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Tag Archives: cybercrime

Cybercrimepolice Schweiz: Achtung, Betrüger wollen Dein Bitpanda-Account hacken!

This Year’s Theme: “On the Move” Throughout history, people have left their homes for a variety of reasons and have found themselves in faraway places. This has led to encounters with foreign lands, their inhabitants, their customs, their flora and fauna. Cultural heritage collections are full of artifacts resulting from and bearing witness to those people “on the move”: archival records, travel reports, audiovisual documents, object collections, oral histories etc. These...

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Cybercrimepolice-Schweiz: Marke Ledger für Phishing verwendet

Die Schweizer Polizei warnt davor, das Betrüger die Marke Ledger missbrauchen und in deren Namen Phishing-Emails versenden. Und zwar schreibt Cybercrimepolice.ch folgendes: Kryptowährungen, respektive die dazugehörenden kryptografischen Schlüssel, können auf verschiedene Arten aufbewahrt werden. Eine sehr sichere Aufbewahrung von Bitcoin und Co. bietet die Firma Ledger mit ihren Hardware-Wallets. Das wissen auch die Betrüger. Sie verschicken...

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The Coronavirus Saw Crypto Crime Explode

The coronavirus pandemic brought a lot more than the fear of getting sick to the table. It also brought loads of cybercrime and fear surrounding the loss of cryptocurrency.The Coronavirus Led to CybercrimeCybercrime relating to cryptocurrency increased by about 75 percent during the peak of the COVID-19 scare. It appears that with more people working from home and not situated in a public office, there are less means of protecting exchanges and other trading platforms. Companies have fewer...

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