Louisiana state legislature is considering a bill to facilitate crypto contributions to political campaigns. Sponsored by Republican Party Representative Mark Wright, the bill seeks to lay down a legal framework for making cryptocurrency donations to political parties and political leaders. Crypto Contribution for Political Campaigns House Bill No. 170 intends to “allow a candidate to receive campaign contributions in the form of cryptocurrency” by amending and reenacting...
Read More »China Says Its Bitcoin Industry Is Pretty Much Dead
The central bank of China has recently issued a report claiming that bitcoin trading in the country has fallen from about 90 percent to ten percent worldwide at the time of writing. China Bitcoin Trading Has Really Fallen Automatically, we feel a huge inclination to shout, “Duh!” at the bank’s representatives. If they are reporting this in surprise, they are on the wrong track. China has worked very hard over the past year to ensure that bitcoin and crypto trading has no...
Read More »Mercury Digital Seeks to Enhance Crypto Companies’ Product Offerings
Leading trading technology provider Mercury Digital Assets has unveiled its new BEACON OTC platform. The software is designed to provide several crypto markets – including ATMs and digital exchanges – with institutional services that will help them provide crypto derivatives and spot trading for customers. Mercury Digital Is a Leading OTC Provider Crypto has come a long way in the past several years. While initially traders could only invest in specific coins through...
Read More »The ASA Cancels Posters Advertising Floki Inu Crypto
The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) in the United Kingdom has banned an advertising campaign for the new altcoin Floki Inu, a derivative of the popular Shiba Inu altcoin which, in turn, stems from the popular digital meme currency Dogecoin. In other words, the ASA has a problem with Doge’s grandchild. The ASA Takes Aim at Floki Inu Floki Inu is named after Floki, the little Shiba Inu pup of South African billionaire and entrepreneur Elon Musk. Primarily known for...
Read More »Ethereum Price Analysis: ETH Facing Critical Support Ahead of the New Week
ETH had seen a difficult weekend so far, unable to move away from the critical support at $2.5K. The overall crypto market sentiment is slightly bearish after Bitcoin got sharply rejected below $40K. Key Support levels: $2,560, $2,330 Key Resistance levels: $2,800, $3,000 Since ETH got rejected at the $3,000 resistance level, the price quickly dropped towards the key support at $2.5K. The latter was the daily low in the past three days – Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. So far...
Read More »L’entonnoir du bitcoin
L’entonnoir du bitcoin est un Live stream à retrouver tous les dimanches à 18h00 sur Twitter. On y parle exclusivement de Bitcoin et de son actualité. Programme : – Le rapport de Loop sur les nodes– Minage – Elephants in the Grid– Quel portefeuille LN est le plus résilient à la censure Quand ? – Le dimanche à 18h00 Où ? – Sur Twitter Pour écouter les épisodes précédents :...
Read More »Univers Bitcoin : Construire une place de marché
Avec : Dominique Rodrigues et Guillaume Berche, CTO et Product Manager chez Paymium. Réalisation : Univers Bitcoin, « podcast crypto francophone où l’on parle des fondamentaux du bitcoin mais pas que… » A retrouver sur :– Itunes : podcasts.apple.com– Spotify : open.spotify.com– Deezer : deezer.com– Google Podcast : podcasts.google.com– Twitter : twitter.com/Univers_Bitcoin– Youtube : youtube.com ...
Read More ȃvolution de la vitesse de synchronisation de Bitcoin Core
Dans un article publié hier sur son blog, Jameson Lopp compare, sur la base de tests, la vitesse de synchronisation des différentes versions de Bitcoin Core [1] au fil du temps. « Si vous vous intéressez à la question, vous avez peut-être remarqué que Bitcoin Core a tendance à devenir plus rapide chaque année, tandis que les implémentations moins entretenues ont tendance à ralentir. En effet, si...
Read More »Bitcoin in der Stadt Lugano offizielles Zahlungsmittel
In der grössten Stadt des Tessins soll man künftig von den Abfallsackgebühren bis zu den Steuern alles mit digitalen Währungen wie Bitcoin bezahlen können: Die Stadt Lugano hat angekündigt, dass sie Bitcoin und Tether als gesetzliches Zahlungsmittel einführen wird. Die politische Führung der Schweiz setzt auf die Blockchain-Technologie und macht sie zu einer Priorität. [embedded content] Polygon und Tether unterstützen die Bemühungen der...
Read More »Cybersicherheit – Welche Tendenzen zeichnen sich 2022 ab?
2021 war bezüglich Cybersicherheit ein sehr bewegtes und bewegendes Jahr. Welche Lehren lassen sich daraus ziehen? Welche Bedrohungen könnten im 2022 entstehen? Wie jedes Jahr wagt Stormshield einige Prognosen. Trend 1: Mangel an Fachkräften auch unter Cyberkriminellen? Signale aus 2021 Wenn sich 2021 in Bezug auf Cybersicherheit zu einem Trend zusammenfassen ließe, wäre es die Strukturierung der Cyberkriminellen. Parallel zur Explosion der Sicherheitsvorfälle und der erwirtschafteten Umsätze...
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