Bankkonto von Google anyone? Quelle: Cornerstone Advisors Google wird den Verbrauchern in Kürze Girokonten anbieten. Das Projekt wird voraussichtlich im nächsten Jahr mit Konten der Citigroup in Verbindung mit der Stanford Universität, gestartet. Und jetzt das spannende: Einer Umfrage von Cornerstone Advisors zufolge, würden 27% der befragten sofort ein Bankkonto bei Google...
Read More »The 8 Laws of Bitcoin
Somebody was friendly enough to post the 8 laws of Bitcoin into the bitcoin subreddit. So we translated it into a blogpost for you: Never Discuss Your Bitcoin – Don’t ever disclose the amount of Bitcoin you have with anyone. Ever. Not Your Keys, Not Your Bitcoin – If your Bitcoin is not stored safely in your wallet, you do not own it. If you leave Bitcoin on an exchange, you do not own it. If It’s Too...
Read More »The Way People Stored Cash Is Now How They’re Storing Gold and BTC
Everyone is so worried about inflation as of late that we’re starting to resort to the old ways of keeping cash stuck between a mattress, only this time, it’s not cash that has been the object of everyone’s affection. Rather, everyone is looking to stock up on bitcoin and gold as much as they can.Gold and Bitcoin Are Getting AheadRichard Hodges of London says that he’s been preparing for moments like these for many years. He bought his first physical bar of gold in the year 2009 and has been...
Read More »Bitcoin Price Close to $11,000 Today, BTC Declining
On Thursday, August 27th, the BTC is declining, trading at $11363.55 USD. It is correcting after several attempts to grow and renew the peaks.By Dmitriy Gurkovskiy, Chief Analyst at RoboForex.Bitcoin price changes today.Frauds handing out the BTC on YouTube again.A Canadian chain of restaurants keeps its savings in the BTC.On W1, the BTC is correcting in an uptrend. The quotations are currently correcting before growing to another resistance level at 100.0% Fibo. The MACD histogram is in the...
Read More »Pump and Dump: Bitcoin, Gold, and Silver React to Historic Fed Inflation Statement
In a statement released an hour ago, the Chairman of the US Federal Reserve, Jerome Powell, revealed a serious policy shift aimed at average inflation targeting.As a result, the prices for gold, silver, and Bitcoin pumped collectively immediately after the announcement. However, all three assets have also decreased in a similar manner minutes after that.US Federal Reserve Taps the Standard 2% Inflation TargetIn his latest statement, the Chairman of the Federal Reserve of the United States,...
Read More »Coinify and Galaxus enable world’s first e-commerce payment using Sygnum Bank DCHF stablecoin
Coinify and Galaxus enable world’s first e-commerce payment using Sygnum Bank DCHF stablecoin Sygnum Bank, Coinify and Galaxus announce the world’s first e-commerce transaction using a bank-issued stablecoin. The Sygnum Digital Swiss Franc (DCHF), pegged 1:1 with the Swiss Franc, eliminates the need for card systems, reduces costs and fraud, and processes transactions in real-time. This seamless connection between the digital and...
Read More »Crypto Finance: Erste regulierte Bitcoin-Transaktion zwischen Schweizer Finanzintermediären
Erste automatisierte, regulatorisch konforme Bitcoin-Transaktion zwischen Schweizer Finanzintermediären Zusammen mit Crypto Finance AG ermöglichte die Softwares des Spezialisten für Virtual Asset Technologie 21 Analytics die schweizweit erste automatisierte Transaktion von Crypto Assets zwischen zwei Finanzintermediären unter Einhaltung der Geldwäschereiverordnung der Eidgenössischen Finanzmarktaufsicht FINMA. Die Bitcoin-Transaktion fand...
Read More »Bitcoin HODLer erreichen 3-Jahres-Hoch
HODLer handeln Bitcoin nicht wirklich, sie kaufen und halten sie einfach. Der Begriff HODL entstand durch einen Tippfehler im Internet, der schnell seine Runden machte – eigentlich wollte man damit HOLD, also das Halten der gekauften Bitcoin, ausdrücken. Die HODLer stabilisieren inzwischen den BTC-Markt wie seit ungefähr 3 Jahren nicht mehr.Bitcoin News: Bitcoin HODLer erreichen 3-Jahres-HochGlassnode veröffentlichte Daten zur Aktivität der gehandelten BTCs und kam zu dem Schluss, dass die...
Read More »$1 Million in Bitcoin Offered to a Man to Illegally Plant Malware in Company’s Network
Police have reportedly arrested a Russian man for an attempt to recruit an employee in Nevada to plant malware on a Company’s network. In return, he promised him up to $1 million in cash and Bitcoin.The Offstage Attacker Was Reportedly Part Of A Larger OrganisationAs per the published court documents, Egor Igorevich Kriuchkov has allegedly offered a Nevada company’s employee the sum of $1 million, portioned in cash and Bitcoin. The plot was simple – the employee had to install malware onto a...
Read More »Delta Exchange Launches Calendar Spread Trading on Bitcoin Futures Contracts
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