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Bitcoin (BTC)

Brickblock startet Security Token auf Immobilienanlage

Das Berliner Blockchain-Start-up Brickblock hilft bei der Tokenisierung von Immobilien Aktien und Direktbeteiligungen. Die Deutsche BaFin hat das erste Wertpapierinformationsblatt für einen öffentlichen STO in Deutschland in der Sparte Immobilien genehmigt. Damit darf Brickblock nun in Deutschland ein Security Token Offering durchführen. Die bei dem STO ausgeschütteten...

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Twitter CEO Dorsey Getting Coin List Off the Ground

Twitter and Square CEO Jack Dorsey is back in the news thanks to his support of a new cryptocurrency startup.Dorsey: Becoming the Face of Crypto?That startup is known as Coin List, and Dorsey recently took part in a $10 million funding round to help the venture begin its operations. The company is designed to help other crypto businesses garner funds through token sales. Executives say they are looking to utilize the funds for several purposes, including building Coin List Trade, a new crypto...

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Bitcoin Futures Market Is Changing Cryptocurrency Landscape

In the last few months, Bitcoin futures trading is on the rise, beating up to 50% of the total spot market on 13 well-known exchanges. The futures market helps to keep the price less volatile, and it increases liquidity via the attraction of new investors. Wise actors always made predictions that cryptocurrencies would co-exist with the current banking and stock markets. They are not doing any substantial harm to banks and classic exchanges. Instead, cryptocurrencies add fungibility and...

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BitMEX Twitter ‘Hack’ Incites Ominous Warning: ‘Take Your Bitcoin & Run’

Following the mammoth BitMEX user data leak, the bitcoin exchange’s Twitter account was allegedly hacked. While under the perpetrator’s control, the account tweeted an ominous warning: “Take your BTC and run.” BitMEX withdrawals are currently disabled, at least for some users. Things have gone from bad to worse for BitMEX today as a mass leak of user emails has seemingly turned into a full-blown crisis for the world’s most significant bitcoin trading platform. As CCN reported, the...

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Samsung Adds Elrond Token to its Blockchain Wallet

Photo: SamsungSamsung has announced that it is expanding the range of coins available in its blockchain wallet. It has added new token Elrond (ERD) to ensure secure and faster payments using this crypto.Samsung Galaxy S10 device is able to automatically generate a blockchain wallet for users, allowing them to store and use numerous cryptocurrencies (earlier their number was 33). This wallet is created to allow users to make transactions in cryptos and easily access DApps from their...

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Despite BitMEX’s Bad Day, Bitcoin Withdrawals Are Processed Normally

It’s safe to say that BitMEX has had better days. Earlier today, it was reported that many of its users’ email addresses had been leaked. A few hours later, it appeared that the platform itself had been compromised, as the company’s Twitter account stated that withdrawals had been suspended. Shortly thereafter, BitMEX announced that all funds were safe; indeed, withdrawals are working just fine.BitMEX Under SiegeThe day started off with some bad news for BitMEX, the most popular Bitcoin...

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WeChat: Bitcoin-Suchvolumen explodiert!

WeChat Messenger: Suchvolumen nach Bitcoin und Blockchain auf WeChat explodieren Der Handel mit Kryptowährungen in China ging in der Vergangenheit mit strengen Verboten einher. Der starke Kursanstieg des digitalen Goldes am letzten Wochenende scheint aber durchaus mit den neuesten Ereignissen des Landes zusammenzuhängen. Nachdem am Samstag ein neues Kryptographiegesetz verabschiedet wurde und sich der Präsident Xi Jinping positiv gegenüber...

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Bakkt App soll Bitcoin in die Starbacks-Filialen bringen

Bakkt: Diese Handelsplattform wird Bitcoin grossen Investoren zugänglich machen. Gestartet wurde am 23. September 2019. In der Blockchain-Szene war Bakkt in der letzten Zeit ein immer wiederkehrender Teil der Nachrichten. So verursachten beispielsweise der Launch von Bitcoin Futures und die geplante Einführung von anderen Optionskontrakten ab diesem Dezember eine grosse...

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Deribit to Compensate Users for Its Error Resulting in Bitcoin Price Crash

Photo: DeribitOn Thursday, October 31, Bitcoin witnessed a major flash crash to $9000 levels on two exchanges – Coinbase Pro and Deribit. On Thursday, at 19:55 UTC, BTC spot price crashed from $9260 to $9055 in a short span of time.Just within an hour later, futures and options exchange, Deribit saw BTC futures dropping from $9150 to $7720. However, in just a few minutes BTC price bounced back to $9000. However, this rapid price fluctuation in BTC caught traders’ attention as multiple orders...

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ARD lanciert Bitcoin-Quiz!

ARD lanciert Bitcoin-Quiz Der Bitcoin hat sich jüngst wieder nach oben aufgemacht. Dümpelte der Kurs der bekanntesten Krypto-Münze im Frühjahr 2017 noch unter 1’000 US-Dollar herum, ging es danach steil nach oben. Im Dezember 2017 kratzte der Coin die 20’000er-Marke, ehe die Blase platzte. Seit ein paar Monaten probt die führende Kryptowährung ihr Comeback. Doch kennen Sie...

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