Konsensus Network vient de publier une traduction française du livre The Book Of Satoshi de Phil Champagne. « Voici, rassemblés et publiés professionnellement pour la première fois, les écrits essentiels qui détaillent la création de Bitcoin :– Les courriels et les messages de Satoshi Nakamoto sur les forums cryptographiques, présentés par ordre chronologique ;– Les bases techniques du bitcoin...
Read More »B Money: So funktioniert(e) der Bitcoin-Vorgänger
B Money war eine digitale Währung, die im Jahr 1998 von dem Cypherpunk-Enthusiasten Wei Dai ins Leben gerufen wurde. Es gilt als Vorläufer des Bitcoins und trug zur Entwicklung der Blockchain-Technologie bei. Obwohl B Money nie den gleichen Bekanntheitsgrad wie Bitcoin erreichte, beeinflusste es die Entstehung anderer digitaler Währungen. Die Ideologie hinter B Money war es, eine dezentrale, anonyme und sichere Währung zu schaffen, die den Benutzern mehr Kontrolle über ihr Geld gibt. Dai...
Read More »Bitcoin Optech – Bulletin #247
Bulletin d’information hebdomadaire Bitcoin Optech du 19 avril 2023 traduit par @copinmalin. Le bulletin de cette semaine fait le point sur le développement du protocole RGB et comprend nos sections habituelles qui résument les mises à jour récentes des clients et des services, annoncent les nouvelles versions et les versions candidates, et décrit les principaux changements apportés aux logiciels d’infrastructure Bitcoin les plus...
Read More »Leading Gaming Token FUN Token Partners With DWF Labs
Isle of Man, Apr. 27, 2023 — Today, FUN Token signed an undisclosed deal with DWF Labs that will support the vision of decentralizing the online casino space. FUN Token is a leading gaming token with over 350,000 users. It is backed by FreeBitco.in, the biggest Bitcoin faucet in the world with over 51 million crypto-savvy users. FUN Token is preparing to launch a revamped version of the XFUN Wallet – the flagship product of the FUN ecosystem. The XFUN Wallet is an...
Read More »Dogecoin-Statistik: Pro Minute werden 10’000 DOGE gemined
Aktuell befinden sich 139.014.976.384 DOGE im Umlauf und die Anzahl steigt stetig weiter. Denn anders als beispielsweise Bitcoin ist Dogecoin nicht limitiert. Durch die grosse Beliebtheit von Dogecoin wird täglich auch eine grosse Menge der Kryptowährung geschürft. Ähnlich wie Bitcoin oder Litecoin nutzt auch Dogecoin einen Proof-of-Work Ansatz. Das bedeutet, dass die Coins gemined werden können. Da jedoch keine Dogecoin Obergrenze wie bei Bitcoin...
Read More »EOS Price Analysis: Bears In Control Below $1.10
EOS price started a fresh decline below the $1.20 level against the US Dollar. The price is now trading below $1.10 and the 55 simple moving average (4 hours). There is a major bearish trend line forming with resistance near $1.080 on the 4-hour chart of the EOS/USD pair (data feed from Coinbase). The pair could continue to decline if it stays below the $1.08 and $1.10 resistance levels. EOS price is struggling below $1.12 against the US Dollar, unlike Bitcoin. The price...
Read More »Litecoin (LTC) Price Analysis: Bulls Face Uphill Task Near $92
Litecoin started a fresh decline below the $92 zone against the US Dollar. LTC price is now trading below $92 and the 55 simple moving average (4 hours). There was a break below a key rising channel with support near $96 on the 4-hour chart of the LTC/USD pair (data feed from Coinbase). The pair could continue to move down if it stays below the $92 resistance zone. Litecoin price is struggling below $92 against the US Dollar, similar to Bitcoin. LTC price could continue...
Read More »Apple Removes Bitcoin Whitepaper From Latest Beta Version: Report
The digital copy of Satoshi Nakamoto’s Bitcoin whitepaper was an Easter egg that was located earlier this month embedded within a test scanner app on macOS. But Apple has now removed it from the latest beta version of its operating system. With the removal of the test scanner app called Virtual Scanner II from the beta, the Bitcoin white paper – along with all the other elements it was bundled up with – is also gone. According to a report, the document will no longer be...
Read More »Bloodbath: $200 Million Liquidated in an Hour as Bitcoin (BTC) Plummets to $27K
It appears that the bulls may have celebrated too early, as the cryptocurrency market took a turn for the worse. After having surged to $30K earlier today, the price took a sudden u-turn and plummeted to $27K in less than an hour. This left close to $200 million in liquidated leveraged positions in the past hour alone. Upwards of 90% of the liquidations in the past hour were longs, accounting for more than $157 million. Binance and OKX account for the majority of the volume....
Read More »Space Kek #26 : Discreet Log Contracts (DLC)
« Après le futur de Lightning la semaine dernière, on passe aux Discreet Log Contracts (DLCs) !! Rendez-vous au Space Kek de mercredi soir à 21h30 pour découvrir à quoi ça sert et comment cela fonctionne. » Quand ? – Mercredi 26 avril 2023 à 21h30 Où ? – Sur Twitter Quelques liens utiles :– Discreet Log Contracts (DLCs) sur Bitcoin Optech– DLC on Lightning par Thibaut Le Guilly – dlc.wiki...
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