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Bitcoin (BTC)

Twitter Hack Leads to $120,000 in Stolen BTC

Another massive bitcoin hack is in the books, though this one is a bit different in that it involves Twitter, one of the largest social media platforms across the globe.High-Profile Twitter Accounts OvertakenTo be fair, Twitter has been utilized to garner illicit bitcoin funds before from unsuspecting victims. Elon Musk – who was one of the more prominent figures at the center of this event – can vouch for that, though never has such an attack as the one that occurred 48 hours ago been...

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Bitcoin steht in den Startlöchern ?

Bitcoin steht in den Startlöchern ? Es scheint so, als befände sich der Bitcoin-Preis kurz vor einer Veränderung! Wie Sie auf der Grafik sehen können, erreicht der Kurs die Ecke eines symmetrischen Dreiecks. Nachdem der Kurs sich nun lange konstant gehalten hat, wird ein großer Preissprung erwartet. Bitcoin steht in den Startlöchern ? Der Ausbruch aus dem Dreieck könnte so...

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Bitcoin Continues The Price Strike, As Alt-Season 2020 Exploding: The Crypto Weekly Market Update

During the past seven days, Bitcoin failed to surprise us with anything in terms of price action. It appears that the cryptocurrency continues with its somewhat dormant state as it remained stagnant and rangebound between $9,000 and $9,200.Yesterday, BTC’s price dropped from slightly above $9,200 to around $9,040, sparking worries that things might take a turn for the worst. However, the price has since rebounded, and it’s once again consolidating around $9,150.What Bitcoin lacked in price...

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Crypto Price Analysis & Overview July 17: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Chainlink, and Tezos

BitcoinBitcoin saw a small 1% price decline this week, but it managed to remain within the confines of a symmetrical triangle pattern.Throughout the week, BTC attempted to break above the upper boundary of the triangle on numerous occasions but failed each time. The coin recently found support at the lower edge of the triangle.BTC can be considered directionless (neutral) until a breakout occurs from this triangle. If it breaks toward the upside, then BTC can be expected to head back to the...

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Post Twitter Hack: The Advice of McAfee To Jack Dorsey

Wednesday, July 15th, 2020, will forever be remembered as the day Twiter became a puppet in the hands of a mischievous hacker.Twitter was hacked. And the accounts of some of the most prominent people in crypto and the world were compromised and used to steal Bitcoin in giveaway scams.Experts Share Their OpinionsAlthough the micro-blogging platform has regained control and is currently investigating the matter, industry experts are still sharing their thoughts and opinions about the...

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Aus diesen 3 Gründen gehört die Zukunft den dezentralen Bitcoin-Börsen

Der aktuelle Twitter Hack hat vor allem eines gezeigt: Es ist ziemlich übel, wenn Identitäten, Accounts, Währungen usw. zentral verwaltet werden. Wenn einfach so, innert Minuten, Accounts von Es US-Präsidenten und der grössten Leader in Wirtschaft wie Elon Musk gehackt werden können, dann ist das ein ziemlich grosses Risiko. Im Bitcoin-Land ist dies doch genau dasselbe. Was, wenn ein Hacker die grossen Bitcoin-Accounts und Börsen angreift? Eines ist klar, zumindest...

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Bitcoin Price Analysis: Bulls Battle For $9000, Bloody Weekend Incoming?

Bitcoin is looking a bit worse for wear right now.Bearish traders have finally succeeded in overcoming the long-standing up-trending support (yellow line) that was first established on May 11, and we now have three red candles in a row on the daily BTC/USD chart for the first time since late June.During today’s trading session, we can see that bullish traders are now fighting desperately to keep the $9,100 level in play. However, the up-trending support is currently acting as a strong...

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Stellar: Rakete der Woche? ?

Der Stellar-Kurs ging diese Woche ab wie Rakete. Warum Stellar Lumens dennoch interessant bleiben und das Projekt weiterhin grosses Potential hat, steht hier in diesem Blogpost! Stellar ist ein Open-Source-Protokoll für den Wertaustausch, das Anfang 2014 von Jed McCaleb – dem Schöpfer von eDonkey – und Joyce Kim gegründet wurde. Stellar ist aber im Prinzip nicht viel anders als eine Kopie, also Fork von Ripple. Was ist Stellar? Stellar (XLM) möchte mit seiner Zahlungsplattform...

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Coinbase listet diese Altcoin, Kurs steigt um 58 %

Coinbase (Gutschein unten im Artikel) listete diese Woche überraschend Algorand. Und was machte der Kurs? Der Algorand-Preis verdoppelte sich zeitweise sogar. Wurde letzte Woche einen Algorand noch für 20 Cent gehandelt, waren es diese Tage plötzlich 40 Cent. Mittlerweile scheint sich der Algorand-Kurs bei 34 Cent einzupendeln. Dies ist aber immer noch ein sattes Plus von 58 %.. Es ist also ziemlich einfach: Wenn Coinbase jeweils eine neue Coin ins Sortiment aufnimmt, dann...

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Twitter Hackers who Targeted High-Profile Accounts Received $121,000 in Bitcoin

The hackers managed to receive over 400 payments in the scam, or $121,000 worth of Bitcoin. According to Tom Robinson, co-founder of cryptocurrency compliance firm Elliptic, the sum is quite low to become a historic one.On Wednesday, famous people and companies became victims of a big Bitcoin (BTC) scam. It turned out that the attack brought Twitter hackers as much as $121,000 in Bitcoin.On July 15, Twitter accounts of outstanding individuals and prominent companies were hacked. Twitter...

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