As next year heats up with television streaming becoming one of the key areas of intense competition in the technology and entertainment world, AT&T’s WarnerMedia has indicated that its new streaming service will fall 1 cent below $15 at $14.99 monthly of which it expects users of the service to be more than satisfied with the pricing.WarnerMedia CEO John Stankey at a corporate event in California on Tuesday indicated the media arm’s willingness to commit to the project to the fullest....
Read More »Game Development Studio Scopely Raises $200 Million to Hit $1.7 Billion Valuation
Scopely, the Lon Angeles-based mobile game development platform has recently raised $200 million in the Series D funding round. Until now, the free-to-play mobile-games publisher $458 million in total. With the latest fundraising, Scopley’s valuation has hit a massive $1.7 billion.The Series D funding round was led by NewView Capital, along with participation from the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB), investment firm BlackRock, and Scottish asset management firm Baillie Gifford....
Read More »Pro-Bitcoin Jack Dorsey Invests in CoinList’s $10 Million Raise With a ‘Hell No’ to Facebook’s Libra
The funding round raised $10 million for the crypto startup specializing in token sales. The move comes months Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey launched Square Crypto. The startup could turn out to be a competitor to Cash app. Months after announcing a Bitcoin-focused initiative by the Square financial services firm (Square Crypto), Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey is doubling down in the space by investing in token sales management platform CoinList. According to the Wall Street Journal, Dorsey recently...
Read More »eToro Hires Alec Baldwin as the Face of Its New CopyTrading Product for U.S. Customers
eToro, one of the world’s most popular trade and investment platforms, has unveiled a new feature that is now available to customers in the U.S. and is called CopyTrading. The new feature was created to make trade and investment decisions very easy or even completely remove the need to make them. CopyTrading allows eToro’s customers to mimic investments moves made by some of the most popular and most trusted traders with this mimicry done automatically without any active moves from the...
Read More »Liechteinstein wird zum Blockchain-Hub
Liechtenstein gibt den Takt an. Bittrex, eine der bekanntesten Krypto-Börsen weltweit eröffnet mit Bittrex Global einen Standort in Liechtenstein und sichert sich dadurch den Zugang zum EWR Raum. Liechtenstein wird zum Motor der Dezentralisierung der Finanzmärkte: Liechtenstein ist bei der Neuaufstellung der Finanzmärkte ganz vorn. Die weltweit bekannte Krypto-Börse Bittrex...
Read More »CoinGecko Launches Section for Crypto Derivatives with Futures Next in Line
Photo: CoinGecko / InstagramCoinGecko, a coin market ranking chart aggregator that provides a fundamental analysis of the crypto market, has announced it is preparing to roll out its own section for monitoring cryptocurrency derivatives. According to the company, its offering will be the first of its kind.Announcing: CoinGecko Derivatives! ??At a glance, you'll see aggregated data for the derivatives market including pricing, funding, open interest, volume and more!Currently covering over...
Read More »Transferwise setzt neu auf Challenger-Banken als Kunden
Transferwise wächst, gedeiht und expandiert seit satten acht Jahren und seit drei, werden auch die Gewinne in Schwarz geschrieben. Dabei folgt das FinTech einem einfachen Konzept: Es transferiert Geld über Grenzen hinweg kostengünstig, unkompliziert und schnell. Sechs Millionen Kunden konnte Transferwise bereits überzeugen, doch auch immer mehr Banken springen mit auf den Siegeszug. Transferwise setzt auf Banken als Geschäftspartner Weil Transferwise so schnell wächst, braucht...
Read More »CoinGecko Releases Cryptocurrency Derivatives Section
[Press Release 29 October 2019] – CoinGecko, a leading cryptocurrency data aggregator, today announced that it is releasing a Derivatives section to display aggregated metrics for crypto derivative products such as Perpetual Swaps & Futures. CoinGecko is the first data aggregator to provide information about crypto derivatives and aims to be the most comprehensive database as this sector develops further.In September 2019, the crypto derivatives market hit a new high, with BitMEX, the...
Read More »Bitcoin-Analyst: Steigt der Kurs auf 50’000 US-Dollar?
Das letzte Wochenende kann für Bitcoin als eines der besten des Jahres betrachtet werden. Ende Juni bewegte sich der BTC-Kurs das letzte Mal so stark und stieg auf einen Höchststand des Jahres 2019 von 11’000 US-Dollar. Bei einem solchen Kursverlauf würde nicht mehr viel an Bewegung der gleichen Grössenordnung fehlen, um die 50’000 US-Dollar zu erreichen. 2’000 USD in zwei Tagen für den BTC-Kursverlauf Bitcoin holte am Wochenende alle Verluste des letzten Monats wieder auf....
Read More »Former Bank of America Executive Joins Ripple as Head of Regulatory Affairs
The blockchain startup Ripple is currently facing some major regulatory hurdles as investors have raised questions over the state of XRP being securities. To tackle this matter at hand, Ripple has brought some financial industry heavyweights to its board.In one such move, Ripple has recently appointed ex Bank of America executive – Benjamin Melnicki – as its head of Regulatory Affairs. Melnicki’s job at Ripple will be communicating and maintaining absolute transparency regarding Ripple’s...
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