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Frankreich: Bruno Le Maire will Libra europaweit blockieren!

Frankreich will Facebook-Währung in Europa blockieren: Frankreichs Finanzminister Bruno Le Maire gibt der von Facebook geplanten Digitalwährung Libra derzeit keine Chancen auf Genehmigung in Europa Frankreichs Regierung will Facebooks Digitalwährung Libra europaweit blockieren. Aus Sicht des französischen Finanzministers Le Maire geht von der für das Jahr 2020 geplante Währung...

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Huobi Reportedly Plans a Backdoor IPO on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange

Photo: ShutterstockOver the last one month, cryptocurrency exchange Huobi has been flexing its muscles to launch its IPO. The latest filing documents suggest that Hubo is planning for a backdoor entry to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (HKEX).The filing dated September 10, mentions Hong Kong-based electronics manufacturer Patronics Holdings Ltd. Huobi acquired this company last August and has renamed it to Huobi Technology Holdings Ltd. Upon its acquisition, Patronics transferred over 220...

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Holland versucht sich nun an der Regulierung des Cryptomarktes

Immer wieder versucht der Staat die Kontrolle über den Cryptomarkt zu erlangen, indem Regulierungen geplant werden. Doch bisher konnte keine Regierung den Hebel erfolgreich ansetzen. In Holland versucht man es daher mit einer Regulierung der Crypto-Unternehmen.Crypto News: Holland versucht sich nun an der Regulierung des CryptomarktesNoch bezieht sich die zwingende Regulierung nur auf Unternehmen außerhalb der EU, jedoch könnten die neuen Regulierungen ab 2020 den Cryptomarkt weltweit...

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Quand Bruno Le Maire réinvente l’euro

Le deuxième Forum mondial de l’OCDE sur les politiques en matière de « technologie des chaînes de blocs » réunit hier et aujourd’hui « des décideurs de haut niveau issus des secteurs public et privé, des experts, des universitaires et d’autres parties prenantes ». Hier matin, après le discours d’ouverture du Secrétaire général, Bruno Le Maire, ministre français de l’Économie et des Finances, a jeté...

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VanEck Bitcoin Trust Already Making Serious Headway

The need and desire for a bitcoin-based exchange-traded fund (ETF) is growing stronger every day, and while the ETF may not be out yet, VanEck Solid X has, as it announced just over a week ago, released a product to satisfy that need somewhat while we all wait for a final decision from the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). That product has already made serious headway in the crypto community.VanEck Solid X Just Keeps Moving ForwardThe product is a fund designed to allow institutional...

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Bobby Lee Reenters Crypto Market with New Startup Ballet

In the world of business, you’ve either got it or you don’t. You either have what it takes to keep going and start more enterprises, or you’re a one-hit wonder (or not a hit at all). In the case of Bobby Lee, crypto entrepreneurism appears to be what he’s destined to do. Bobby Lee: Coming Back BiggerLee is famous for having created China’s first bitcoin exchange. China has had a very mixed relationship with cryptocurrencies, having banned foreign exchanges and initial coin offerings (ICOs) in...

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Binance.US to Open Deposits in One Week

Cryptocurrency exchange Binance set to launch U.S. operations imminently. | Source: REUTERS / Darrin Zammit Lupi Binance.US has announced that it will begin processing account registration applications and accepting cryptocurrency deposits from Sep. 18 at 8 am EDT. After users have signed up and selected their desired tier of verification, they will be able to deposit bitcoin (BTC), ethereum, (ETH), ripple (XRP), bitcoin cash (BCH), litecoin (LTC), and tether (USDT) to their wallets. The...

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Hacked Florida Auto Shop Refuses to Fork Out $100,000 Bitcoin Ransom

Another day, another case of extortion involving bitcoin. | Source: Shutterstock The website of a Florida-based car parts dealer is currently out of service after a hacker hijacked the domain name and shuttered its hosting provider’s account to ransom it for Bitcoin. Per legal documents and a ransom note that was produced in court where the victim obtained a temporary order preventing the domain name from being transferred from its current host, the domain name of XPort Auto Parts Inc,...

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Bitcoin Logo Scores Premier League Exposure to Millions Globally

Watford FC, a major English football club that finished 11th in the Premier League in the 2018-19 season, will be featuring the bitcoin logo every week for millions of football fans. Watford FC Chairman and CEO Scott Duxbury stated: Placing the Bitcoin logo on a Premier League shirt is something that challenges the accepted norm. Mainstream exposure for bitcoin Watford is said to be placing the bitcoin logo on the shirt sleeve of the official Watford FC football jersey as a part of its...

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VanEck’s Limited Bitcoin ETF Loses Steam, Manages to Issue Only 4 Bitcoins

After months of regulatory scrutiny, VanEck-SolidX launched a limited version of its Bitcoin ETF last week. Not having the SEC approval to launch a full-fledged Bitcoin ETF, VanEck planned the limited ETF launch to prove that there’s actually some demand for this investment product in the market.However, it looks like VanEck hasn’t succeeded enough to make an impact in the market. Popular crypto analyst and commentator Alex Krüger recently released some data showing that the VanEck Limited...

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