Almost half of the German population is motivated to invest in cryptocurrency, as revealed by digital asset exchange KuCoin’s ‘Into the Cryptoverse 2022’ report. Crypto Adoption in Germany Grows According to the report, 44% of Germans are somewhat motivated to “invest in cryptocurrencies to be a part of the future of finance.” 35% of them would do it for the opportunities of earning passive income and 30% consider crypto to be a reliable store of value. Some also hope to...
Read More »Russia Supposedly Isn’t Turning to Crypto After All
For the past month or so, many regulators and members of the U.S. government have expressed concern that Vladimir Putin and Russia may be trying to use crypto to avoid recent sanctions. However, at the time of writing, there is no evidence to suggest this is happening. Russia May Not Have Strong Access to Crypto This sentiment comes from Jonathan Levin – co-founder and chief strategy officer at Chainalysis, a blockchain analysis firm – and a panel of alleged experts, who...
Read More »Le premier ministre russe souhaite intégrer davantage les cryptomonnaies au système financier de la fédération
Selon le quotidien moscovite RBK Daily, Mikhaïl Michoustine, premier ministre du gouvernement de la fédération de Russie, aurait déclaré qu’il était nécessaire « d’intégrer le mécanisme de circulation des cryptomonnaies dans le système financier du pays ». Cette intégration ne pourrait cependant se faire qu’en collaboration avec la Banque centrale, une institution jusqu’ici très hostile au...
Read More »Kristy Felkins Accused of Paying Alleged Hitman in Crypto to Murder Her Ex-Husband
A Nevada woman has entered a guilty plea after being accused of trying to pay a hitman through the dark web with cryptocurrency to murder her ex-husband. Kristy Felkins entered the plea last Thursday and now faces up to ten years in prison. Kristy Felkins Tried to Use Crypto in Murder Scheme Felkins stands accused of coordinating with a criminal organization through the dark web. In exchange for the death of her ex, she was willing to pay the person doing the deed in...
Read More »$2.3 Million Cash-to-Bitcoin Money Laundering Scheme Busted in New York
A man in New York has been charged with running a cash-to-Bitcoin money laundering scheme in New York. Among other things, the case also shows the negative bias of law enforcement to crypto. Laundering Money Through Bitcoin According to a recent Bloomberg report, a 42-year-old man called Thomas Spieker was indicted for allegedly running a “cash-to-Bitcoin” money laundering operation in New York. The man was supposedly bragging openly on social media about his doings,...
Read More »Tennessee Residents Marred by Bitcoin Mining Noise
Residents of a Tennessee town are not too happy with the addition of a bitcoin mining facility that’s allegedly causing heavy noise in the area. The facility was built by Red Dog Technologies, and it’s been stationed in a small area where everyone seems to know one another, and problems are few. Bitcoin Mining Is Creating Too Much Noise for These Residents The noise of the bitcoin mining business allegedly started out as a small hum last spring. From there, it got louder...
Read More »Florida ermöglicht Steuerzahlungen in Bitcoin
Governor Ron DeSantis hat angekündigt, Steuerzahlungen mit Bitcoin und anderen Cryptocoins für Amerikaner mit Wohnsitz in Florida zu ermöglichen. Schon jetzt wurden staatliche Institutionen im Bundesstaat damit beauftragt, die notwendigen Infrastrukturen zu schaffen. Bitcoin News: Florida ermöglicht Steuerzahlungen in BitcoinDie Nachricht kam im Zusammenhang mit einem Gesetz, welches Schulklassen verpflichtend macht, die Schülern finanzielle und ökonomische Grundlagenbildung bieten sollen. Zu...
Read More »Rio de Janeiro to Accept Cryptocurrency Payments for Taxes (Report)
Cryptocurrency adoption comes in different forms these days, but it seems that countries and cities are becoming more open to the idea of allowing certain payments to be made using such assets. Brazil’s second-largest city said it wants to become the first within the nation’s borders to accept BTC payments for taxes. The report from Bloomberg Linea outlined the announcement from the city of Rio De Janeiro indicating that residents will be able to pay IPTU (Imposto Sobre a...
Read More »Grand Angle : Bitcoin pourrait-il vampiriser le marché des obligations?
« D’après Bloomberg, si vous gagnez moins de 300 000 dollars par an, les prochaines années vont être relativement pénibles à cause de l’inflation. Donc en gros, aux Etats-Unis par exemple, ça concerne 95 % de la population. Pour ces gens-là, Bloomberg recommande de commencer à prendre le bus, d’acheter en plus petite quantité, de manger des légumineuses à la place de la viande, avant de conclure que oui, le futur risquait d’être relativement compliqué… » Réalisation : Guillaume...
Read More »START HERE #2 – Conférence au Pôle Léonard de Vinci
Claire Balva, Directrice Blockchain & Crypto chez KPMG, est intervenue le 24 mars dernier au Pôle Léonard de Vinci dans le cadre de la deuxième édition de « START HERE », une conférence de vulgarisation dédiée aux blockchains et aux cryptoactifs.
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