The month of June marked a turning point for the world of crypto and bitcoin mining, and it looks like revenue for miners has begun to slip. Crypto Miners Are Losing Out On Funds Both bitcoin and Ethereum miners reported a drop in earnings throughout June 2021. Profits fell by as much as 42 percent from May, which saw those involved in extracting new units garner a whopping $1.45 billion in crypto-based profit. By contrast, June only produced $839 million in profit for...
Read More »Brazilian Police Arrested the ‘Bitcoin King’ for a 7,000 BTC Scam
The Brazilian authorities have arrested the president of the Bitcoin Banco Group – Claudio Oliveira. According to them, he was responsible for swiping 7,000 bitcoins from customers worth $250 million today. ‘The Bitcoin King’ Got Busted In a recent online press release, the Brazilian officials reported the arrest of Claudio Oliveira. He was the man in charge of the Bitcoin Banco Group – a company promising high returns for clients who invest their bitcoins with it. Following...
Read More »Crypto Head: The U.S. Is the “Most-Ready” Nation to Implement Full Digital Currency Adoption
According to a new report issued by cryptocurrency research firm Crypto Head, the United States is the most-ready nation to initiate full scale cryptocurrency adoption. Crypto Head Puts the U.S. in the Number One Spot Crypto Head is basing its figures on several factors, including the amount of bitcoin and crypto-based ATMs the U.S. has within its borders. Thus far, the United States has more than 17,000 bitcoin ATMs stationed throughout the country. In second place was...
Read More »Sygnum Becomes The First Bank to Offer Ethereum 2.0 Staking
Switzerland’s Sygnum Bank announced that its customers could use its institutional-grade banking platform to stake ETH for Ethereum 2.0 from their existing wallets. Sygnum’s Pioneering Move Sygnum revealed that it intends to become the first banking institution to provide Ethereum 2.0 staking. In doing so, its clients may be able to earn returns of up to 7 percent per annum (at current estimations). The bank, which is both Swiss- and Singapore-based, announced that staking...
Read More »Utah Resident Brandon Larsen Loses Nearly $400K in Crypto Scam
A man in Utah is the latest victim of a crypto scam. Brandon Larsen says that he downloaded what turned out to be a phony crypto application that ultimately cost him close to $400,000 in digital funds. Brandon Larsen Has Lost Quite a Bit to Scammers Larsen says that the app looked real enough and was allegedly associated with several cryptocurrency websites he knew and used. However, it was not long before he realized that the application was fraudulent, and that it had...
Read More »Bullish? Bitcoin Outflows From Spot Exchanges Reached a Yearly High: Analysis
Bitcoin investors have halted depositing their assets onto cryptocurrency exchanges and have actually started to withdraw substantial quantities, says on-chain data. Furthermore, it showed that most of the withdrawals came from retail investors, but whales and institutions have also accumulated BTC lately. Exchange Withdrawals to Early Highs Data from CryptoQuant highlighted the recent trends in terms of BTC investors’ withdrawals and deposits from and to cryptocurrency...
Read More »$55 Billion Asset Manager Reportedly Plans to Invest in Cryptocurrencies
Despite the most recent downturn in the entire cryptocurrency market, a London-based asset manager is reportedly considering investing in digital assets. According to a report from the Financial Times from today, Marshall Wace, a London-based asset management company with over $55 billion in AUM, considers a foray into the cryptocurrency market. Citing people familiar with the matter, the firm is planning to invest in various fields of the industry, including blockchain...
Read More »Instagram arbeitet an NFT Implementierung
Das NFT Phänomen hat die Cryptowelt definitiv bereichert. Einige sehen in den Non-fungible Token allerdings nur Bauernfängerei, mit der schnelle Kasse gemacht werden soll. Vom digitalen Sammler bis zum NFT-Investor haben jedoch viele Konsumenten den Reiz dieser einzigartigen digitalen Wertmarken für sich entdeckt. Instagram versucht nun davon zu profitieren. Crypto News: Instagram arbeitet an NFT ImplementierungSollte es tatsächlich zur Implementierung kommen, dürfte Instagram auf Anhieb zum...
Read More »Digital Asset Manager CoinShares to Acquire Alan Howard’s ETF Index for $17 Million
European digital asset manager, CoinShares International Limited, has recently announced that it will be acquiring Elwood Technologies’ Exchange-traded Fund (ETF) index business for $17 million. In an official blog post, CoinShares revealed that the deal will be finalized in the second week of July and will settle via an equity swap, through the issuance of 1,298,322 new ordinary shares for $13.09 per share. $1 Billion in AUM Elwood Technologies is owned by Alan Howard, the...
Read More »Bybit Transformation: A Newer and Better Crypto Trading Experience
[PRESS RELEASE – Singapore, Singapore, 6th July 2021] Singapore, July 6th, 2021 – What a rollercoaster ride it’s been — and we still have six more months to go before turning a new page in time. As observers of recent events can testify, one should always expect the unexpected with the crypto market. The months of May and June saw markets whipsaw amid heightened volatility. Midyear mayhem aside, it’s important for us to also remember the finer happenings in 2021 — including a...
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