The past seven days were marked by considerable declines throughout the entire cryptocurrency market. Almost everything is in the red, with the total capitalization sliding beneath $2 trillion. There’s no other way of putting this – the past week was bad for bitcoin’s price. It was almost all downhill. The cryptocurrency was trading in the range between $61 and $63K last Friday, but things went south quickly as the weekend started. Sunday marked the first big drop where the...
Read More »Grayscale Effect Fades as GBTC Trades at Record -19% Low Discount
The discount has resulted in heavy losses for some investors, but Grayscale is keen on offering the discount to attract more even traders. The Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (GBTC) has descended into levels never recorded in its history. Data shows that the product is trading at a 19% discount. GBTC’s premium has notably failed to rise despite the firm adding $283.3 million in BTC under management earlier in the week.Beginning Thursday, GBTC’s premium has dropped by nearly 19% according to...
Read More »Craig Wright Wins Approval to Serve Copyright Lawsuit against
Wright claims he has no intention to bully smaller websites, neither does he plan on limiting access to the whitepaper, but he wants to prevent developers and creators of similar assets like the Bitcoin Core to deceive the public that their asset is Bitcoin Craig Wright, an Australian scientist, has won a minor procedural legal approval to serve A.K.A Cobra with a copyright lawsuit on the publication of the Bitcoin whitepaper. Craig Wright has long claimed to be the developer of...
Read More »Crypto Price Analysis & Overview April 23rd: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Cardano, and Solana
It was a red week all over the cryptocurrency market. Almost everything, with a few exceptions, declined substantially as the total market cap slipped below $2 trillion. Bitcoin Bitcoin saw a turbulent week in which the price dropped by a steep 20% to break beneath $50,000 and reach as low as $47,500 today. The cryptocurrency fell beneath $60,000 at the start of the week as it saw a large spike lower in which it dropped to the $51,440 support (.618 Fib). It managed to...
Read More »Global Market Slumps as Biden’s 39.6% Proposed Capital Gains Tax Shakes Wall Street
As Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) are classified as taxable assets by the US tax authorities, the proposed capital gains tax will also impact crypto investors who have held and earned returns on their digital currencies for a year now. The global market slumps following the aftermath of reports that the United States President Joe Biden is planning to propose a 39.6% capital gains tax to fund education and child care. As reported by CNBC, the President is formally billed to make the...
Read More »Conférence en ligne : Stablecoins, transformation numérique de la monnaie ?
La conférence organisée par l’Adan, association pour le Développement des Actifs Numérique, et LaBChain, laboratoire de la Caisse des Dépôts dédié aux architectures de consensus décentralisé. « Depuis quelques années, nous voyons l’émergence d’une nouvelle classe de crypto-actifs qui défie la volatilité des cours souvent associée aux cryptomonnaies : il s’agit des stablecoins. Certains ont des émetteurs identifiés (modèle de contrôle centralisé), d’autres sont émis par des DAO...
Read More »Bitcoin’s Crash Below $50K Brings South Korea’s Kimchi Premium to Zero
The latest adverse price developments in the cryptocurrency markets have normalized the Korean bitcoin premium known as the Kimchi premium. With the enhanced volatility, though, experts warn traders to be highly vigilant as the market is still over-leveraged. Kimchi Premium Cools Down The Kimchi premium represents the difference in bitcoin’s price on global exchanges and such operating in South Korea. CryptoPotato reported in early April that the metric, named after a...
Read More »Le bitcoin perd 20% en une semaine
Le bitcoin, qui s’affiche actuellement autour de 40 000 euros sur les principales plateforme d’échange, a perdu plus de 10% de sa valeur en 24 heures et est repassé sous la barre psychologique des 50 000 $ (48 300 $ actuellement) avec pour conséquence des liquidations massives. – 10% en 24 heures– 20% en une semaine– 15% en un mois « Pas de raisons que la purge n’aille pas jusqu’au principal...
Read More »Charles Schwab to Offer Crypto Services if the US Implements Clearer Regulations
The number of US-based financial institutions looking into launching cryptocurrency services continues to grow, and the latest to join the ranks is Charles Schwab. Nevertheless, giant founded in 1971 expects clearer regulations on digital assets before opening such products to the 32 million brokerage accounts employing its services. Charles Schwab to Get in Crypto? Headquartered in Texas, Charles Schwab is an American multinational financial services firm with over $3...
Read More »Venmo: 70 Millionen Kunden erhalten Zugang zu Bitcoin
Venmo bietet 70 Mio. Kunden Bitcoin an Bitcoin, Litecoin und Ethereum: Bezahl-App Venmo unterstützt ab sofort Kryptowährungen. Der PayPal-Bezahldienst Venmo bietet ab sofort Kryptowährungen an. PayPal selbst unterstützt Bitcoin und Co. bereits seit November. Ähnlich einfach soll der Handel nun auch beim Tochter-Unternehmen vonstattengehen. Venmo ermöglicht Transaktionen mit Bitcoin, Ether und Co. Schon vor einigen Tagen wurde es vonseiten...
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