Ruffer Investment Management – a fund manager based in the United Kingdom – has a little bet going on bitcoin. The company has noticed how stellar the currency has been doing as of late, and it’s found a fun and unique way of cashing in on the action. Executives have placed a bet worth approximately 550 million pounds on BTC at the time of writing, as they believe the asset is likely to strike some major chords in the coming weeks and months.Ruffer Management Sees Bitcoin as a Serious...
Read More »Bitpanda gründet Technologiezentrum in Polen und schafft 300 Stellen
Wiener Scaleup Bitpanda schließt europaweit grösste Series A-Finanzierungsrunde des Jahres 2020 ab. Die österreichische Krypto-Handelsplattform Bitpanda möchte sein Unternehmen vergrößern und neue Arbeitsplätze schaffen. Aus diesem Grund ist ein neuer Technologie-Hub in Polen geplant. Das neue Technologie- und Innovationszentrum soll im polnischen Krakau entstehen und mehr als...
Read More »Bitcoin Strikes a Major Chord; Hits $20,700 Per Unit
Bitcoin has done it. The currency has shot beyond the $20,000 per unit mark, and the asset is now bigger than it has ever been in its short, yet stellar history.The Bitcoin Price Has Surged to a New LevelThe currency is presently trading for more than $20,700. That’s a surge of approximately $1,200 from 24 hours ago, and many analysts are relishing the idea that the currency has followed their predictions. Many thought $20K could be achieved before the year was over, and it looks like they...
Read More »Bitcoin Price Breaks Above $24K: New All-Time High Set
Bitcoin doesn’t seem to have any intentions of slowing down. After it breached the coveted $20,000 mark earlier this week, the primary cryptocurrency is on its way up, charting new highs almost daily.Bitcoin’s price just surged past $24,000 for the first time in history. With a current daily high of $24,217 on Bitstamp, this is also the new all-time high of the cryptocurrency.With this, BTC returns to price discovery and high volatility in the following hours or even days is perhaps to be...
Read More »6 Reasonable Bitcoin (BTC) Price Predictions For 2021 Explained
COVID-19 and bitcoin’s face-melting rally above $20,000 are undoubtedly amongst the major events in 2020. And as it happens, the former has played a greatly significant role in the latter’s occurrence. Which, in turn, has clarified one thing. The 2017 rally was a result of retail FOMO and hysteria, while the ongoing 2020 bitcoin run is much more solid (due to institutional involvement). And could continue well into 2021.But with current BTC prices trending above $23,000, what’s the future...
Read More »Le Comptoir des Cybermonnaies de Bordeaux enregistré en tant que PSAN
La société Satoshi Dev (le Comptoir des Cybermonnaies de Bordeaux), a été enregistrée hier par l’AMF en tant que PSAN [1] pour l’achat ou vente d’actifs numériques en monnaie ayant cours légal et l’échange d’actifs numériques contre d’autres actifs numériques. Il s’agit de la première société enregistrée pour l’échange crypto/crypto. Créé en 2018 par François Miquel et Baptiste Lac, le Comptoir...
Read More »How Nigeria Became the Second-Largest Bitcoin P2P Market in the World
Nigeria is the world’s second-largest Bitcoin peer-to-peer market, according to recent information curated from CoinDance and published by Quartz. Nigeria Follows The USThe data gathered from leading peer-to-peer bitcoin exchange Paxful between May 2015 and November 2020 shows that the United States ranks first with a total trading volume of 535,660 BTC ($3.76B) within the period.Nigeria takes the second position with a total of 60,215 BTC ($5П267M) traded within the last five years compared...
Read More »Reversal oder weiterer Bitcoin Kursanstieg
Der BTC Bullenrun ging nochmals weiter. Der Kurs erreichte mittlerweile die Marke von 23.000 US-Dollar. Doch die Analysten sind sich uneins, ob es für den Kurs nun weiter bergauf geht oder ein Reversal kurz bevorsteht. Bitcoin News: Reversal oder weiterer Bitcoin KursanstiegDie positiven Kursanalysen sehen erst bei 26.000 US-Dollar den nächsten Widerstand. Noch vor Jahresende könnte diese Marke erreicht werden, wodurch der BTC seinen Jahreskurs fast vervierfachen würde.Doch es gibt auch...
Read More »Bitpanda enregistré en tant que PSAN
Bitpanda, plateforme autrichienne de trading de cryptomonnaies, a annoncé hier son enregistrement auprès de l’AMF en tant que Prestataire de Service sur Actifs Numériques. Fondée en 2014 par Eric Demuth, Paul Klanschek et Christian Trummer, Bitpanda revendique plus de 1,2 million d’utilisateurs et plus de 250 salariés. La plateforme cible à la fois le grand public et les traders expérimentés....
Read More »Coinbase Reportedly Hires Goldman Sachs To Lead IPO Preparations
The digital asset trading venue has reportedly doubled-down on its endeavors for its planned stock market listing. The US multinational investment bank Goldman Sachs, which has a somewhat controversial history with the cryptocurrency industry, will lead the preparations. CryptoPotato reported recently that the exchange had confidentially submitted a draft registration statement with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). By completing Form S-1, Coinbase completed the initial...
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