Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren is seldom reserved with her distaste for the crypto industry. Name any common criticism of Bitcoin, and she’s probably shared it already: volatility issues, environmental damage, ‘shadowy super coders’, and what have you. I won’t claim that her criticisms are entirely invalid (though I’ll cover those later), but they’ve become predictable to the point of comedy. Her reputation in the crypto community has entered the ranks of people like...
Read More »Bitcoin-Friendly Portugal a Perferred Destination for Ukrainian Refugees
The count of citizens leaving their homeland in Ukraine because of the ongoing war with Russia continues to increase. Estimates from various sources put the number anywhere between 2.5 and 4 million. Data from CBS News points at roughly 3 million people leaving Ukraine. Another report hints that Portugal is shaping as a preferred destination for a range of reasons, one of which being the crypto-friendly policies of the country. Ukrainians Seeking Refuge in Portugal A recent...
Read More »L’entonnoir du bitcoin
L’entonnoir du bitcoin est un Live stream à retrouver tous les dimanches à 18h00 sur Twitter. On y parle exclusivement de Bitcoin et de son actualité. Au programme de l’épisode du dimanche 20 mars 2022 :– Le point sur la situation au Salvador (adoption & bond) – Polémique autour des solutions de mixage – Discussion sur la puissance (et la chute) du dollar Quand ? – Le dimanche à 18h00 Où...
Read More »Apéro crypto Landes #1
Venez échanger autour de l’actualité de Bitcoin et des cryptomonnaies au restaurant La Fabrique à Moliets-et-Maa dans le département des Landes. Evénement organisé par l’atelier Fantaisie Noire Où ? – Restaurant La Fabrique, 2655 Av. de l’Océan à Moliets-et-Maa Quand ? – Mercredi 23 mars 2022 à partir de 18h En savoir plus : ...
Read More »Grand Angle : Notre avis sur Binance
« Vous êtes nombreux à chaque fois à nous demander dans les commentaires nos recommandations en matière de plateforme d’échange ou encore quel hardware wallet. Alors aujourd’hui on teste un nouveau format de vidéo où on ne va pas parler d’économie, de finance ou de géopolitique, mais de notre avis sur les meilleurs outils existants aujourd’hui dans l’écosystème. Et on commence par Binance. » Réalisation : Guillaume Goualard pour la chaine Youtube Grand Angle Crypto...
Read More »Le lardon des offenses
Les campagnes d’affichage publicitaire successives de Coinhouse et de Paymium auront sans doute moins suscité de commentaires parmi les fans de Bitcoin et autres actifs cryptographiques comme disent pompeusement les législateurs et régulateurs, que celle, totalement imprévue, des lardons végétaux. Parmi les commentaires les plus fins que j’ai glanés de-ci de-là, il y a le rieur : « l’agence de pub...
Read More »Sebastien Vachon-Desjardins to Face Trial in U.S. for Crypto Ransomware Scheme
A Canadian government employee thought to be involved in a series of crypto-related ransomware attacks has been extradited to the United States to face judgement. Sebastien Vachon-Desjardins – who worked as an IT consultant for Public Works and Government Services in Canada – is believed to have carried out attacks that led to approximately $28 billion in bitcoin being paid out by targeted individuals and enterprises throughout the Americas. Vachon-Desjardins Will Face...
Read More »Fiat is Far More Common Than Bitcoin for Money Laundering, Confirms US Treasury Department
Earlier this month, the US Treasury Department released three-yearly reports covering money laundering, terrorist financing, and proliferation financing – all of which extensively discussed virtual assets. While noting many of their risks in these areas, they note that fiat currency and traditional networks are still far more commonly used than crypto in illicit finance. Crypto for Money Laundering The National Money Laundering Risk Assessment named “virtual assets” as an...
Read More »Austin, TX Is Trying Hard to Attract New Crypto Firms
The city of Austin, Texas is working hard to rebrand itself as one of the biggest bitcoin and crypto hubs in the United States. The region is now creating several initiatives slated to attract a wide array of bitcoin, blockchain, and digital currency enterprises. Austin, TX Is Working on Several Crypto Initiatives The mayor of Austin Steve Adler has drafted two individual resolutions that will establish a lasting crypto sector in the city. The division will work on...
Read More »FCA Rules All Crypto ATMs in the UK Are Illegal
The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) – the monetary watchdog of the United Kingdom – has issued a statement condemning all bitcoin and crypto ATMs as illegal. The organization is now ordering all crypto ATMs operating in the country to be shut down immediately. The FCA Isn’t a Fan of Crypto ATMs The FCA has long been a crypto hater, claiming that the industry is not regulated and thus presents too many risks to investors. It has worked hard to ensure that the industry...
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