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Email-Betrug: Weltweit werden 281 Verdächtige durch US Strafverfolger verhaftet

Email-Betrug: US-Behörden nehmen weltweit mehr als 250 Personen fest! In Nigeria und vielen weiteren Ländern wurden während der vier Monate andauernden Operation „reWired“, die sich gegen E-Mail Betrüger gerichtet hat, viele Verdächtige verhaftet. Die Ermittler der US Behörden haben in Zusammenarbeit mit den Behörden der Strafverfolgung auf der ganzen Welt ganze 281 Menschen festgenommen, die in Verbindung mit Internetbetrug, dem...

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Gemini Exchange Introduces Stronger Storage Options

Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss of the Gemini Exchange claim to have built a better vault system to protect their customers’ bitcoin and cryptocurrency assets. Gemini Brings On a Bigger, Better VaultOne of the big questions meandering through the crypto space as of late is, “How can we ‘insure’ people’s money? What can we do to protect money and ensure it remains safe from hackers?” After so many instances involving lost funds and personal data over the years, the question makes complete...

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VanEck’s Bitcoin Trust Flops With Only 4 BTC Under Management

VanEck's recently launched BItcoin Trust is a total flop, based on initial investment interest. | Source: ShutterstockFollowing the divisive launch of a so-called “Limited ETF” from the fund manager VanEck, the crypto-focused offering has fallen short of impressive, citing just a single issuance of the instrument with a total of 4 BTC under management…Statistics from VanEck as of 09/09/19, on “ETF” i.e VanEck SolidX Bitcoin Trust 144A Shares. | Source: VanEckThe data was relayed via crypto...

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Despite U.S.-China Tensions, Bitcoin Hasn’t Done Well

Well, it seems analysts are now saying that bitcoin has failed to live up to our expectations. The currency, despite the harsh trade war conditions that should have put it in a top spot on the financial map, has really failed to rally the way many industry experts thought it would, and at press time, many are hoping the currency can turn itself around before 2020 shows itself.Bitcoin Ain’t Doing So HotIn August, trade war conditions were at their worst. The U.S. and China were at each other’s...

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Bitcoin’s Boring Again. Is $10,000 BTC’s Yawn-Worthy New Normal?

Bitcoin's suddenly boring again. Has $10,000 become the yawn-inducing new normal for BTC, or will the market wake back up soon? | Source: ShutterstockAfter bitcoin’s parabolic renaissance sparked hopes of new highs back in April, the expectation of BTC reclaiming $20,000 has become a fleeting reality. In recent weeks, bitcoin has sluggishly ranged between $10,000 and $11,000, causing its trademark volatility to vanish.Tranquil Bitcoin Market Leaves Traders Daydreaming of More Volatile...

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Deutschland: betrügerische Raiffeisen E-Mails im Umlauf

Betrüger behaupten Ihre Kreditkarte wäre gesperrt: Mit der neuen EU-Richtlinie als Vorwand, erhalten momentan zahlreiche Bank-Kundinnen und Kunden Phishing-Mails. In den E-Mails steht man solle seine persönlichen Daten aktualisieren. Allerdings führt der Link dann auf eine gefälschte Login-Seite! Mehr Regulierung heisst nicht immer mehr Sicherheit: Die neue EU-Richtlinie, die den Zahlungsverkehr durch...

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Mastercard and R3 Join Forces to Build Blockchain Cross-Border Payments Solution

Mastercard and fintech firm R3 have entered a partnership to develop a solution that will enable cross-border payments which include localized payments and interbank settlements and clearing of payment obligations. The solution will have a primary focus on connecting financial payment systems.Mastercard earlier this year has expanded its payment system with its acquisition of Transfast. This greatly improved its ability to clear transactions on a global scale as Transfast has operations and...

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Bitcoin Frankreich: Domino’s Pizza verlost 10 Bitcoins

Sprengen wir die Bank: Das Pizza-Imperium Domino’s startet ein Gewinnspiel für Kunden in Frankreich. Das Pizza-Imperium und der Weltmarktführer Domino’s startet ein spektakuläres Gewinnspiel für seine französischen Kunden. Der Hauptgewinn neben unzähligen Geschenken und Gutscheinen sind sage und schreibe 100.000 Euro. Zur großen Überraschung aller bietet das Unternehmen die...

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DAO.Casino Rebrands to DAOBet for Enhanced Market Positioning

One of the core elements to business strategies is name branding, as businesses always want to leave an impression that speaks of their products or services and to stand out among the competition. Gaming infrastructure platform DAO.Casino is one such firm to use this strategy to bring its users the best of blockchain to the gambling industry. The new name, DAObet, is one it believes will help provide more visibility for the platform with regards to their core operation.The responsibility of...

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Facebook’s Crypto Libra Isn’t Getting Away With Measly Swiss Payments License

Switzerland's financial regulator will subject the 'Libra' project to further scrutiny. | Source: ShutterstockSwitzerland’s financial regulator has indicated that Facebook’s cryptocurrency project Libra will be required to meet additional requirements besides getting a payment system license prior to starting operations.In a press release, the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) stated that the various services planned by Facebook’s cryptocurrency initiative had necessitated...

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