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Bitcoin (BTC)

EZB: Der digitale Euro kommt, aber es wird noch Jahre dauern!

Bekommt Bitcoin bald Konkurrenz? Der Verein Digital Euro Association plant den digitalen Euro. Während der Bitcoin und weitere Kryptowährung von einem Allzeithoch zum nächsten Allzeithoch eilen, schreitet die Planung der Europäische Zentralbank bezüglich eines digitalen Euros weiter voran. Christin Lagarde, Präsidentin der EZB, gab jedoch bekannt, dass bis zur Einführung des digitalen Euros noch reichlich Zeit vergeht. Umfassender...

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Coinsbit Opens in India, but Was Now the Right Time?

There is a new cryptocurrency exchange heading to India. The company is called Coinsbit, and while this is not exactly a new trading firm – it has existed in Europe for years – the company is looking to expand into a region that is having a hard time making up its mind about cryptocurrency. Coinsbit Opens Its Doors in India The exchange this time around will be known as Coinsbit India, and all new users who decide to sign up and take part in the know your customer (KYC)...

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Parlons Bitcoin : La Preuve de Travail, ou comment Bitcoin empêche la triche

« Dans cet épisode, je t’explique ce qu’est la chaîne de blocs (blockchain) et pourquoi elle consomme de l’énergie au travers de la Preuve de Travail (Proof of Work). La Preuve de Travail est essentiellement un mécanisme anti-triche qui permet d’ordonner les transactions Bitcoin de manière irréfutable. Cela empêche les acteurs malveillants de dépenser deux fois des bitcoins car l’histoire nous...

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Raoul Pal: Bitcoin’s Volatility Isn’t Such a Bad Thing

Raoul Pal – a former hedge fund manager with Goldman Sachs – explained in a recent interview that bitcoin’s volatility should not scare investors off too much. Raoul Pal Is Positive Towards Volatility To an extent, we cannot help but agree somewhat. Everyone wants to make such a big deal out of the price swings that bitcoin and its crypto cousins have been prone to for so long. The fact is that without this volatility in the picture, bitcoin and digital currency...

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Monnaie-valeur et monnaie-dette

Monnaie (Définition du dictionnaire Larousse) : Pièce de métal frappée par l’autorité souveraine pour servir à la mesure des valeurs, aux échanges, à l’épargne : monnaie d’or, d’argent, de cuivre. Tout instrument légal ayant les mêmes fonctions : monnaie de papier, monnaie de compte. L’emploi de l’expression « autorité souveraine » au singulier révèle déjà une idéologie sous-jacente : la nécessité supposée d’un monopole de la monnaie,...

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Bitcoin Spikes Following “Public Debut” of Coinbase

Today is April 14, the day that Coinbase is slated to hit the stock market. Everyone has been talking about this for some time, and the move is expected to bring the cryptocurrency market even deeper into mainstream territory. As a result of the exchange’s first trading week arriving so fast, the price of bitcoin has jumped beyond the $60,000 mark, and many think the asset is likely to go even higher as trading progresses. Coinbase Is Now Public, and Bitcoin Reacts...

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Bitcoin and Ethereum Leads Global Crypto Market Surge in Search for New ATHs

Konstantin Anissimov, Executive Director at CEX.IO, shares his insights about the Bitcoin and Ethereum daily price movements.The bullish market rally with which the week opened into has taken a new shape as the top cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) have surpassed previous All-time Highs (ATH) while setting new ones. Earlier today, Bitcoin attained a $64,758.25 price mark cementing its strides as one of the world’s leading assets.Ethereum bulls also pushed the coins...

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The Message Coinbase Embedded in Bitcoin’s Blockchain on Listing Day

Paying homage to Satoshi Nakamoto and his message embedded in the Bitcoin Genesis Block in 2009, Coinbase has done the same today. On the day they’re set to become a publicly traded company, the exchange asked a large Bitcoin mining pool to embed a note in the Bitcoin blockchain in regards to the latest stimulus bill.  When launching the Genesis Block of the first-ever cryptocurrency in January 2009, the anonymous creator(s) embedded the following message referring to the...

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Bitcoin Price Analysis: BTC Continues North, Is $70k in Sight?

The parabolic run of bitcoin does not stop. As we reach Coinbase listing day, the primary cryptocurrency climbed higher to set a new all-time high at $64,895, according to BItstamp. This happened earlier today. As of writing these lines, bitcoin retraced a bit. BTC managed to penetrate above $60,000 yesterday and closed the daily candle above the level for the first time since mid-March – the time of the previous ATH was set (~$61.8k). As mentioned above, and since setting...

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Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong Urges for Fair Crypto Regulations

Ahead of the long-anticipated public listing for his company, Coinbase’s CEO Brian Armstrong asserted that US regulators are wrong in believing cryptocurrencies are primarily used for illicit transactions. He added that the industry wants to be treated on the same playing field as traditional finance when it comes down to legislative frameworks. Armstrong on Crypto Misconceptions The belief that digital assets are mainly used for illegal transactions has been going on for...

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