The payroll and job reports from the world’s largest economy were slightly above expectations for September. However, BTC reacted with a sharp price decline, as it typically happens when the US publishes any sort of data lately. Although the numbers for September are below August and the average for 2022, the States added 263,000 new jobs during the month, and the unemployment rate decreased to 3.5%, said the Bureau of Labor Statistics. These figures are slightly above...
Read More »“Change the Code” Campaign Seeks to Get BTC to Switch to Proof of Stake
Now that Ethereum has completed its Merge and gone from a proof of work (PoW) module to proof of stake (PoS), many environmental groups want bitcoin to do the same. Several have formed together to establish an initiative called “Change the Code, Not the Climate” as a means of pushing bitcoin more towards less energy-intensive methods of extracting units. Change the Code Seeks to Change BTC Forever $1 million has been spent on the Change the Code campaign. Greenpeace is also launching a new...
Read More »Comprendre MuSig2 (schéma d’agrégation de signatures)
Synthèse d’une présentation de @TheoPantamis lors d’un Space Twitter technique consacré à MuSiG2. MuSig est un schéma d’agrégation de signatures semi-interactif. Ce que permet MuSig c’est de représenter une transaction à signatures multiples par une seule clé publique. Avec MuSig, tous les multisigs basés sur Taproot apparaitront comme une dépense simple. Le mutisig n’aura pas à donner toute une liste de clés publiques et il n’y aura...
Read More »Replay : Bitcoin et la fin du consumérisme ?
Intervention de Claire Balva lors de la conférence Surfin’Bitcoin 2022.
Read More »Bitcoin bald bei 500’000? Diese Experten prognostizieren es!
Bitcoin-Preis bald auf 500'000 US-Dollar? Für Krypto-Investoren ist 2022 definitiv kein gutes Jahr: Nachdem bis Ende 2021 die Kurse sämtlicher Krypto-Währungen in die Höhe geschnellt sind, sieht es jetzt eher mau aus. Der Bitcoin steht nunmehr seit Wochen bei ungefähr 20’000 US-Dollar und der nächste Bullenmarkt ist nicht in Sicht. Noch schlimmer sieht es bei den Altcoins aus, die teilweise bis zu 90 Prozent verglichen mit ihrem All Time High...
Read More »Jay-Z and Jack Dorsey’s Bitcoin Academy Receives Mixed Reactions
The Bitcoin Academy is a new project developed and initiated by rapper and businessman Jay-Z and former Twitter executive Jack Dorsey. Jay-Z, Jack Dorsey, and the Bitcoin Academy The goal was to present crypto opportunities and education to residents of the Marcy Houses (a housing project in New York where Jay-Z allegedly grew up) and provide them with information they’ll need to maintain financial independence and freedom. Classes range from “Careers in Crypto” to “Why...
Read More »Did Gary Gensler Break Protocol in the Kim Kardashian Crypto Settlement? (Report)
Gary Gensler made a big announcement on October 3, saying the US media personality and reality star Kim Kardashian had settled with the agency in a fraudulent crypto promotional case. However, a Fox reporter now claimed that the SEC Chair had violated protocol by overhyping the settlement for his personal political agenda. Gensler Did it Wrongly? CryptoPotato reported on October 3 that Kardashian had agreed to pay $1.26 million in penalties, disgorgement, and interest for...
Read More »Since January 2017, Whales Bought BTC at an Average Price of $15,800 (Analysis)
Bitcoin’s price appears to be stuck in a relatively wide range between $18,000 and $24,000 for the past couple of months, and it’s unable to escape. Meanwhile, data from the popular cryptocurrency analytics resource, Glassnode, revealed the average price that whales have been accumulating since January 2017. According to Glassnode, Bitcoin whales bought Bitcoin at an average price of about $15,800 for the period between now and January 2017. To be precise, these are wallets...
Read More »Will Ethereum Outdo Bitcoin? Analysts Weigh In
Now that The Merge is in full swing, is it possible Ethereum could potentially flip bitcoin and become the largest and most powerful digital currency in the crypto space? Will Ethereum Overtake BTC? Many analysts have been talking about what they refer to as the “flippening” for some time. The idea is that Ethereum will eventually become so strong it could ultimately outdo bitcoin, and what was once the world’s second largest digital currency by market cap will become...
Read More »Schweizer McDonald’s akzeptiert Bitcoin
In der Schweizer Stadt Lugana kann nun mit Bitcoin und Tether bezahlt werden. Die Stadt ist mit seinen 63.000 Einwohnern eine größere Kleinstadt, doch ein Erfolg des Projekts könnte den Fast Food Riesen durchaus zu einer flächendeckenden Einführung bewegen. Bitcoin News: Schweizer McDonald’s akzeptiert BitcoinDie Stadt Lugana kann als Vorreiter im Bereich digitaler Ökosysteme betrachtet werden, da viele Tech-Projekte hier mit offenen Armen empfangen und umgesetzt werden. Die Adoption des...
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