Elon Musk has a Shiba Inu puppy at home. Elon Musk has joked about Shiba Inu, but Elon Musk doesn’t hodl Shiba Inu. Replying to one of the many Shiba Inu accounts on Crypto Twitter, the famous Elon Musk confirmed that he didn’t own Shiba Inu, despite being a highly influential figure for that community. Elon Musk Has no Shiba, Floki, or Any Other Dogecoin Spin-Off And although his puppy’s name is Floki, Elon Musk does not have a single Floki token either. Elon Musk said he...
Read More »55% of Britons Believe Banning Bitcoin Would Not Make The Planet Greener: Poll
A recent survey revealed that the majority of the UK residents would not support their government if it imposed a crackdown on bitcoin due to environmental reasons. Somewhat expectedly, the elderly were bigger proponents of the move. Not The Best Idea The first ten months of 2021 have been another turbulent period for bitcoin. The primary cryptocurrency hit an all-time high price of nearly $65,000 in April but then plunged in the next several months to as low as $29K in July....
Read More »Blockstream CEO Adam Back Goes Against Meme Coins: A Low Res Gif of a Rock Has No Merit
The belief system between Bitcoiners and “Shitcoiners” continues to widen. While the two groups agree every once in a while, they are often completely on separate pages criticizing themselves. For clarity, “shitcoiner” may have varying meanings, depending on who’s speaking, but it is mostly used by Bitcoin maximalists to describe people who trade in other cryptocurrencies. Recently, Blockstream co-founder and CEO Adam Back blasted Shitcoiners, saying that they are terrible at...
Read More »Jim Cramer Has Parted with Some of His Ethereum
Jim Cramer of “Mad Money” fame has reportedly sold off a good chunk of his Ethereum holdings in response to the new bitcoin-based exchange-traded fund (ETF) that has been available since the beginning of last week. Jim Cramer Sells Some of His Ethereum Cramer explained his reasons behind the sale in a recent interview, claiming that he doesn’t feel ETH or bitcoin have peaked yet. He is confident that both assets are going to continue to spike in the coming weeks and...
Read More »El Salvador Airline Firm Volaris Says “Yes” to BTC Payments
Volaris – a low-cost airline company based in El Salvador – explained in a recent press release that it will begin accepting bitcoin for plane tickets. El Salvador Is Moving Ahead in the BTC Space The news was confirmed by the country’s president Nayib Bukele and is another push towards a crypto-based society. In a tweet, the president stated: This allows us to increase the offering of flights for Salvadorians, in addition to being the first airline in the world to...
Read More »Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey: Hyperinflation Will Change Everything, It’s Already Happening
With inflation already here, Twitter founder and Bitcoin proponent Jack Dorsey believes it will continue at a fast rate, which will lead to hyperinflation, not just in the United States but around the rest of the world. Hyperinflation Will Change Everything The Square CEO shared his thoughts on the matter on Twitter, stating: “Hyperinflation is going to change everything… It’s happening.” While inflation is a decrease in the purchasing power of money, reflected in the general...
Read More »Replay – Les vecteurs d’attaque : Bitcoin est-il indestructible ?
Intervention de Gilles Cadignan, fondateur de Woleet, lors de la conférence Surfin’Bitcoin 2021. « On entend souvent dire que Bitcoin présente des risques importants. La croyance populaire prête une attention particulière à l’attaque Sybile, à l’attaque des 51% ou à une coupure généralisée de l’électricité pour justifier leur désamour pour la monnaie de Satoshi Nakamoto. Mais est-ce fondé ? Les vecteurs d’attaque des cryptomonnaies sont certes bien présents, mais dans le cas...
Read More »Grand Angle : Entretien avec Bastien Teinturier
Ingénieur de formation, Bastien Teinturier a travaillé deux ans chez Stratumn avant de rejoindre Acinq en 2019 où il consacre son temps au développement d’outils (Eclair, Phoenix) simplifiant l’accès au Lightning Network. « Le paiement dématérialisé nous paraît évident, simple, sécurisé et irremplaçable. Mais n’oublions pas qu’il est très récent dans l’histoire de la digitalisation de nos économies. Les failles restent encore nombreuses. Sans cesse de nouvelles technologies...
Read More »Lettre ouverte à ma famille
Après plusieurs années et dîners à parler de bitcoin avec eux, j’ai enfin écrit un long message à ma famille au sujet de l’inflation, de leurs économies et de bitcoin. Il m’a semblé bon de le publier ouvertement pour celles et ceux qui souhaiteraient s’en inspirer, étant donné que les fêtes de fin de Noël arrivent à grands pas. Object : L’épargne en temps d’inflation Coucou la famille, Cela fait quelques mois que je souhaite vous écrire ce mail. Le temps...
Read More »Bitcoin Price Analysis: Following New ATH and Quick Retracement, What’s Next for BTC?
Bitcoin’s price finally entered a correction to flush out the leverage, cool off the overbought conditions, and help build a structure after the large rally in the past three weeks. This happened after the open interest, funding rates, and leverage ratio all reached elevated levels. The near-term support at $60K appears to be holding, which is a positive signal. Given the current selling pressure, it’s unlikely that the weekly close will be above $64.8K. Chart by...
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