Hey Informanten, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 1025. Im heutigen Video geht’s um folgende Themen: Bitcoin Allzeithoch erreicht, Facebook plant Libra Stablecoin Launch im Januar 2021 und Regierung kappt den Bitcoin Minern den Strom in China. 1.) Why Bitcoin price has not hit a new all-time high — Just yethttps://cointelegraph.com/news/why-bitcoin-price-has-not-hit-a-new-all-time-high-just-yet 2.) Facebook Libra: Stablecoin Launch im Januar 2021...
Read More »#1004 Bitcoin Bull Run Signale, Digitaler Euro Umfrage & Facebook bannt Bitcoin Hashtag
Hey Informanten, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 1004. Im heutigen Video geht’s um folgende Themen: Bitcoin Bull Run Signale, Digitaler Euro Umfrage & Facebook hat Bitcoin Hashtag gebannt – Ein weiterer Push für Libra. 1.) Bull-Run-Signale: Bitcoin unerschütterlich – trotz Wahl-Unsicherheit & Corona-Ängstenhttps://coincierge.de/2020/bull-run-signale-bitcoin-unerschuetterlich-trotz-wahl-unsicherheit-corona-aengsten/ 2.) Digitaler Euro: EZB-Chefin wirbt...
Read More »Tagomi Joins Facebook’s Libra Association and Becomes Its 22nd Member
Joining the Libra Association, Tagomi will contribute at least $10 million to spend on the developing cryptocurrency. It will also support Libra, providing the necessary technical and policy assistance.Crypto prime brokerage Tagomi joins Facebook‘s Libra Association. The company will be the 22nd member of the Association and the second to join since the group’s formal foundation in October 2019. Tagomi President Marc Bhargava has already confirmed the news. But the formal announcement from...
Read More »Vodafone Joins Companies that Quit Facebook-Run Libra Association
British multinational telecommunications conglomerate Vodafone has quit Facebook‘s Libra Association. Both Vodafone and Libra have already confirmed the information.According to Vodafone, they will use resources intended for Libra to develop its digital payment service M-Pesa. M-Pesa enables customers to send, receive and store money securely via a basic smartphone. Used mostly in Africa, the service enables all businesses to collect payments, make stock purchases and pay salaries. Moreover,...
Read More »Australien sagt Nein zu Facebooks Libra
Die Negativmeldungen um Facebooks Libra gehen auch im neuen Jahr weiter. Nun hat die Zentralbank Australiens das ambitionierte Projekt des Social Media Riesen abgelehnt. Es ist sehr wahrscheinlich, dass das Parlament der Empfehlung einer Ablehnung der Zentralbank folgen wird.Cryptocoin News: Australien sagt Nein zu Facebooks LibraDer Libra steht wieder einmal in den Schlagzeilen. Obwohl Facebooks Cryptocoin bereits starken Regulierungen unterliegt, scheint es dennoch in vielen Ländern...
Read More »Trusted Third Parties Should Issue Stablecoins, Not Facebook
Place/Date: - November 29th, 2019 at 10:09 am UTC · 5 min read Contact: eToro, Source: eToro Photo: eToroIf Facebook’s Libra project is to succeed it should use stablecoins issued by regulated third parties rather than create its own cryptoassets – that’s the conclusion of a new position paper published by eToro.Libra has come under fire from politicians and regulators in the US, UK and Europe, who are worried by parent company Facebook’s scale and power, as well as its previous track...
Read More »EU Wants to Compete with Facebook’s Libra Instead of Just Banning It
The G7 meeting participants state that things like stablecoins including Facebook‘s Libra should be strictly regulated and the risks connected with them are not yet studied well. Per EU lawmaker and a German conservative Markus Ferber:“At the very least, we need a robust regulatory framework to deal with virtual currencies. The (executive EU) Commission has been way too complacent on the issue so far. With the threat of Libra on the horizon, it is time for action now.”The draft text of the...
Read More »#729 Ripple investiert in Bitso, Zentralbank Chef verteidigt Libra & Libra Association Charta
Hey Krypto Fans, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 729. Heute geht’s um folgende Themen: Ripple investiert in größte Bitcoin-Börse Mexikos, Englischer Zentralbank-Chef verteidigt Facebook Libra & Libra Association unterzeichnet Charta in Genf. 1.) Ripple investiert in größte Bitcoin-Börse Mexikoshttps://www.btc-echo.de/ripple-investiert-in-groesste-bitcoin-boerse-mexikos/ 2.) Englischer Zentralbank-Chef verteidigt Facebook...
Read More »Großunternehmen mit Cryptoproblemen
Apples Tim Cook äußerte sich letzte Woche zu Gerüchten Apple würde einen eigenen Cryptocoin kreieren. Unterdessen bekommen Kreditkartenanbieter und auch PayPal kalte Füße, was Facebooks Cryptocoin Libra anbelangt. Ob Zuckerberg bei einer weiteren Kongressanhörung die Wogen glätten kann?Crypto News: Großunternehmen mit CryptoproblemenDer US-Kongress will Zuckerberg noch in diesem Jahr ein weiteres Mal befragen, um dem Launch des Libra zuvorzukommen. Nach der letzten Kongressanhörung sind...
Read More »Visa, Mastercard and Other Major Libra Backers Want to Pull Out from the Deal
Since its launch on June 18, 2019, Facebook’s Libra project has encountered mixed reactions. Now, four payment companies that had joined the social media giant as founding members of the Libra Association are hesitant. They have developed cold foot over whether to formally sign on to the crypto project. The issue was explained by people familiar with the matter.According to a new Bloomberg report, MasterCard, Visa, Stripe, and PayPal are allegedly stalling at officially joining the...
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