Bitcoin’s hash rate has decreased by 32% in the past few days as the revenue generated by miners is also substantially less following the halving. This is one of the biggest corrections in history, and it might pose certain security challenges for the network.Bitcoin Hash Rate Drops 32%Bitcoin’s hash rate decreased dramatically in the past five days. Since May 10th, it has dropped by more than 32%, going down from about 136.098 million TH/s to 91.265 TH/s.Bitcoin Hashrate. Source:...
Read More »Coinmarketcap Introduces Crypto Exchange Ranking By Traffic: Guess Who Is In The Lead
In an attempt to provide more accurate information regarding cryptocurrency exchanges, the popular data tracking website CoinMarketCap has launched exchange ranking by web traffic.Interestingly, Binance, the company which recently bought CMC, is currently occupying the first spot with a perfect score.CMC Evaluates Exchanges By Web TrafficFake volumes from cryptocurrency exchanges have been a reasonably bothersome topic within the community. CoinMarketCap has been implicated previously in...
Read More »Reddits Belohnungssystem: ERC20 Token für Upvotes
Reddit vergibt bald Token als Belohung für Invovlment. Die Webseite Reddit stellt ihren Nutzern eines der größten Online-Netzwerke weltweit zur Verfügung. Jüngst kündigte der Dienst ein auf der Etherum-Blockchain basierendes System für die Vergabe Community-Punkte an. Das Belohnungssystem von Reddit Reddit enthüllte eine Pläne in einer am 13. Mai veröffentlichten...
Read More »JP Morgan: US-Bank verspricht Bankkonten für Bitcoin-Börsen
Die amerikanische Grossbank JP Morgan Chase gab bekannt, dass sie ab sofort zwei bekannte Kryptobörsen zu ihren Kunden zählt. Dieser Schritt stellt unter Beweis, dass die herkömmlichen Finanzinstitute den digitalen Währungen gegenüber offener werden und weitere Banken könnten folgen. Der Bitcoin wurde von der Grossbank ursprünglich als Betrug eingestuft, aber kürzlich erfolgte eine Kehrtwende. Die...
Read More »#882 Bitcoin Hashrate sinkt 30% & Visa Patent Anmeldung digitales Geld
Hey Krypto Fans, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 882. Heute sprechen wir über folgende Themen: Bitcoin Hashrate sinkt 30% & Visa Patent Anmeldung für digitales Geld. [embedded content] 1.) Bitcoin Hashrate Drops 30% — A Bullish Sign, Say Insiders 2.) Visa Files Patent Application for Digital Currency Telegram...
Read More »Bitcoin Cash Analysis: Can Bulls Protect This Crucial Support?
Bitcoin cash price started a fresh decline after it failed near the $280 resistance against the US Dollar.The price declined below the key $250 and $245 support levels.There is a key ascending channel forming with support near $235 on the 4-hours chart of the BCH/USD pair (data feed from Coinbase).The pair could either break the $245 resistance to continue higher or decline further towards $215.Bitcoin cash price is correcting losses from the $217 low against the US Dollar. BCH/USD must stay...
Read More »Webinaire : « Roulez votre propre noeud Bitcoin »
« Nous vous invitons à assister à une présentation sur le sujet des noeuds complets Bitcoin dans le cadre du mois de la sécurité de Veriphi. Maciej parlera des sujets suivants :– C’est quoi un noeud complet Bitcoin– Les divers implémentations de noeuds Bitcoin– Avantages et coûts- Démonstration technique » Organisé par Bitcoin Montréal samedi 16 mai de 20h00 à 21h00 (heure de Paris) Orateur :...
Read More »J.P. Morgan Is Set to Support Crypto Exchanges
Here’s something you don’t see every day. A standard financial institution is backing crypto. J.P. Morgan – arguably one of America’s biggest banking firms – has announced its support for cryptocurrency exchanges like Coinbase and Gemini in New York.J.P. Morgan Is A Huge AdvocateThis is a major step forward in the right direction, and sure to make cryptocurrency far more mainstream and legitimate. It also represents a huge change for the CEO of the bank Jamie Dimon, who in the past, has often...
Read More »Bitcoin is a Gateway Drug to Altcoins, According to Coinbase
Bitcoin buyers on Coinbase tend to go on to experiment with altcoins, and BTC could be acting as a gateway drug.That’s according to new research by Coinbase, which showed that among customers with at least five purchases, those who bought Bitcoin first were more likely to spread out into the altcoin market too.The blog post made clear Bitcoin’s sustained dominance among Coinbase customers, but also noted a growing interest in alternative assets. The post notes:“The data bears this out. Among...
Read More »Many More Bitcoin Investors Are Entering the Fray, Analysts Claim
The bitcoin halving has come and gone, and it appears the crypto community is seeing a whole new wave of traders entering the mix.Bitcoin Has Gained Heavy PopularityAccording to some analysts, more people are beginning to direct their eyes towards the world’s number one cryptocurrency by market cap, which now seems like a relatively valuable and attractive financial tool given its newfound rarity. While bitcoin itself is widely in circulation – approximately 18 million BTC units have been...
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