Native Tokens: "Haus" Token von Bitcoin-Börsen Crypto platforms are looking to find as many ways as possible to make a profit and have an impact on the cryptocurrency market. One of these methods is native tokens. Market leaders according to the TIE analysis; Forex market leaders eToroX and IQfinex, which have created separatetrading platforms for different crypto assets;, which, while not being exactly a cryptocurrency...
Read More »Native Token: How crypto exchanges use their own tokens
Native Tokens: "Haus" Token von Bitcoin-Börsen Crypto platforms are looking to find as many ways as possible to make a profit and have an impact on the cryptocurrency market. One of these methods is native tokens. Market leaders according to the TIE analysis; Forex market leaders eToroX and IQfinex, which have created separatetrading platforms for different crypto assets;, which, while not being exactly a cryptocurrency...
Read More »Avenir Suisse Podcast: Das Ende von Libra ist nicht das Ende der Idee
Avenir Suisse Podcast Diesen Sommer hat Facebook mit weiteren Firmen angekündigt, eine neue digitale Währung lancieren zu wollen. Das Projekt bekam den Namen Libra, und es schlug ein wie eine Bombe. Politiker und Regulatoren standen plötzlich auf den Hinterbeinen, und Vertreter etablierter Finanzinstitute fragten sich: Ist das nun die lange befürchtete Disruption der...
Read More »Objective Thune
« En 2013, je découvris Bitcoin. Il ne me fallut pas plus de six mois pour comprendre qu’il était là avant moi. Comme je l’écris dans Objective Thune : tout l’avenir est dans Tintin, et comme chez Nostradamus tout finit par se révéler. Si Tintin a marché sur la lune longtemps avant Armstrong, Tournesol a dû pressentir Bitcoin bien avant Satoshi Nakamoto… » Article de Jacques Favier à lire sur La...
Read More »Will Bitcoin Repeat Its 2019 Behavior in 2020?
At the time of writing, several of the world’s leading cryptocurrencies, i.e. bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin and so on, are continuing their drops into red territory, and it’s unclear if recovery lies on the horizon.Bitcoin: Where Will It Go Next Year?As it stands, many enthusiasts are likely wondering what the future holds. Several analysts, over the past few months, have touted 2020 as the start of something great for BTC and its altcoin comrades, but normal, everyday investors aren’t seeing...
Read More »OKEx Wants to Show You How to Take Advantage of Volatility
Popular cryptocurrency exchange OKEx has launched a new options trading program for customers interested in digital currencies.OKEx Teaches How to Take Advantages of Price SwingsThe program is designed to help investors better understand issues such as hedge risks and volatility. They will also be trained on how best to take advantage of low prices so that they can add to their portfolios without delay.Volatility is a serious problem in the cryptocurrency space, but representatives of OKEx...
Read More »Billionaire Venture Capitalist: Bitcoin Price to Skyrocket to $250,000 After May 2020
Billionaire venture capitalist Tim Draper says the bitcoin price will skyrocket to $250,000 soon after the May 2020 ‘halving’ event. As astounding as that sounds, Draper’s projections are in line with bitcoin’s historical trend. Draper correctly predicted the ‘crypto winter’ bear market of 2018-2019 in September 2018. He’s made over $200M from BTC so far. When Tim Draper talks about good tech investments with enormous profit potential, markets listen. Some of the Silicon Valley...
Read More »Turbulent Week For Bitcoin’s Price, Volatile Christmas Coming Up? The Weekly Market Update
December is almost over, and it’s safe to say that it has been action-packed. Over the past week, Bitcoin’s price went on a rollercoaster, dropping to a low of around $6,500 only to correct to approximately $7,200 where it currently trades, leaving many to question whether the bottom was already in. Looking at the bigger picture, however, one year ago, Bitcoin was trading at around $3,122, which means that it has managed to more than double its value.It’s worth noting that while the price was...
Read More »Bitcoin Cash (BCH) Extends Merchant Domination in Burger Wars
Bitcoin Cash (BCH) was adopted by a Burger King restaurant in Slovenia, making it the first cryptocurrency to be transactable in physical Burger King stores. A video posted to social media on Friday shows two Bitcoin Cash users pay for their food using BCH from their mobile wallets. Burger King Goes Crypto Slovenia has become a cryptocurrency hotspot in recent years. Already over 300 merchants accept BCH as a payment method. The adoption of BCH in Slovenia was sped up by the...
Read More »Blockchain Analyst Arianna Simpson Predicts Staking Market Centralization
According to Arianna Simpson, founder and managing partner at ASP, Binance just increased the heat on the staking market. It offers 0% staking fees for the XTZ fans, a week after Coinbase‘s announcement of XTZ support. This is the beginning of a staking war, where centralized players take operational costs on themselves and achieve brand recognition, new clients and centralization of the future market.1/ Coinbase adds automatic staking for XTZ, and less than a month later, Binance introduces...
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