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Bitcoin (BTC)

Dave Portnoy Seems to Hate BTC All of a Sudden

Oh Dave Portnoy, what happened? You went from being a major bitcoin advocate and now you seem to hate it. What made you change your mind so drastically?Dave Portnoy Switches on BitcoinAs we all remember, it was a big deal in August of this year when the Winklevoss Twins of the Gemini Exchange in New York decided to explain bitcoin to Portnoy after he admitted to having no idea what it was or how it worked on his podcast. After a few hours with the Twins, it was estimated that gold would...

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Univers Bitcoin Podcast #23 : Bitcoin, sécurisation et maximalisme

Avec : Maciej Cepnik de Réalisation : Univers Bitcoin, « podcast crypto francophone où l’on parle des fondamentaux du bitcoin mais pas que… » A retrouver sur :– Itunes :– Spotify :– Deezer :– Google...

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L’Université de Cambridge publie son 3ème rapport sur l’industrie des « crypto-actifs »

L’Université de Cambridge vient de publier son 3ème rapport sur l’industrie des « crypto-actifs » à travers le monde. Ce rapport examine les changements survenus dans le secteur depuis la publication du rapport de 2018. Il repose sur des données recueillies auprès de 280 entreprises dans 59 pays et examine quatre segments de marché : les exchanges, le paiement, la conservation d’actifs et...

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Bank of Canada Report Suggests Bad News for BTC

Cryptocurrency is growing in popularity amongst traders and investors, but according to a new report issued by the Bank of Canada, most people that own cryptocurrency don’t really understand it, and are simply getting involved as a means of taking part in a trend.Bank of Canada: Financially Illiterate People Are Likely to Get Involved in BTCThe report says that people who are financially illiterate are far more likely to hold cryptocurrency than those that have been investing or trading for a...

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Twitter Vows More Secure Protocols After Bitcoin Hack

Twitter says it is ramping up security following the major hack that occurred several months ago.Twitter Says Its Fixing Up Its SecurityWhile not much money was stolen, it was scary to see the accounts of such high-profile people get overtaken by a small string of hackers. Some of the people involved in the scam were Jeff Bezos of Amazon fame, Elon Musk (CEO of both SpaceX and Tesla), former president Barack Obama and Microsoft mogul Bill Gates.To be fair, these figures themselves were not...

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DeFi Tokens Are Becoming Quite Popular in India

Over the past few days, Live Bitcoin News has discussed the fact that India may be entering its second crypto lockdown. This time, however, regulators are looking to do more than just ban regular banks and financial firms from doing business with crypto enterprises. They’re looking to ensure nobody – and we mean nobody – can ever trade, buy or sell digital currency units again.India Is Turning to DeFi for Its Crypto NeedsThey’re talking about an entire bitcoin ban. At the time of writing,...

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Bitcoin steigt auf 13.000 US-Dollar in Weißrussland

In Weißrussland zeigt sich derzeit im Kleinen, was bei einem Crash des US-Dollars oder des Euros weltweit passieren könnte. Die zivilen Unruhen im Land haben die Wirtschaft und schließlich auch die Währung des Landes erschüttert. Als Antwort darauf stieg Bitcoin in Weißrussland auf einen Wert von über 13.000 US-Dollar an.Bitcoin News: Bitcoin steigt auf 13.000 US-Dollar in WeißrusslandAuf dem weltweiten Markt wird der BTC aktuell nur mit ungefähr 10.600 US-Dollar gehandelt; in Weißrussland...

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La plateforme KuCoin, victime d’un hack, perd 150 millions de dollars

Coup dur pour l’industrie des cryptomonnaies. L’exchange KuCoin vient d’être victime d’une attaque considérable, causant la perte de plus de 157 millions de dollars en cryptomonnaies. Dans un communiqué publié par KuCoin, l’exchange a déclaré : « Nous avons détecté des retraits importants depuis le 26 septembre à 03:05 UTC+8. Selon le dernier rapport d’audit de sécurité interne, une partie du BTC,...

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Analysts Differ Regarding Where Bitcoin Should Be

So, where should bitcoin be at the present time, exactly? This appears to be a heavy argument that analysts are having. They are split right down the middle when it comes to deciding if bitcoin should be bullish or bearish.Bitcoin Is Bearish, but Perhaps It Should Be Higher?The currency has not had a good month in September. While most of August saw the asset climbing up towards the $12,000 mark – the currency ultimately hit $12,400 by the time the month ceased – bitcoin has spent the last...

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Buy U Coin Introduces Crypto Legislation to India

Stakeholders in the company Buy U Coin have come together for a single purpose – to introduce solid legislation that would regulate the bitcoin industry of India.Will India Have a Change of Heart?As it turns out, India is once again considering a bitcoin ban. While the asset has never been officially banned in the past, the country has come close once or twice to initiating such a plan, and the nation was quick to ensure all its financial institutions were not permitted to do business with...

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