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Facebooks Kryptowährung: Libra wird mit Währungskorb gedeckt doch kein Yuan

Facebook Libra: Facebook plant die Einführung einer Weltwährung. Der Start erfolgt im Januar 2020. Was ist das Problem von Bitcoin? Er schwankt im Wert. Deshalb hat Facebook jetzt seinen Währungskorb vorgestellt, um seine Digitalwährung Libra abzusichern: Der ganze Korb soll aus Bargeld und Staatsanleihen bestehen, die jeweils in Prozent auf einzelne Währungen verteilt sind 50 % in US-Dollar aus den USA, 18 % aus dem Euro-Raum, 14 % aus...

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Bakkt ist live! Was passiert jetzt mit dem Bitcoin-Preis?

Bakkt: Diese Handelsplattform wird Bitcoin grossen Investoren zugänglich machen. Gestartet wurde am 23. September 2019. In der Nacht von Sonntag zu Montag war es so weit: An der New Yorker Börse hat der Betreiber ICE den Startschuss gegeben für den Handel von Bitcoin-Futures. Doch was macht der Bitcoin-Kurs? Der macht gar nichts, jedenfalls steigt er nicht wie erhofft. Kurs...

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The EU selects 4 Swiss firms to develop a quantum-based crypto custody solution

Four Swiss Organizations Receive Funding from the European Union as part of OPENQKD, a Secure Quantum Communication Infrastructure. September 2019 marks the launch of a 3-year European research project, named OPENQKD for Open Quantum Key Distribution, that will install test quantum communication infrastructures in several European countries. It will boost the security of critical applications in the fields of telecommunication, finance, health care, electricity supply and...

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Bakkt Bitcoin Futures Gets Mild-Response on Day 1, BTC Price Drops Below $9800

On Monday, September, Bakkt announced the commencement of the trading facility for its physically-settled Bitcoin Futures contracts. Bakkt‘s Bitcoin Futures contracts offer both, daily contracts and monthly contract settlement options. Besides, that Bakkt platform also provides Warehouse facility for storing the physically-delivered Bitcoin tokens upon contracts expiry.But despite much hype surrounding the launch of Bakkt Bitcoin Futures, the first day of trading was not very impactful. On...

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Kik Shutting Down Its Messaging App, CEO Threatens to Quit

The Canadian social media and messaging app company Kik said to be thinking about possible shutting down of its popular Kik messaging app.Two people familiar with the matter claim that the company is moving all the app’s users to alternative platforms. They also added 70 employees of Kik’s Israeli cryptocurrency subsidiary Kin being noticed about possible layoffs even though some will allegedly be offered the option of transferring to a new company that is based on the same technology, the...

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Overstock Names Jonathan Johnson as Company’s New CEO

Photo: OverstockOnline retail giant Overstock announced that they’re enthroning Jonathan Johnson, who was previously temporary signed, to be no its permanent CEO. Just for reminder, 10 days ago, the company’s, now ex CEO Patrick Byrne, announced that he’s dumped all of his equity holdings in the company over because, as he said, both the “deep state” and the government for his sale.In a cryptic message to “Erstwhile Teammates” on his personal website, Patrick Byrne was “explaining” the...

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Cisco Systems and SingularityNET Hosting Their AI Project on Blockchain

Networking giant Cisco Systems decided to go with the blockchain-based platform developed by SingularityNET to host its decentralized AGI project.SingularityNET is a startup that labels itself as a “decentralized artificial intelligence” company, and them working with Cisco Systems on such an ambitious project is a big deal.When talking about artificial intelligence technologies it should be clear that this is in no way new technology. But the truth is, its development is something that...

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Swift Chairman Says Cryptocurrencies Are Causing Extraordinary Change in Financial Industry

In what seems like quite the endorsement for cryptocurrencies, the chairman of the global provider of secure financial messaging services, Swift, said that cryptocurrencies are causing an extraordinary change in the financial industry. He also mentioned Libra, the cryptocurrency created by social media mogul Facebook. Worthy Mention and EndorsementSpeaking at the Sibos 2019 conference in London, the chairman of Swift, Yawar Shah, made quite an endorsement of cryptocurrencies. He said that...

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Global P.O.S pourrait intégrer Bitcoin à sa plateforme de paiement en 2020

À l’occasion de la Paris Retail Week, le créateur de logiciels de gestion de point de vente Global P.O.S devrait annoncer que sa plateforme d’acceptation de paiement Easy2Play permettra aux enseignes clientes qui le souhaitent d’intégrer les paiements en bitcoins à compter de 2020. Parmi les clients de Global P.O.S on compte une trentaine d’enseignes dont Boulanger, Foot Locker, Décathlon, Conforama, Maison du Monde, Intersport,...

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BLOCKWALKS 2019 European Conference

Right in the heart of Europe, the Bratislava Castle in Slovakia will host the second annual BLOCKWALKS European Conference. Top-level government officials and prominent industry leaders in smart technology, blockchain, and Internet of Things join to discuss the current and future applications of blockchain and smart technology in the public sector.Tibor Vincze, the Project Coordinator of BLOCKWALKS 2019, had these words to say about the focus of this year’s conference:“The conference is a...

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