelegte Rohstoffminen wiederbeleben. Die sogenannten „Zombieminen“ befinden sich in unter anderem Europa, Australien und Südafrika und sollen den Konzernen dank neuer Technologien weitere Gewinne einbringen....
Read More »Bosnien, Australien, USA: Zombimienen sollen wiederbelebt werden
Luftaufnahme einer Goldmine in Atlanta, USA. Foto CC0 Gemeinfrei via Unsplash Steigende Metallpreise: Geschlossene Minen in Afrika und Australien werden reaktiviert, wie ORF berichtet: Die Bergbauindustrie will bereits stillgelegte Rohstoffminen wiederbeleben. Die sogenannten „Zombieminen“ befinden sich in unter anderem Europa, Australien und Südafrika und sollen den Konzernen dank neuer Technologien weitere Gewinne einbringen....
Read More »Brian Brooks Leaves Binance US, Citing ‘Differences’ With the Board —Just As The Head of Binance Brazil Did 3 Weeks Ago
A few hours ago, Brian Brooks announced his resignation as CEO of Binance US, a position that he assumed on May 1st of this year. On his personal Twitter account, Brooks did not elaborate much on the details, simply explaining that there were differences over the strategic direction of the exchange. Greetings #crypto community. Letting you all know that I have resigned as CEO of @BinanceUS . Despite differences over strategic direction, I wish my former colleagues much...
Read More »Der Bitcoin-Hype – Woher kommt dieser Hype?
Der Bitcoin-Hype - Woher kommt dieser Hype? Der Bitcoin als berühmteste Kryptowährung der Welt ist in aller Munde. Selbst Menschen, die ansonsten nicht so stark mit der Finanzwelt verwurzelt sind, kennen in den meisten Fällen den Bitcoin als Zahlungs- und Spekulationsmittel. Dieses liegt allen voran an der starken medialen Präsenz. Insbesondere im letzten Jahr erlangte der Bitcoin weltweite Aufmerksamkeit, welches auch mit der starken...
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