Balancer is one of the most popular automated market makers (AMMs) and decentralized exchanges on the Ethereum network. It allows users to instantly swap tokens and earn fees when they provide liquidity to different pools. Balancer competes with other platforms such as ERC20-based Uniswap and SushiSwap. It has its advantages and disadvantages. The following aims to answer questions regarding Balancer, examine core features, customer support, security guarantees, and so...
Read More »Clearpool and Jane Street Launched a Permissioned Pool Focusing on KYC Compliance
After launching five Permissionless Pools, Clearpool established its first-ever permissioned pool that allows institutional lenders to earn yields up to 15% by staking USDC. The project partnered with Jane Street Capital – a global proprietary trading company aiming to enter the cryptocurrency industry. Permission Pool Decentralized capital markets provider Clearpool launched a permissioned pool on Tuesday, enabling borrowers with higher Know-Your-Customers (KYC) requirements...
Read More »15% of Tornado Deposits Are From Ronin Exploiter: Data
The exploiter behind Ronin’s massive $625 million bridge attack has managed to move thousands of ETH to privacy tool Tornado Cash. A month after, what many consider the largest exploit in DeFi history, on-chain data shows that 15% of Tornado deposits are from the Ronin attacker. This was revealed by Alex Svanevik, CEO of the blockchain analytics platform Nansen. 15% of Tornado deposits are from the Ronin exploiter — Alex Svanevik🐧 (@ASvanevik)...
Read More »American Investors Led in Realized Crypto Gains in 2021: Report
2021 was a wild year for the crypto market, with major assets like Bitcoin and Ethereum hitting new all-time highs and attracting an unprecedented amount of institutional investment. Throughout the entire year, investors worldwide took a total profit of $162.7 billion in cryptocurrencies, a fivefold increase from just $32.5 billion in 2020. America-based investors led by a considerable margin at an estimated $47.0 billion gains ahead of investors from any other country....
Read More »7 Best Non-Custodial Crypto Wallets: The Complete List
Storing your digital assets is an essential part of your crypto investment journey, and non-custodial wallets are becoming more prevalent as the field of decentralized finance continues to boom. Non-custodial wallets are digital wallets that enable users to take full ownership of their assets. The name (non-custodial) comes from the fact that the wallet itself doesn’t have custody of your crypto but rather serves as an interface that enables you to easily conveniently access...
Read More »Criminalizing Rug Pulls: Senator Kevin Thomas Proposes New Regulations
Rug pulls have grown to become a menace in the space of decentralized finance and have resulted in hundreds of millions stolen from users. Being amongst the most common types of scams, some US politicians have taken aim and want to outlaw them. State Senator Kevin Thomas and Assembly member Clyde Vanel have introduced Senate Bill S8839. The bill calls for penalizing, defining, and criminalizing frauds that are specifically targeted at developers and projects designed to dupe...
Read More »Uniswap Faces Lawsuits for Unregistered Offer and Sale of Digital Tokens
Nessa Risley, an Uniswap user from North Carolina, invested about $10,400 on low-cap digital tokens such as EthereumMax, Matrix Samurai, and Rocket Bunny between May and July of last year. The trader has since experienced “substantial losses” and thus sought justice through legal action. On April 4, Risley launched the legal proceedings, alleging that Uniswap has failed to conduct identity checks and impose securities restrictions on “fraudsters” who use the platform to list...
Read More »Sygnum lanciert ertragbringende DeFi-Anlagelösung
Sygnum granted capital markets services (CMS) licence for asset management in Singapore Sygnum gibt heute die Lancierung seiner strukturierten Anlagelösung Sygnum Yield Core AMC bekannt, die auf dezentraler Finanzierung (DeFi) basiert. Sie wurde entwickelt, um attraktive laufende Renditen aus ertragsgenerierenden Strategien im wachsenden USD 250 Milliarden DeFi-Markt zu erzielen. Renditestrategien für digitale Vermögenswerte (z.B. Staking, Lending,...
Read More »Uniswap Launches a Venture Arm to Accelerate Web3 Development
Uniswap Labs – the organization behind the popular DeFi exchange – announced the launch of Uniswap Labs Ventures. As such, it intends to “bring millions of people into the emerging Web3 economy” and invest in additional crypto enterprises. Enter Uniswap Labs Ventures In a recent blog post, the company said it is “proud of the foundational products and infrastructure” it has built so far. However, it has ambitions to further interact with the emerging Web3 universe, which is...
Read More »Sutor Bank Hamburg: Das Kryptoversum expandiert – und ordnet sich
Die Welt der Kryptowerte erlebt gerade ihre kambrische Artenexplosion. In einem Big Bang entstehen aus den wenigen bekannten Arten urplötzlich Tausende oder Zehntausende neue. Doch während sich die Artenentwicklung im erdgeschichtlichen Kambrium über zehn Millionen Jahre erstreckte, geschieht es im Kryptoversum binnen Monaten. Eine Einordnung von Hartmut Giesen, Krypto-Experte der Hamburger Sutor Bank: Am 3. Januar 2009 betrat der Bitcoin die Bühne. Dieser erste blieb eine Weile der einzige...
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