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Bitcoin (BTC)

Bitcoin-Preis auf 1’000’000?

Die digitale Währung Bitcoin wird immer beliebter. Gerade jetzt nach dem gelungen Merge, welcher beweist, dass sich Blockchains skalieren lassen. Experten zufolge könnte die bekannteste digitale Währung Bitcoin in den nächsten Jahren auf 6-stellige Beträge klettern oder sogar eine Million Dollar wert sein. Doch wie realistisch ist diese Einschätzung wirklich? Am Anfang der Geschichte von Bitcoin war dieser fast nichts wert. Die erste bekannte Transaktion eines physischen Gegenstandes fand im...

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Bitcoin Hashrate auf Allzeithoch trotz Energiekrise

Die Energiekrise hat auch den Cryptomarkt erreicht. Gerade das Crypto Mining verschlingt viel Energie, die in der aktuellen politischen Lage teuer geworden ist. Doch trotz steigender Kosten hat die Bitcoin-Hashrate nun ein neues Allzeithoch erreicht. Bitcoin News: Bitcoin Hashrate auf Allzeithoch trotz EnergiekriseMit 6,28 Blocks pro Stunde ist die Hashrate in den vergangenen 7 Tagen auf einen Wert gestiegen, der bisher unerreicht war. Die Belohnungen für die Miner waren gestiegen, so dass es...

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Ethereum Will Not Flip Bitcoin After the Merge: Nexo Co-Founder

According to Antoni Trenchev – Co-Founder of the cryptocurrency lending platform Nexo – Ethereum’s Merge is “the most significant thing” that has happened in the protocol’s history. However, he does not believe it will help Ether surpass Bitcoin as the most dominant digital asset. The executive also expects ETH’s price to surge when people realize the benefits of the transition to Proof-of-Stake (PoS), but not immediately after it occurs. Bitcoin Will Stay at the Top...

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Central Bank of Bahrain to Test Bitcoin Payments Via OpenNode

The Central Bank of Bahrain (CBB) is set to test a Bitcoin payment processing and payout solution in collaboration with OpenNode. According to the official press release, the BTC payment processor plans to provide the infrastructure for the solution. The Regulatory Sandbox was first launched in 2017, following which the CBB authorized OpenNode to participate in its framework that enables financial tech companies to test their ideas and solutions in the country. OpenNode’s CEO...

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$185 Million in Liquidations as Bitcoin Falls Under $20K

Bitcoin is once again back below $20,000 after briefly surging above the price level last week.  The primary cryptocurrency traded at roughly $20,200 at 17:30 UST on Wednesday, before quickly declining to about $19,600 an hour later. It trades for $19,957 at the time of writing, unable to break back above $20k. According to CoinGlass, about $51 million have been wiped from the crypto markets in liquidations over the past 4 hours, adding to $185 million over the past 24...

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Bitcoin Energy Concerns Are Lobbyist Propaganda, Says Michael Saylor

MicroStrategy’s Executive Chairman Michael Saylor has published a letter clearing his thoughts on Bitcoin mining and its impact on the environment and energy systems. He argued that Bitcoin mining is, in reality, far less of an environmental issue than it is often made out to be. Rather, he believes it wouldn’t be on the public radar if not for the extensive lobbying efforts of competing interests within the crypto industry.  Michael Saylor Defends Mining Upon publishing the...

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Riot Blockchain Earns a Lot of Money for Scaling Back Crypto Mining Energy Use

Riot Blockchain, Inc. is a company that both hosts and mines bitcoin units. In a recent announcement, the company said it received more than $9 million from the Texas state power grid manager to cut back on its mining efforts and give the state a break as it reached peak energy demand from residents and businesses alike. Riot Blockchain Is Willing to Compromise Riot Blockchain is one of the largest, most well-known crypto mining facilities in the world. In a recent...

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Ethereum Can’t Compare to Bitcoin as Money: Tether CTO

Paulo Ardoino – Chief Technology Officer (CTO) at Bitfinex and Tether – recently commented on Ether’s usefulness as money, post-merge.  The CTO believes the cryptocurrency cannot compete with Bitcoin as a form of money, due to design choices that have prioritized other objectives. Bitcoin is Money; Ether is Not As the CTO told Crowfund Insider on Tuesday, Ethereum is “stuck between claims of being a form of money and claims of being a platform.” As formulated in its...

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ConsenSys CEO Says Ethereum Merge Is Third-Biggest Event in Crypto 

With the long-awaited Ethereum Merge expected to go live in less than 24 hours, Joseph Lubin, CEO of the blockchain software technology company ConsenSys, has shared his thoughts on it, noting that the transition is the third-most significant event in the crypto industry.  According to Lubin in a recent interview with Bloomberg TV, the first event was the birth of Bitcoin in 2009, while the second was the creation of Ethereum in 2015. “In terms of impact, in the history of...

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The Fed Wants to Pave the Way for Crypto

The Fed has done a sudden reversal of the mind and is calling for Wall Street to put systems in place that will allow banks and other standard financial institutions to better deal with the growing crypto space. The Fed Thinks Crypto Should Be Studied The Fed appears to have been hellbent as of late on bringing the crypto space to its knees. The organization has done nothing but hike interest rates over the past few months as a means of trying to lower inflation....

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