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Crypto news

Regulators Must Have Died and Made Crypto Exchanges King

The battle cry of the cryptocurrency industry has been one of decentralization, or one without any centralized authority. It is this distinguishing feature that sets the blockchain space apart from other sectors and cryptocurrencies like bitcoin from other assets. No central bank, bankers, or government controls it, and unless your Nouriel Roubini it’s hard not to appreciate this push toward democracy and decentralization. When the industry begins to compromise, that’s when the crypto...

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Overstock along with Its Former CEO and CFO Sued for Securities Fraud

Recently Overstock and its former CEO Patrick Byrne have recently made a lot of headlines. The main reason for that is that Patrick Byrne left the company with a big bang, sold all his equities and didn’t keep it a secret that he had invested in Bitcoin and gold.Now, an investor from Canada – Benjamin Ha, has filed a complaint with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) alleging that between May 9 and September 23, 2019, Overstock published “materially false and misleading...

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Coinbase and Others Taking “Security” Measures Into Their Own Hands

Regulation has been a hard topic in the crypto space as of late. Despite the push for it, however, it has arrived at a rather slow pace, and many major companies and exchanges within the crypto arena are looking to themselves to potentially enhance the safety of their operations. Some of these companies include Coinbase in the U.S., along with DRW Cumberland, Kraken and Grayscale.Coinbase and Others Take Security Into Their Own HandsOne of the primary things these ventures are looking at is...

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Bittrex Global to launch new trading platform, features, and leadership team

Bittrex Global lanciert neue Handelsplattform, neue Features und ein neues Führungsteam Bittrex Global officially announces today the opening of its headquarters in Vaduz, Liechtenstein. Bittrex Global is a new platform that will operate in Liechtenstein. Bittrex Global plans to launch its platform at the end of October. As part of this launch, Bittrex Global is naming Kiran Raj as the first Chief Executive Officer of Bittrex Global and...

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ZHAW Studie: Cyberkriminalität steigt in der Schweiz dramatisch an

Die ZHAW hat eine Studie zur Entwicklung der Kriminalität in der Schweiz veröffentlicht. Demnach ist die Anzahl Straftaten deutlich gesunken. Mit einer Ausnahme: Die Cyberkriminalität nimmt deutlich zu. Die Cyberkriminalität in der Schweiz ist auf einem neuen Höchststand. Wie eine Studie der ZHAW aufzeigt, haben Betrugsdelikte über das Netz deutlich zugenommen. Insgesamt ist...

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Leonteq ermöglicht Wetten auf den Bitcoin-Preis

Reverse Convertibles: Leonteq bietet Wetten auf den Bitcoin-Preis Leonteq hat Reverse Convertible auf Bitcoin eingeführt. Der Ideengeber im Bereich vieler Bitcoin-Innovationen will Anlegern damit eine Art Wettoption auf den Bitcoin-Preis bieten. Leonteq ist einer der Vorreiter im Bereich der strukturierten Bitcoin-Investition. Weitere Neuerungen hat das FinTech unter anderem...

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E-Government: Dank Blockchain innert Kürze zum Betreibungsregisterauszug

Schaffhauser können künftig im Rahmen eines Pilotprojekts den Betreibungsregisterauszug via Smartphone bestellen. Sie erhalten ihn innert kürzester Zeit, ohne Zusatzkosten und für Drittparteien verifizierbar online als PDF zugestellt. Möglich macht dies die eID+ App von Procivis auf Basis der Blockchain Infrastruktur von Swisscom und der Schweizerischen Post. Swisscom und Procivis gehen zudem eine strategische Partnerschaft ein, um E-Government Dienstleistungen für die Schweiz...

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Bitcoin-Überweisungen – Intelligent, Einfach, Sicher

Digitec: Einer der grössten Schweizer Online Shops akzeptiert Bitcoin. Vom Bankgeschäft bis zum Politischen Wahlgang, Blockchain-Technologie wird immer populärer. Besonders beliebt sind Blockchain basierende Kryptowährungen wie Bitcoin für Transaktionen und Geldtransfers – insbesondere für grenzüberschreitende Transaktionen. Im Gegensatz zu langsamen und teuren internationalen Banküberweisungen ist ein Bitcoin Transfer extrem einfach. Wie...

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Ripple Price Analysis: XRP Surges 7% In a Day, Going For $0.30?

Over the past 24 hours, XRP saw a notable increase of 7.35% which allowed it to climb back above $0.25 to reach the current trading price of $0.2556. This price increase is perhaps largely attributed to XRP making some gains against BTC as it creates a fresh high for September above 3100 SAT. Despite the recent price increase, it still has a long way to recovery after losing 34% over the past 3 months.XRP remains the third-largest cryptocurrency with a market cap of $11.05 billion.Looking at...

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Tencent Acquires Almost a Third of Computer Games Developer Funcom

Chinese social media and gaming company Tencent Holding Ltd. took a 29% stake in computer games maker Funcom.With this step, Tencent became Funcom’s largest shareholder and the shares it bought were from KGJ Capital AS.Funcom went through its most profitable year in history and had signed an exclusive partnership with Legendary Entertainment to create a minimum of three Dune games for PC and consoles.Funcom CEO, Rui Casais said:“We are very pleased to see Tencent come in as the largest...

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