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Bitcoin (BTC)

Bitcoin Price Can Hit $100,000, Says Coinbase Ex-CTO

Bitcoin expert has compared coronavirus trends with the possible Bitcoin price movement and claimed that the stochastic modeling and other tools work perfectly in this case.Balaji Srinivasan, who used to work at Coinbase and now writes for, claims that Bitcoin price can hit $100,000 after striking twice the important psychological level of $10,000.The analyst claims that Bitcoin’s rally is pretty predictable if you look at the stats under a certain angle. Whether...

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Bitcoin Price Predicted to Hit $20k Ahead of May’s Halving Event

What happens when a lot of people talk about possible Bitcoin price movement? Right – the price indeed starts moving. And now BTC seems to be gaining momentum ahead of May’s halving event.Some experts start predicting the next price move. They see a dramatic scenario of Bitcoin price rushing up to $18,000 and even $20,000 in the short-term and up to $100,000 in the long-term. Such data is based on calculations of previous price action. It appears that Bitcoin can gain up to 80% in profits...

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Bitcoin Price Analysis: BTC Drops $700 Intraday, Back Below $10K – Time For Bears’ Action?

Just a quick weekend recap: Following our most recent BTC price analysis from Friday, where we had stated that the correction is likely to test lower levels, we can see Bitcoin breaking below $10,000 after failing to break above the crucial resistance at $10,500.As can be seen on the following daily chart, after getting rejected by the long-term ascending trend-line (started forming on July 2019), Bitcoin broke down the significant 38.2% Fib level at $10,200, along with the marked 4-hour...

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BItcoin Crash: Bitcoin-Preis verliert innert Minuten an Wert und fällt unter 10’000 US-Dollar

Bitcoin Crash: Der Bitcoin-Preis verlor innert wenigen Minuten rasant an Wetrt. Dieses Wochende crashte der Bitcoin-Preis innert wenigen Minuten um 4.11 % unter die psychologisch wichtige Marke von unter 10’000 US-Dollar. Ist dieser Crash mehr als eine technische Korrektur und ist damit die aktuelle Hausse beendet? Bitcoin Crash: Nicht nur der Bitcoin-Preis fiel ins Bodenlose, auch die Altcoins sackten ab. Einige verloren gar mehr als 10%...

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Amiens : Apéro Bitcoin

Rencontre mensuelle organisée par Maxime, Thibault et Lola. Pas de présentation, mais juste un verre pour discuter de l’actualité des cryptomonnaies. C’est aussi l’occasion pour ceux qui débutent de venir poser leurs questions. Quand ? – Jeudi 20 février de 18h30 à 20h30 Où ? – L’Hexagone, 14 rue des Sergents à Amiens En savoir plus :  ...

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Block Fi to Establish New BTC Payments System for Mobile Devices

Bitcoin payments need to become more prominent if the cryptocurrency is ever to reach mainstream status. Block Fi has recently developed a new mobile payments solution that could potentially make bitcoin payments a normal, everyday thing.Block Fi Develops New Crypto Banking ServiceOne of the big problems surrounding bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies is that many companies have been reluctant to accept them as means of payment. Thanks to their volatility and price swings, many enterprises and...

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Bitcoin Widerstand drückt Kurs wieder unter 10.000 US-Dollar

Die letzten Wochen ging es bergauf für den BTC-Kurs. Zuletzt wurde der Preis sogar wieder 5-stellig und der BTC erreichte 10.300 US-Dollar. Doch heute drückte der Widerstand den Preis wieder in die 4-Stelligkeit – Analysten gehen davon aus, dass es sogar noch weiter runtergehen wird.Bitcoin News: Bitcoin Widerstand drückt Kurs wieder unter 10.000 US-DollarEine Kurskorrektur ist gerade im Gange, die den BTC-Kurs sogar wieder unter 9.000 US-Dollar treiben könnte. Auch Ethereum könnte es hart...

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Larry Harmon Charged with Operating Illegal Crypto Mixing Business

The Department of Justice (DOJ) has brought forth its first case regarding the crime of bitcoin and crypto mixing. 36-year-old Larry Harmon of Akron, Ohio, has been charged with operating a company known as Helix, a dark web marketplace designed to “clean” illicitly garnered cryptocurrencies by mixing them with others.Harmon Has Been Operating Helix for Some TimeThe process can be somewhat complicated depending on how large the initial sum is. If you have several bitcoins, or you were...

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Can’t Happen With Bitcoin: Elon Musk’s Tesla Plans A $2 Billion Common Stock Offering

Tesla stocks (TSLA) saw a tremendous price surge in the last few months, and the firm is looking to monetize the increase. Tesla plans a $2 billion common stock offering to strengthen its financial position.While similar scenarios could play out in the traditional financial market, Bitcoin stands on the opposite shore. Its finite pre-programmed supply of 21 million means that no more coins can come in the market.Tesla Stocks Performance And OfferingThe last several months have been nothing...

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FC Barcelona und Chiliz schließen sich zu einer neuen globalen Blockchain-Allianz zusammen

Seit 1957 das Heimstadion: das Camp Nou Foto: Gemeinfrei via Wikipedia Der FC Barcelona hat ein neues globales Partnerschaftsabkommen mit Chiliz, der weltweit führenden Blockchain-basierten Fanbetreuungsplattform für Sport und Unerhaltung unterzeichnet. Die Vereinbarung, die Teil der neuen digitalen und kommerziellen Strategie von Barça ist, wird den Verein dabei unterstützen, näher an seiner globalen Fangemeinde zu bleiben. Dies...

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