California based financial company SoFi announced it added crypto trading to its fast-growing SoFi Invest platform and that the live trading will begin on next Tuesday. Among the first cryptocurrencies that will be added for trade on SoFi Invest platform are Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH) and Litecoin (LTC).As per the announcement, the idea came as a reaction to demand from its network that has more than 800,000 members. Beginning next week, SoFi Invest will become the first platform that...
Read More »#715 Bitcoin Stock to Flow, Bitfinex kleiner Erfolg & Börse Stuttgart Krypto Handel
Hey Krypto Fans, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 715. Heute geht’s um folgende Themen: Bitcoin Stock to Flow Methode, Bitfinex kleiner Erfolg im Verfahren & Börse Stuttgart reguliert den Krypto Handel. [embedded content] 1.) Bitcoin Kurs ist laut der Stock-to-Flow Methode genau dort, wo er hingehört 2.) BitFinex: Ein kleiner Erfolg im großen...
Read More »Où investir dans un monde aux taux d’intérêt négatifs ?
« Le taux d’intérêt de base, dit taux d’intérêt directeur d’une banque centrale, peut se comprendre comme le coût pour emprunter de l’argent. Plus il est élevé, plus les emprunteurs devront rembourser des intérêts sur leurs prêts, et plus les prêteurs recevront des bénéfices sur leur épargne. Une banque centrale décide du taux d’intérêt auquel elle prête de l’argent aux banques commerciales. Ces...
Read More »Aequivalens, cabinet d’avocat à Nice
[Total : 0 Moyenne : 0/5] Nouvel ajout à la liste des établissements français qui acceptent les paiements en bitcoins : Aequivalens, cabinet de Xavier Fruton, avocat et médiateur. « Quel que soit le différend que vous pouvez rencontrer, entre autres en droit de la famille ou encore en droit pénal, le cabinet Aequivalens vous propose une solution sur-mesure pour...
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[Total : 1 Moyenne : 5/5] Nouvel ajout à la liste des établissements français qui acceptent les paiements en bitcoins (ainsi que les litecoins et les ethers) :, boutique en ligne (informatique, téléphonie, vêtements) exclusivement en cryptomonnaies. En savoir plus : Avertissement : Un paiement en bitcoin est irréversible. Il...
Read More »Ethereum to Bitcoin Exchange Rate Points to Slow Altcoin Apocalypse
Cryptocurrency prices wavered on Wednesday following the biggest 24-hour devaluation in months, leaving little guarantee of a swift recovery in the near term.For Ethereum (ETH), the grind lower has been much more extreme when valued against bitcoin (BTC). While the ETH/BTC exchange rate has been in recovery throughout September, the year-to-date picture is grim. How ether performs relative to the 'king of cryptocurrencies' offers eye-opening insights into the broader altcoin market.Crypto...
Read More »Thomas Lee: Bitcoin Price Cannot ‘Blast Off’ Without Record S&P 500
As the bitcoin price languishes at $8,300, down more than 12% on the day, Fundstrat Co-Founder Thomas Lee has an unfortunate truth for crypto bulls. Lee does not believe bitcoin is a safe haven; in fact, quite the opposite as he forecasts that the S&P 500 will need to hit fresh highs this year before BTC can.S&P 500 May Be Bitcoin Price's Key FundamentalThe fundamental reasoning behind the strategist's claim is sound. He and his team at Fundstrat believe that retail investors, not...
Read More »How Wall Street Could Be Bitcoin’s Biggest Financial Friend
With bitcoin’s recent fall into the $8,000 range it appears the currency has an unlikely friend… Wall Street. What Wall Street Is Doing for BTCThat’s right. The arena of big banks and stock players is working hard to develop ways for bitcoin to avoid volatility. As of late, many reports have emerged stating that the currency is experiencing its lowest volatility in months. That all changed yesterday when it seemingly lost more than $1,000 in value in just a matter of minutes, but prior, the...
Read More »Why Bitcoin Imploded & Where Experts Say BTC Goes Next
Yesterday's catastrophic market implosion thrust the bitcoin price into a devastating 17% downward spiral that saw it dive as low as $8,000 before stabilizing.Once the bleeding finally stopped, crypto investors were left with two paralyzing questions: what happened, and where does bitcoin go from here?Diagnosing Bitcoin's Brutal PlungeBTC/USD cascading amid a market sell-off | Source: TradingviewJaded investors got what they wished for Tuesday as volatility washed over bitcoin and the broader...
Read More »Gurnd für den Bitcoin Crash? Behörden versteigern 650 Bitcoins!
Wilsons Auctions Exakt zum Start von Bakkt und der grössten Finanzmesse SIBOS in London kommen Bitcoins auf den Markt: Bitcoins im Gesamtwert von sage und schreibe 662’000 US-Dollar sollen von den Behörden der UK versteigert werden. Diese wurden von einem Cyber-Verbrecher beschlagnahmt, der sich unbefugten Zugang zu personenbezogenen Daten verschafft hatte, um diese...
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