Bitcoin saw another sharp 17% price drop today, causing the cryptocurrency to spike as low as $36,250 as of writing these lines. In total, the coin has now dropped by over 30% in a matter of days, and 40% below the current all-time high at around $65k. The first signal for the bitcoin downturn was the break beneath the rising trend line at the beginning of the past week when BTC fell beneath the $50,000 psychological support. From there, the coin continued to drop to find...
Read More »PVH éditions lance une campagne de crowdfunding 100% Bitcoin
PVH éditions crée un nouveau format pour sa collection de romans Ludomire : le print@home. Il s’agit de fichiers PDF publiés sous licence Creative Commons qui est particulièrement adaptée à l’impression chez soi. Ce projet a été rendu possible grâce au grand succès de la souscription au roman de SF, Printeurs de Ploum. A cette occasion, PVH éditions lance la première campagne de crowdfunding...
Read More »Days After Elon Musk’s Bitcoin Bash: BTC Price Back to Levels Before Tesla’s $1.5B Buy
The honeymoon period between Tesla and Bitcoin may have ended as the latter’s price has returned to levels before the EV-maker entered the scene. Despite the massive crash, though, several on-chain instruments suggest that long-term holders have refused to sell, while some larger whales may have used the opportunity to buy the dip. Bitcoin Back to Pre-Tesla Price Levels Elon Musk’s electric vehicle giant broke the internet in early February when it revealed that the firm had...
Read More »BlockFi Overpays Users’ Rewards, Now Demands Reversal
A BlockFi spokesperson noted that fewer than 100 clients have erroneously been credited Bitcoin, and efforts to retrieve and prevent such errors in the future are ongoing.Leading Bitcoin and crypto lender BlockFi has wrongly deposited a great deal of Bitcoin to some of its users during the March Promotional giveaway. The crypto firm is already making several attempts at reversing these huge deposits from beneficiaries’ accounts while also threatening some of these users with lawsuits, per a...
Read More »New York Family Makes Millions Thanks to Shiba Inu Coin
You know a cryptocurrency has reached a whole new pinnacle when it features its own hard fork or spin-off coin. In bitcoin’s case, there are several assets that stem from its technology such as Bitcoin SV (BSV), bitcoin cash (BCH) and Litecoin (LTC). Now, it looks like Dogecoin – a cryptocurrency that was never designed to be taken seriously – has its own alternate currency known as Shiba Inu coin, and some people have already become millionaires thanks to early...
Read More »Cryptomonnaies : Pas de nouvelles interdictions en Chine
Contrairement à ce que laisse penser un article de l’agence de presse Reuters publié aujourd’hui, la Chine n’a pas prononcé de nouvelles interdictions contre les cryptomonnaies. En réaction aux fluctuations importantes de ces derniers jours, trois associations bancaires chinoises ont simplement publié un communiqué pour mettre en garde une nouvelle fois les investisseurs contre le trading d’actifs...
Read More »MicroStrategy Now Holds Over 92K BTC Units After Its Latest Purchase Worth $10M
As noted by Michael Saylor, the total BTC holdings by the firm were acquired for approximately $2.251 billion, at an average price of $24,450.American business intelligence and software developer, MicroStrategy Incorporated (NASDAQ: MSTR) has made an additional purchase of 229 units of Bitcoin (BTC) for a sum of $10 million. The company’s latest move was announced on Twitter by its Chief Executive Officer Michael Saylor.MicroStrategy has purchased an additional 229 bitcoins for $10.0 million...
Read More »Revuto Raises $1.7M in Private Round as Cardano’s First dApp
Revuto seeks to provide necessary tools that will support cryptocurrency as the future of money.A private sale by subscription payment startup Revuto, led by notable investors such as BlackDragon VC, has raised $1.7M in a week.As stated by BlackDragon, “Revuto has shown unparalleled growth in a very short space of time and we’re excited to join its team in this journey and support Revuto and its native REVU token.” Fixing Up the Subscription EconomyRevuto is Cardano’s first dApp and seeks to...
Read More »Bought the Dip? MicroStrategy Purchased $10M in Bitcoin at $43.6K
Michael Saylor’s NASDAQ-listed company continues with its initiative to purchase sizeable amounts of bitcoins at frequent intervals. The firm said earlier today it had allocated another $10 million in cash in BTC, and its total stash is over 92,000 coins. The founder and CEO of the business intelligence giant announced the latest purchase on Twitter earlier on May 12th. It reads that the firm has bought 229 bitcoins for $10 million in cash at an average price of $43,663 per...
Read More »Elon Musk möchte Dogecoin bei Tesla nutzen
Nur einen Tag, nachdem Elon Musk den Tesla-Ausstieg aus dem Bitcoin-Markt bekanntgegeben hatte, folgte die Ankündigung, dass Musk nun mit den Developern von Dogecoin zusammenarbeitet. Wird der Doge den BTC überflügeln? Bitcoin News: Elon Musk möchte Dogecoin bei Tesla nutzenAuf Twitter schrieb Musk:Working with Doge devs to improve system transaction efficiency. Potentially promising.— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) May 13, 2021Beim Blick auf die Energiekosten, hat der DOGE tatsächlich die Nase vorn,...
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