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Bitcoin (BTC)

New Blood: 10% Admit They Joined Crypto In The Past 3 Months

The majority of voters in a recent poll have indicated that they had entered the cryptocurrency space more than three years ago. In contrast, 9.4% said that they had come around in the past three months during the DeFi boom.43% Crypto VeteransAlthough the cryptocurrency community emerged relatively recently with Bitcoin’s creation in 2009, it’s a continuously growing field that attracts new participants with its unique features. A recent poll aimed to shed some light on when the voters had...

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Bitcoin Reclaims $10,500, YFI Reached a Record Price of 4.2 BTC (Sunday’s Market Watch)

Bitcoin has taken another swing at the previous 2020 high of $10,500 and currently trades above it. Ethereum nears $400, while the top 10 tokens see a few rotations, including Polkadot and Binance Coin.DeFi tokens are booming again with Yearn.Finance marking a new all-time high of about $44,000.Bitcoin Progresses SteadilyThe primary cryptocurrency traded in a tight range between $10,280 and $10,360 yesterday. However, the bulls decided to act and increased Bitcoin’s price firstly to $10,480...

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Jack Dorsey: Bitcoin Is the Primary Internet Currency

At the time of writing, bitcoin – the world’s number one cryptocurrency by market cap – is trading for just over $10,200, which means that it’s fallen a little further in the past 24 hours. Still, despite the bearish phase the cryptocurrency appears to be experiencing, many people seem to be remaining loyal to the asset, among them Jack Dorsey of both Square and Twitter fame.Jack Dorsey: Bitcoin Is the Most Viable CurrencyAs the CEO of two major companies, Dorsey has long been a top advocate...

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Congressman Soto of Florida Says “Yes” to BTC Campaign Donations

It looks like another congressman has caught the bitcoin bug. Darren Soto – a democratic representative of the state of Florida – has announced that his reelection campaign this year will accept cryptocurrency donations and payments.Darren Soto Has His Eye on BlockchainSoto seems to believe that blockchain has what it takes to lead the U.S. into a new digital age. He’s also confident that the technology offers more benefits than many analysts seem to give it credit for. In a recent interview,...

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Pläne der EU zur Bitcoin Regulierung durchgesickert

Dass die EU Regulierungen für Bitcoin und andere Cryptocoins plant, ist nichts Neues. Doch gestern wurden zum ersten Mal konkrete Inhalte öffentlich, die in einem 167-seitigen internen Memo zu finden sind. Dieses wird offenbar innerhalb der nächsten Wochen dem EU-Parlament vorgelegt.Bitcoin News: Pläne der EU zur Bitcoin Regulierung durchgesickertGerade Stablecoins, die an Fiat Währungen gebunden sind, werden in dem Memo intensiv diskutiert. Und damit sind wir wieder bei Libra, Facebooks...

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Bitcoin Struggles At $10,400: Binance Coin (BNB) Spikes To 7-Month High (Sat’s Market Watch)

Bitcoin continues to trade in the five-digit territory and even spiked towards $10,400. Binance Coin (BNB) is among the best performing tokens today, while most other larger-cap alts are marking minor gains.Bitcoin Struggles At $10,400After the unsuccessful attempt to overcome $10,500, Bitcoin dived yesterday and bottomed at about $10,200. However, the bulls interfered at that point and didn’t allow any further declines.In the following hours, BTC fluctuated in a tight range between $10,250...

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Blockstream rejoint la « Cryptocurrency Open Patent Alliance » lancée par Square Crypto

Blockstream rejoint la « Cryptocurrency Open Patent Alliance » lancée cette semaine par Square Crypto, ajoutant ses brevets à la bibliothèque libre du groupe : Sidechains, Confidential Transactions, Confidential Assets, Confidential Cross-Chain Swaps et HSM Peg Proofs. « Bitcoin est de plus en plus menacé par le nombre croissant de brevets déposés par des entreprises, qu’elles fassent ou non partie de l’écosystème. Si certaines de ces...

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Argentina Is in a Fight with a Bitcoin Ransomware Group

We do not negotiate with terrorists… This is the bedrock principle of countries like the United States. We’ve heard these words uttered in several movies and even political briefings, and now the idea of staying vigilant in times of strife appears to be edging its way into the minds of several other nations, including Argentina.Argentina Doesn’t Want to Give Up Its BitcoinRecently, the South American country had a little problem with cyberhackers. The country’s national migration agency was...

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Swiss Blockchain Federation erfreut über die Zustimmung des Ständerats zur Blockchain-Gesetzgebung

Swiss Blockchain Federation Die Swiss Blockchain Federation freut sich über das einstimmige Votum des Ständerats zur Blockchain-Gesetzgebung. Damit hat die Vorlage die Zustimmung beider Parlamentskammern erreicht. Die Schweiz erhält eine der innovationsfreundlichsten Blockchain-Regulierung der Welt. Der Ständerat hat heute der Blockchain-Gesetzgebung ohne Gegenstimmen...

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Swiss Blockchain Federation steigt in die Innovationsförderung ein

Swiss Blockchain Federation Die Swiss Blockchain Federation fördert ab 2021 Blockchain-Innovationen. Die schweizerische Agentur für Innovationsförderung Innosuisse hat den sogenannten Innobooster «Blockchain Nation Switzerland» bewilligt. Das Förderprogramm läuft über vier Jahre und involviert Wissenschaft, Grossunternehmen, Startups und Investoren aus der ganzen Schweiz. Damit sollen aus Ideen konkrete Projekte und Unternehmen entstehen,...

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