INTERNET CITY, DUBAI, May. 13, 2022 – LBank Exchange, a global digital asset trading platform, will list GameFantasyToken (GFT) on May 19, 2022. For all users of LBank Exchange, the GFT/USDT trading pair will be officially available for trading at 18:00 (UTC+8) on May 19, 2022. As the latest NFT Play-to-Earn game built on the IoTeX platform, StarCrazy enables its players to collect Starz (NFTs) and fuse them for a chance to create more valuable characters. Players can...
Read More »Bitcoin-Kauf: Identifikationsprozesse für Krypto-Käufe ab 1000 CHF
HFSP? Die Schweizer FINMA will strenge Bitcoin-Regulierung. Die Finanzmarktaufsicht verlangt zukünftig Identifikationsprozesse für Krypto-Käufe ab einer Höhe von 1000 Schweizer Franken, wie in den kürzlichen Erneuerungen des Schweizer Geldwäschegesetzes beschlossen wurde. Ursprünglich war ein Wert von 5000 Schweizer Franken festgelegt. Nun die Verschärfung dieser Regeln! Damit folgte die Finanzmarktaufsicht den Anpassungen eines Bundesgesetzes,...
Read More »Zentralbanken, Google und die Ohnmacht gegenüber Monopolen
Über den Gast-Autor: Christoph Cronimund ist Google Ads Experte und Entwickler der Google-Alternative Trooia Solange man Monopole nicht allzu kritisch hinterfragt, ist wenig an ihnen auszusetzen. Es gibt nur eine Option, und die funktioniert im Allgemeinen ganz gut. Man muss keine geeigneten Alternativen suchen, diese einer aufwändigen Evaluation unterziehen und sich dann für eine davon entscheiden. Das ist zunächst zwar sehr bequem, bremst aber mangels Konkurrenzdruck im Markt gesunde...
Read More »LBank Weekly Listing Report, 16th May 2022
As a world class digital asset exchange, LBank continues to focus on providing its users quality projects to participate in. Here is a weekly report made by LBank Exchange presenting this week’s exciting new listings and a summary of the ones listed last week, offering users more information to help better understand these unique opportunities. New Listings on LBank ExchangeScheduled this week starting on 16th May.For a more complete list please follow our twitter...
Read More »Haechi (HAC) Is Now Available for Trading on LBank Exchange
INTERNET CITY, DUBAI, May. 17, 2022 – LBank Exchange, a global digital asset trading platform, has listed Haechi (HAC) on May 17, 2022. For all users of LBank Exchange, the HAC/USDT trading pair is now officially available for trading. As a global payment platform, Haechi (HAC) utilizes the cryptocurrency to enable users to pay, compensate, and transact between existing and developing services, with features including HAC Wallet and H.PAY. Its native token HAC has been...
Read More »Elia Coin (ELC) Is Now Available for Trading on LBank Exchange
INTERNET CITY, DUBAI, May. 13, 2022 – LBank Exchange, a global digital asset trading platform, will list Elia Coin (ELC) on May 13, 2022. For all users of LBank Exchange, the ELC/USDT trading pair is now officially available for trading at 16:00 (UTC+8) on May 13, 2022. Setting a new standard for blockchain platforms, the ELC platform bridges multiple blockchains and allows users to send crypto from one to the other with its multi-chain supporting wallet, while providing...
Read More »European Union Could Start Testing a CBDC in 2023, ECB Executive Says
With the crash of TerraUSD —the largest algorithmic stablecoin in the ecosystem— and the de-pegging of other stablecoins like Stasis, DEI (not to be confused with DAI and even Tether), financial institutions like the European Central Bank, used this weakness in their favor and started promoting their new CBDCs. On May 16, Italian economist and Executive Board member of the European Central Bank (ECB), Fabio Panetta, said in a lecture at the National College of Ireland (NCI)...
Read More »Binance Seeks to Strengthen its Legal Team
Amidst growing uncertainty caused by the bearish run across most cryptocurrencies over the past few weeks, Binance – the leading exchange in terms of volume – is looking to heavily shore up its defenses in case of any possible inquiries from regulatory bodies. However, this could also be an indicator of the company planning to enhance efforts at securing an even bigger market share across EMEA and APJ markets. Binance is currently not facing any lawsuits and has recently been...
Read More »Wege zur optimalen Absicherung von Onlinebanking-Verfahren
Die Täuschungstechniken, um an sensible Daten zu kommen, sind mittlerweile zahlreich. Den Löwenanteil hat dabei das Phishing oder manipulative Techniken wie das Social Engineering. Selbst gefälschte Stellenangebote, die die Bewerber dazu motivieren, ihre Daten anzugeben oder gar ein Konto bei einer bestimmten Bank zu eröffnen, kommen als Köder infrage. Im Unternehmensumfeld sticht hingegen der Datendiebstahl unter den Bedrohungen hervor. Cyberkriminelle greifen vorzugsweise Firmen an, deren...
Read More »Bitcoin Has Failed as an Alternative Money, says Former Fed Chairman
Ben Bernanke – former chairman of the U.S. Federal Reserve – does not believe Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies can succeed as an alternative money. He claims their prices are too volatile to serve as a practical means of exchange and lack the underlying use cases to serve as stores of value. Bitcoin is for Criminals, Says Bernanke In a recent interview with CNBC’s Andrew Sorkin, Bernanke claimed that cryptocurrencies have been successful as a “speculative asset”. However, as...
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