Popular Canadian rapper Aubrey Drake Graham, also known mononymously as Drake, made a massive bitcoin bet on Sunday’s Super Bowl Game between the Los Angeles Rams (LA Rams) and the Cincinnati Bengals. Drake took a snapshot of his bet and posted it on Instagram for his over 100 million followers, with the caption “All bets are in on the family.” The rapper’s wager was a total of $1.26 million in bitcoin, which was made via Stake, a cryptocurrency sports betting platform. Drake...
Read More »Conférence en ligne : La crypto en France
L’ADAN, Association pour le Développement des Actifs Numériques, présentera lundi son étude sur l’industrie des cryptomonnaies et son adoption en France. Avec la présence de Cédric O, Secrétaire d’Etat chargé de la Transition numérique et des Communications électroniques. Quand ? – Lundi 14 février – A partir de 14h15 Inscription : https://adaneu.typeform.com/to/ghfDzrUK ...
Read More »Bitcoin Mining mit Grüner Energie in Norwegen
Der Energieaufwand des Bitcoin-Minings bleibt ein Kritikpunkt der Umweltaktivisten. Zwar wird diese Kritik oftmals übertrieben, um eine Bitcoin-Regulierung voranzutreiben, allerdings stellt sich für die Zukunft dennoch die Frage, ob man das Mining von Bitcoin und anderen Cryptocoins auch umweltfreundlich umsetzen kann. In Norwegen wird die Antwort darauf bereits erbracht. Bitcoin News: Bitcoin Mining mit Grüner Energie in NorwegenIn einer kleinen Stadt, ungefähr 40 km von Oslo entfernt,...
Read More »Cash App adds Lightning as payment method
Cash App adds Lightning as payment method. $cashtag The payment application ‚Cash App‘, mostly used in the US and UK, has added the Lightning Network as a payment method. This is good news for the future of bitcoin! With this addition to the app, paying with bitcoin has become much easier. Cash App is currently not available in many countries, but hopefully it won’t be long until others will follow! About Cash App: Cash App (formerly known as...
Read More »Sutor Bank: Vorsicht vor Meme-Coins
Kryptowährungen als Anlageklasse sind spätestens seit 2021 im Bewusstsein vieler Anleger angekommen. Starke Kurssteigerungen wecken Erwartungen – und Gier. „Die Bafin hat gerade vor Krypto-Anlagetipps über Social-Media-Kanäle gewarnt“, sagt Hartmut Giesen, Digitalisierungsexperte bei der Hamburger Sutor Bank. „Ein klares Zeichen dafür, dass Neueinsteiger in den Markt derzeit besonders aufpassen müssen, nicht auf Betrüger hereinzufallen.“ Dabei lässt sich das mit wenig Recherche an den...
Read More »Are Users Pivoting to DeFi Trading? A Closer Look Into CEX Vs. DEX Numbers
Bitcoin started out as a technological experiment more than a decade ago. Since then, the global financial markets have undergone a tremendous shift. At the center of the digital currency revolution is blockchain technology which gave rise to the first-ever smart contract platform, Ethereum. Over the past years, the Ethereum network has become a significant driver offering users the ability to interact in a truly decentralized manner. Decentralized exchanges or DEXs are part...
Read More »Alexandre Stachtchenko invité par l’Institut des Libertés
« Alexandre Stachtchenko est aujourd’hui l’invité de Charles Gave, en présence d’Emmanuelle Gave, afin de revenir sur ce qu’est le Bitcoin d’un coté et ce que sont les Blockchains.Alexandre est cofondateur de Blockchain Partner, Directeur de Blockchain & cryptos chez KPMG France. » Sommaire:1:41 Présentation de la structure qui s’adresse aujourd’hui à plus des 2/3 du CAC 401:52 Sujet très politique par nature, Alexandre constate et démontre l’évolution de terrain constatée...
Read More »MetaMask: ConsenSys to acquire MyCrypto
ConsenSys announced the acquisition of MyCrypto, a deep-rooted Ethereum interface, to team up with the market-leading Web3 wallet, MetaMask. MetaMask and MyCrypto will be combining their efforts under a shared banner to further improve the security of all the products and create a cohesive user experience across desktop, mobile, extension, and browser wallets. MyCrypto has been one of the most stable and compatible wallets in Ethereum since its beginnings in 2015, providing secure and...
Read More »InCore Bank to expand
InCore Bank expands its Digital Asset Brokerage to a 24/7 Banking Service with AlgoTrader Swiss InCore Bank integrates AlgoTrader’s digital asset order and execution management platform WIRESWARM to provide its institutional-grade crypto and digital asset trading for its banking clients around the clock. AlgoTrader and InCore Bank are proud to announce their new partnership focused on broadening access to the digital asset markets for banks and...
Read More »Bitcoin Is Allegedly Becoming a Portfolio Staple
It appears the Wild West days of bitcoin and crypto are over. Many are simply looking at BTC as a portfolio staple – something they need to have if they want to possess necessary diversification. Bitcoin Is Making Its Way Into More Portfolios According to Dan Egan of Betterment fame, the currency remains volatile. We’ve seen another example of that just this week. The currency started this period off at under $40,000 per unit. Now, the currency has risen beyond $43,000....
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