« Un cabinet d’avocats vient d’annoncer un recours collectif contre Bitfinex pour des faits de complicité de fraude, manipulation du marché (par du bon vieux pump and dump) et complicité de blanchiment d’argent. L’émetteur du stablecoin Tether se voit reprocher d’avoir artificiellement soutenu la valeur du Bitcoin, et d’en avoir profité pour emporter les valorisations des autres cryptomonnaies...
Read More »Crypto Price Analysis & Overview: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Chainlink, Decred
BitcoinBitcoin’s price is shuffling around $8,000 which is also the support in this range. The situation hasn’t changed a lot since the previous week. Resistance is built around the 200MA at $8,400. The triangle that we see on the chart becomes bearish. Breaking the trend will change the picture. Taking into account all the increases during this year, when we saw sharp corrections they were usually followed with attempts to surge back up, especially in light of quick declines as it was this...
Read More »Arena Bot Made Its Debut Appearance In Bali Block Confex 2019
[PRESS RELEASE]Bali Block Confex 2019 was an international scale Blockchain Conference that invited various Blockchain stakeholders, regulators, players and enthusiasts alike from all over the world, held in Kuta, Bali at Stones Hotel, Marriott.The 2-day Blockchain Conference and intimate gathering featured some of the most well known and highly influential figures from the Blockchain industry, such as Blockchain Zoo, Asosiasi Blockchain Indonesia (ABI), and large scale Crypto exchanges and...
Read More »Version 2.0 of eToro’s Open-source Programming Language Lira Developed to Write Options Contracts
eToro, the global multi-asset investment company, has announced that Lira, the open-source programming language developed by eToroX Labs, has evolved to write options contracts on the Ethereum Blockchain for the OTC derivatives market.Announced at a workshop at Devcon V, Osaka, on 8th of October 2019, Dr Omri Ross, eToro’s chief blockchain scientist demonstrated Lira 2.0’s new features, including writing options contracts. The Lira programming language, recently referred to* as one of the...
Read More »Ex-Credit Suisse CEO Says Money Isn’t Worth Anything as Bitcoin Approaches Halving
The former CEO of the two biggest banks in Switzerland, Oswald Gruebel, has openly criticized the negative interest rates applied by the Swiss National Bank. In his opinion, money might lose its value if this continues. As negative interest rates are usually introduced to fend off inflation, Bitcoin appears to have the perfect solution.Negative Rates Across the BoardGruebel was CEO at Credit Suisse from 2004 to 2007 and at UBS Group AG from 2009 to 2011. He offered his opinion on the negative...
Read More »Apple Releases New MacOS Update and Discontinues iTunes
Apple has officially revealed that its new OS is now available. Called the macOS Catalina, the release comes with more than a few new features which Apple promises will give its users an unmatched experience. Two of the major changes to the macOS are the addition of a new option called the Sidecar, as well as the discontinuation of the popular media access software, iTunes.Per the official Apple announcement, the Sidecar feature is a simple extension to the Mac screen. Specifically, it lets...
Read More »Digital Media Company Group Nine Buys Lifestyle Publisher PopSugar
PopSugar Inc an American media and technology company that is also the parent to the media property PopSugar, the shopping platform ShopStyle, and a monthly subscription business PopSugar Must Have was acquired by Group Nine, on Tuesday.The companies said the latest acquisition happened with a belief that they can spread their network and arrange a bigger scale in order to do better in selling online ads (Facebook and Google are rulers in this field so far).Sources familiar with the whole...
Read More »Bitcoin to Shine Once Liquidity Crisis Gets Triggered
The global dollar shortage is a looming crisis that doesn’t get much media attention. Instead, we keep hearing about the trade war and the seesawing stock market but almost nobody talks about the biggest problem that overshadows them all. There’s a shortage of dollars in the global financial system. China, one of the countries that sorely needs dollars, has been boosting its gold reserves over the last ten months. According to economist Luke Gromen, the Asian giant may be planning to use...
Read More »Ripple CEO sieht Libra erst 2023 auf dem Markt
Facebooks Libra ist weiterhin der kontroverseste Altcoin des Jahres. Nun wagt sich Brad Garlinghouse, CEO von Ripple, hervor und sieht Libra nicht vor 2023 auf dem Markt. Sollte er richtig liegen, dürfte Libra zum größten Problemfall werden, den Zuckerberg bisher kreierte.Crypto News: Ripple CEO sieht Libra erst 2023 auf dem MarktEs bleibt weiterhin offen, ob der Markt überhaupt einen zentralen Cryptocoin von Facebook akzeptieren wird. Und damit ist nicht nur der Cryptomarkt gemeint, auch die...
Read More »QuadrigaCX Founder’s Widow Will Surrender Over $9 Million in Assets to Repay Users
Jennifer Robertson, the widow of QuadrigaCX founder Gerald Cotten, has confirmed that she will hand over more than $9 million (12 million CAD) in assets. She has made this move to compensate the users of the now-defunct crypto exchange. The assets will be transferred to EY Canada, the bankruptcy trustee for the defunct exchange.On October 7, Robertson announced in a personal statement explaining that she will transfer the vast majority of her estate assets. These assets were previously valued...
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