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Lumi Wallet Welcomes EOS Tokens

Lumi Wallet has come a long way in implementing EOS on its platform. After the recent integration of the option to buy crypto with a credit card, it turns back to EOS, aiming to add all popular EOS tokens to its list and propose the opportunity for token creators to apply with their products.This year for Lumi Wallet was mostly about EOS: it has integrated the EOS blockchain, EOS account authorization (and celebrated it with account giveaways), and has ongoing plans in the roadmap for 2019,...

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Facebook Kisses up to Banks as Pushback Threatens Libra Crypto

The conspicuous absence of even a single bank as a founding member of Facebook’s cryptocurrency project was never “intentional," according to the co-creator of  Libra, David Marcus. Facebook, he said, would love to have banks involved. No banks in Libra Association? No worries In an interview with Swiss newspaper Neue Zurcher Zeitung, Marcus revealed that banks were put off by the lack of regulatory clarity. This could change when new members are inducted: "First of all, financial...

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SyncFab Manufacturing Blockchain Bolsters Auto Supply Chain Relations

Supply Chain and the Automotive Industry, in particular, were outlined by Deloitte as the number one use case for blockchain in their recent Global Blockchain Survey. California-based SyncFab has already been very active behind the scenes engaging with various automotive industry leaders with regards to procurement and manufacturing blockchain supply chain solutions.Dauod Thompson joined SyncFab’s Advisory Board this year. Dauod brings extensive experience in Manufacturing Program Management...

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ChainDD Will Present the Best 2019 US-China Fintech and Blockchain Summit

ChainDD, a leading media company headquartered in Beijing, China with more than 3 million readers globally, is about to host its 2nd-year Fintech and Blockchain Summit under its “CHAINSIGHTS” brand to engage innovators and supporters from fintech and blockchain industries in the US and China. This event will be held on 10/10/2019 from 8:30AM to 9:30PM at the New York Marriott Marquis at New York City.Last year’s conference was a resounding success, with close to 300 attendees and 20+...

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Face à Libra, faut-il une monnaie numérique publique ?

« Face au danger posé par Libra, Bruno Le Maire propose une solution qui doit théoriquement permettre de concilier souveraineté de l’Etat et cryptomonnaie : la création d’une cryptomonnaie publique, émise par les banques centrales […] Derrière la question de la souveraineté, on devine rapidement que ce qui pose problème au ministre et aux gouvernements en général, c’est la perte de contrôle pure...

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Bitwise Creates Document Explaining Why the Time for a Bitcoin ETF Has Come

Bitwise has produced a 31-page document that it has sent to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The purpose of the document is to suggest why the world is ready for a bitcoin exchange-traded fund (ETF). A Chance for Bitwise to Take Over?For the most part, this is nothing new. Van Eck Solid X ultimately forwarded a similar statement to the SEC earlier this year, only to withdraw its ETF proposal at the last minute. This withdrawal took place a few days ago when a final decision...

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CME Group Will Offfer Options on Bitcoin Futures Contracts

Derivatives marketplace CME Group announced on Friday that, starting next year, it will offer options on its Bitcoin futures contracts. The company launched its futures product back in December 2017, at the same time as the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) did the same.In its announcement today, CME said that this step is made in order to provide clients with “additional tools for precision hedging and trading.” The launch is still pending regulatory review.Tim McCourt, CME Group global...

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Can Bakkt Really Do Anything for Bitcoin at This Stage?

At press time, bitcoin is trading for about $10,169. The currency has gone through some very strange behavior over the past 24 hours, falling below the $10,000 range to $9,600, only to jump back up again and reach the spot where it stood before. Perhaps the remark that the currency is at its lowest volatility levels since last May has some truth to it, or maybe it has something to do with Bakkt.Bakkt Is About to Emerge One of the big questions running through investors’ and analysts’ minds is...

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Tom Lee: Bakkt Brings the Legitimacy Bitcoin’s Always Craved

Bitcoin aficionado and Fundstrat cofounder Tom Lee says he's more bullish on the crypto sector than ever, remarking that Bakkt's imminent launch could bring some much-needed legitimacy to the market. Lee tweeted that Bakkt's launch should bode well for the highly-lauded hopes of institutional involvement in the cryptocurrency industry. Tom Lee looks forward to the launch of Bakkt and the legitimacy it will bring | Source: TwitterLee's assertation that Bakkt's launch may improve the...

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AXA XL: Das ist die erste Versicherung für Bitcoin Wallet

Bitcoin sicher aufbewahren: AXA versichert Hoyos „sicherste Hot Wallet der Welt“ Hodler aufgepasst: Bitcoins können in Zukunft sicherer aufbewahrt werden. Durch AXA XL steht eine Versicherungslösung speziell für Krypto-Wallets zur Verfügung. Der Anbieter Hoyos zahlt in Zukunft im Falle eines Hacks an die betroffenen Nutzern bis zu einer Millionen US-Dollar. Die Hoyos Intergrity Corporation gehört zu den...

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