Stellar lumen price is attempting a fresh increase from the $0.1020 zone against the US Dollar. XLM price is now trading above $0.1050 and the 55 simple moving average (4 hours). There was a break above a connecting bearish trend line with resistance near $0.1048 on the 4-hour chart (data feed via Kraken). The pair could start a decent increase if there is a clear move above the $0.1106 resistance zone. Stellar lumen price is trading above $0.1050 against the US...
Read More »Mit welchen Analyse Tools kann der Bitcoin-Preis prognostiziert werden?
Bitcoin-Kurs laut „Analyse“ bald bei 300.000 US-Dollar Das Prognostizieren des Bitcoin-Preises ist eine komplexe Angelegenheit, die von einer Vielzahl von Faktoren beeinflusst wird. Dabei kommen sowohl technische als auch fundamentale Analysen zum Einsatz. Es gibt mehrere Tools und Techniken, die von Händlern, Investoren und Analysten verwendet werden, um Vorhersagen über die zukünftige Preisentwicklung von Bitcoin zu treffen. Hier sind einige der...
Read More »Jardin d’Asie
Nouvel ajout à la liste des établissements qui acceptent le bitcoin : Jardin d’Asie, restaurant à Saint-Nazaire. « Nous serons très heureux de vous partager notre héritage de cuisine d’asiatique et notre savoir-faire culinaire. Passion et savoir-faire animent notre désir de vous satisfaire. » Ouvert du mardi au dimanche. Adresse : 17 rue du Bois Savary, 44600 Saint Nazaire En savoir plus...
Read More »XRP Price Analysis: XRP Turns At Risk Below $0.50
XRP price started a fresh decline below the $0.520 zone against the US dollar. The price is now trading below $0.50 and the 55 simple moving average (4 hours). There is a key bearish trend line forming with resistance near $0.492 on the 4-hour chart of the XRP/USD pair (data source from Bittrex). The pair could extend losses if it breaks the $0.472 support zone. XRP price is struggling below $0.50 against the US Dollar, like Bitcoin. The price could decline...
Read More »Bitcoin und Exponential Moving Average (EMA)
Exponential Moving Average (EMA) is similar to Simple Moving Average (SMA), measuring trend direction over a period of time. However, whereas SMA simply calculates an average of price data, EMA applies more weight to data that is more current Ein Exponential Moving Average (EMA), zu Deutsch exponentiell gleitender Durchschnitt, ist ein Hilfsmittel aus der technischen Analyse, das dazu verwendet wird, Preisbewegungen von Vermögenswerten, wie Aktien,...
Read More »Bitcoin-Preis bald wieder über 30’000?
Google searches for “bitcoin” have increased by 47% in the last few weeks (Global) Das Interesse an Bitcoin stiegt in den letzten sieben Tagen massiv. Zumindest wenn man die Anzahl der Google-Suchanfragen zu Rate zieht. Die Suchanfragen nach dem Keyword „Bitcoin“ haben in den letzten Wochen um satte 47 Prozent zugenommen; weltweit, berichtet Google Trends: Google searches for “bitcoin” have increased by 47% in the last few weeks (Global) Daher die...
Read More »Unlock the Future with Toncoin and Bitcoin Spark’s United Vision
Cryptocurrencies have the potential to evolve as mainstream financial assets and grow in the future with advancing technology and widespread adoption. These digital assets are a gateway to decentralization in finance, with its main objective being to disseminate power from financial institutions such as banks to the people. Projects like Bitcoin Spark and Toncoin address key metrics that no other project finds the solution to. What is Toncoin? Telegram, a popular messaging...
Read More »This Week’s Biggest Gainers and Losers as BTC Stagnates Below $27K (Weekend Watch)
After the more volatile end of the business week, the weekend continues to be rather dull in terms of BTC’s price performance, with the asset stuck below $27,000. The altcoins also trade quietly, with minor gains charted by DOGE and ADA, while SOL is down by about 1%. BTC Boring Below $27K Bitcoin was riding high last week, as it even challeged $28,000 on a few occasions. However, it failed there, perhaps due to the global uncertainty propelled by the latest conflict between...
Read More »Bulletin hebdomadaire Bitcoin Optech #271
Bulletin d’information hebdomadaire Bitcoin Optech du 4 octobre 2023 traduit par @copinmalin. Le bulletin de cette semaine résume une proposition pour contrôler à distance les nœuds LN à l’aide d’un dispositif de signature matériel, décrit des recherches axées sur la confidentialité et du code permettant aux nœuds de transmission de diviser dynamiquement les paiements LN, et examine une...
Read More »Bitcoin et les grandes entreprises : comment passer du scepticisme à l’adoption ?
Table ronde animé par Louis Tellier (The Big Whale) dans le cadre de la conférence Surfin’Bitcoin. Avec : – Claire Balva, consultante indépendante – Jean-Marc Stenger, Directeur général de Société Générale FORGE – Jérémie Rosselli directeur général pour la France de N26 Débat
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