Binance has announced the completion of the Band Protocol Lottery Draw which was first announced a week ago. The initial announcement revealed that the Band Protocol token sale will be hosted by Binance’s IEO platform, Binance Launchpad, as a way to support the startup. Binance also announced that the lottery will quickly follow the token sale and with an airdrop as well.Now, the announcement states that the Band Protocol lottery draw was completed with a 9.43% ratio of winning tickets and...
Read More »Bitcoin Price Will Explode Past $250K by 2022, Says Tim Draper
For several years now, the Bitcoin price has been a subject of discussion in the global scene. As we published, some prominent commentators have suggested that Bitcoin will reach $1 million per token by the end of 2020. That may never happen unless there is a major collapse in the entire fiat world within the next three months.However, some of the analysts are sticking to their predictions, Tim Draper, one prominent venture capitalist, recently doubled down on his call that Bitcoin will reach...
Read More »Forty 8: A new Bitcoin Show
Giacomo Zucco talks about Bitcoin maximalism, Bitcoin villains and superheroes as well as the history of money Some regard Giacomo Zucco as the most well rounded Bitcoiner that we have. Perhaps they are right. Find out for yourself in this first episode of the 48 show, where Giacomo Zucco talks about Bitcoin maximalism, Bitcoin villains and superheroes as well as the history...
Read More »Bitcoin: A Swiss Bank for Everyone’s Pocket | Andreas Antonopoulos in Zürich
Bitcoin: A Swiss Bank for Everyone's Pocket In this talk, Andreas examines the morality of technology and the politics of fear, including former President Barack Obama’s infamous statement that broad adoption of strong encryption would be like having „a Swiss bank account your pocket.“ He argues that the same fear mongering is being used to target journalists and...
Read More »Binance-Analyse: Altcoins vor Comeback?
Bitcoin hat seit Jahresbeginn rund 180 Prozent mehr Plus gemacht als die Altcoins. Bald könnten Ethereum oder Ripple aber wieder im Kurs steigen, so die Analysten von Binance: In cooperation with @Binance Trading, here is our latest overview of August's #cryptocurrency markets through an institutional lens. Amongst them, #Bitcoin dominance reached new highs, and altcoin volumes were near an all-time low. — Binance Research (@BinanceResearch)...
Read More »#708 Ende für Privacy Coins, BTC Hashrate All-time high & Bitcoin finanziert Nordkorea Waffenprogramm
Hey Krypto Fans, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 708. Heute geht’s um folgende Themen: OKEx verbannt Privacy Coins, BTC Hashrate erreicht Höchststand von 100 Exahash & Kryptowährungen finanzieren das nordkoreanische Waffenprogramm. [embedded content] 1.) OKEx verbannt Privacy Coins 2.) Bitcoin All-Time-High: BTC Hashrate erreicht Höchststand von 100.000.000...
Read More »Capo Of Crypto: Der Bitcoin-Preis könnte bis auf 7’000 US-Dollar fallen
Goldpreisentwicklung vs. Bitcoin (Genaue Erläuterungen unten im Artikel) In jüngster Vergangenheit konnte sich die Kryptowährung Bitcoin erholen und von 9.300 Dollar auf 10.500 Dollar nach oben klettern. Laut Analysten belegt diese Preisentwicklung jedoch nur die Vermutung, dass der Markt für digitale Währungen schrumpft, was zur Folge hätte, dass der Bitcoin-Kurs nach vielen...
Read More »« Arnaqués au bitcoin » – Les vidéos de l’AMF
L’Autorité des Marchés Financiers a récemment publié le témoignage de deux victimes d’escroqueries présentées comme des « arnaques au bitcoin » ou « aux cryptomonnaies ». « Je me suis rendu compte que c’était une arnaque en allant sur un site spécialisé qui publie une liste des sites frauduleux » – Merci pour cette allusion à notre liste, à moins qu’il ne s’agisse de l’excellent travail produit...
Read More »Apéro Crypto à Lyon
« Retrouvons-nous autour d’un verre au parc de la Tête d’or, côté porte des enfants du Rhône, pour discuter Crypto, Blockchain, rencontrer les membres de l’asso et discuter du planning de la rentrée. Cet événement est ouvert à tous, pas besoin d’être un expert, on est là pour échanger et partager ; manger, boire et jouer ! N’hésitez pas à apporter votre boisson ou plat préféré pour compléter notre buffet improvisé. Nous distribuerons...
Read More »Ethereum Price Has Been Booming Since Friday
At press time, Ethereum – the second-largest cryptocurrency by market cap and the number one competitor to bitcoin – has been exploding in price and is expected to shoot past $200 within the next few days.Ethereum Is Growing SuddenlyEthereum has been experiencing great difficulty as of late and is entering “bitcoin status” in that it is now an “old” coin when compared to competitors like EOS and TRON. Even that is something of an understatement considering BTC has experienced solid growth...
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