Ransomware attacks are one of the most notorious examples of crypto-related criminal activities 2020, with targets ranging from city halls and universities to major industries such as Tesla. And this week, hackers claimed a new victim: The gaming giant Capcom. Capcom is the corporation behind major hits like Devil May Cry, Resident Evil, Megaman and Street Fighter. Capcom’s Data is Worth $11 Million in Bitcoin At the beginning of November 2020, Capcom issued a statement...
Read More »Le Venezuela lance une plateforme étatique d’échange de cryptomonnaies
Le Sunacrip [1], organisme d’Etat vénézuélien chargé des « actifs cryptographiques », a annoncé hier le lancement de VEX [2], une plateforme d’échange dédiée aux cryptomonnaies (Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dash et Petro) qui pourront être échangées contre des bolivars. Après avoir tenté de d’imposer sans grand succès sa propre cryptomonnaie, le petro, le gouvernement Vénézuélien semble avoir modifié un peu sa stratégie. Dans un discours diffusé...
Read More »Bitcoin Rips To $16K, ATH Soon? The Crypto Weekly Report
This week was wild for Bitcoin. Starting at around $13,500, the cryptocurrency went on to shatter the high set back in 2019 and surge to as much as $16,000 just today. It’s interesting to note that this happens despite the fact that retail investors are yet nowhere to be found, according to data. It appears that the current rally is driven mostly by institutions. All of this takes place while the 2020 US Presidential Elections are still ongoing. Of course, Bitcoin’s path is...
Read More »Who’s Moving All This Silk Road Money?
Nearly $1 billion in crypto funds that have ties to the Silk Road dark web are being transferred to other wallet addresses.The Shakers Behind Silk RoadAs we all remember, Silk Road was a dark online market allegedly founded by Ross Ulbricht, who is presently serving a life sentence for his role in the creation of the platform. The website was available to anyone looking to purchase drugs, guns or other contraband with bitcoin. The government shut the company down about seven years ago.But if...
Read More »Une saisie de 69 369 bitcoins
Le Département de la Justice des États-Unis annoncé hier une saisie (réalisée mardi) de 69 369 bitcoins (soit un montant qui dépasse le milliard de dollars) qui dormaient depuis des années dans le portefeuille d’un pirate. L’individu avait réussi à soutirer ce trésor à la plateforme Silk Road entre mai 2012 et avril 2013, soit quelques mois avant la fermeture du site en octobre 2013. « Mardi...
Read More »L’incroyable prix de la Monnaie des Assassins
Un prix incroyable ! Et non, ce titre racoleur ne va pas me conduire, en ce 5 novembre, à ne parler que de Bitcoin ! Je veux parler d’une pièce d’or vieille de plus de 2000 ans et dont le prix a atteint 2.700.000 £ pour 8 grammes d’or. Une pièce d’or assez étonnante, tant par son extrême rareté que par son motif : la célébration de l’un des plus célèbres assassinats politiques de tous les...
Read More »Crypto Price Analysis & Overview November 6th: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Litecoin, and Cardano
Bitcoin Bitcoin saw an extraordinary 15.3% price surge this week which allowed the cryptocurrency to scratch the $16,000 level today. It has since dropped slightly to $15,500 but is still very much bullish. BTC started the week at $13,200. From there it headed higher into the $13,800 resistance but stalled at the weekend. As the election started in the US, BTC started to surge. Initially, it found resistance at $14,190 but this was penetrated yesterday as Bitcoin surged all...
Read More »Tyler Winklevoss: Powell’s Call for More Stimulus Is Code for Buy Bitcoin
The major reason why the economy took a down-plunge was as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the move to stock up on Bitcoin as a hedge against the imminent economic crash now seems to be a smart step.Bitcoin advocate Tyler Winklevoss has weighed in on the speech of the Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell in which he called for more stimulus to be finalized by US lawmakers in order to aid the ongoing economic recovery.'The current economic downturn is the most severe in our lifetime. It...
Read More »As Bitcoin Rips and Altcoins Crash: Historically, What Are The Chances for Alt-Season?
Bitcoin has been surging in the past few weeks to consecutive yearly highs. Speculations emerged within the community if or when BTC will even surpass its 2017 ATH of nearly $20,000. At the same time, though, most alternative coins seemed to be dragging behind their leader. Bitcoin’s dominance highlights this – a metric that surged by nearly 7% in less than a month. As such, it would be compelling to follow how altcoins have performed in relation to Bitcoin before, during,...
Read More »Square Generates $1B in Bitcoin Revenue in Q3
On an overall scale, the third quarter’s total company revenue amounted to $3.03 billion, up from $1.27 billion in the third quarter of the previous year.On Thursday at the market close, Square Inc (NYSE: SQ) published in its Q3 investor letter that during the third quarter of 2020, it has realized a Bitcoin revenue of $1.63 billion. This means that the revenue had surged approximately 11x from last year’s third quarter. The App has also seen an increase in Bitcoin transactions, which made it...
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