Hey Krypto Fans, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 864. Heute sprechen wir über folgende Themen: 25 Millionen Ethereum DeFi Hack bei Lendf und dForce, Drei Anzeichen für einen bevorstehenden Absturz von Bitcoin & Bitcoin Kurzfilm. [embedded content] 1.) Ethereum DeFi Hack bei Lendf und dForce – 25 Mio. USD in ETH und BTC weghttps://cryptomonday.de/ethereum-defi-hack-bei-lendf-und-dforce-25-mio-usd-in-eth-und-btc-weg/ 2.) Drei Anzeichen für einen bevorstehenden Absturz von...
Read More »Chinese DeFi Protocol dForce Reportedly Loses $25 Million Of Its Total Locked Value In An Attack
dForce, a Chinese decentralized finance (DeFi) protocol that is backed by Multicoin Capital, has reportedly been exploited. According to a popular DeFi monitoring resource, the total value locked (in USD) in dForce, was reduced from around $25 million to almost nothing in a matter of hours. DeFi Lending Protocol Exploited A well-known DeFi protocol, dForce Network, was reportedly exploited recently. Its lending solution, Lendf.Me, representing an open-source money market protocol, was...
Read More »Almost $1 Million Of ETH Compromised Following Two Attacks On DeFi Protocol bZx
The space of Decentralized Finance (DeFi) took a serious hit in the past week as decentralized lending protocol went through two subsequent attacks. The compromised funds amount to a little less than $1 million.The First Attack On bZx – February 14thThe first attack happened on block 9484588, timestamped February 15th, according to the official report from bZx. Per the document, the attack was launched on Valentine’s day on February 14th during ETHDenver. At that time, bZx’s team has been out...
Read More »#815 Ethereum und DeFi Gefahr, Binance Cloud White Label Exchange & China Bargeld Quarantäne
Hey Krypto Fans, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 815. Heute sprechen wir über folgende Themen: Ethereum und DeFi in Gefahr – Hacker räumen Lending Pool leer, Binance Cloud Crypto Exchange White Label & China stellt Bargeld unter Quarantäne. [embedded content] 1.) Ethereum und DeFi in Gefahr – Hacker räumen Lending Pool leerhttps://cryptomonday.de/ethereum-und-defi-in-gefahr-hacker-raeumen-lending-pool-leer/ 2.) Binance Cloud to Allow Users to Launch a Crypto Exchange Within 5...
Read More »Vitalik Buterin Shares His Views on Ethereum 2.0 and DeFi at ETHDenver 2020
Vitalik Buterin is enthusiastic about the world of decentralized finance, largely built on Ethereum. Moreover, he believes in the absolute success of Ethereum 2.0.Last week, the largest hackathon for Ethereum and other blockchain protocol enthusiasts ETHDenver 2020 took place in Colorado. Within the 3-day event, a wide range of activities is offered, including talks of top blockchain experts on the development of the industry. Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin delivered a speech as well. He...
Read More »Litecoin: Passives Einkommen mit Cred Kooperation
Litecoin Foundation bietet mit Cred Kooperation Zinsen für LTC Einlagen an Die Finanzplattform Cred und die Litecoin Foundation haben offiziell eine Kooperationspartnerschaft angekündigt. So sollen Benutzer Zinsen für geliehene Litecoin-Einlagen erhalten. Profitieren durch Partnerschaft ab Mitte Februar Wie der Mitteilung zu entnehmen ist, können Litecoin-Benutzer bereits ab...
Read More »260% Surge In DeFi-Locked Value In A Year: $1 Billion Already In
According to a popular Decentralized Finance (DeFi) monitoring resource, the value that’s already locked in the space totals over $1 billion. Interestingly enough, almost 60% of the market is currently overtaken by the Maker project. The majority of the money is also locked in lending solutions.Value Locked In DeFi Upwards Of $1 BillionAccording to DeFiPulse, the value that is currently locked into DeFi-based solutions exceeds $1 billion. This goes on to show how far the space has come in...
Read More »What Does the DeFi Hold for Crypto in 2020?
“DeFi” might sound a little mysterious, but there is no reason to feel overwhelmed. It is just a portmanteau, which comes from compressing two familiar words: “decentralized” and “finance”. Both are at the core of the proposed operations, being currently developed in California’s famed Silicon Valley.It is true that both words were already used to describe cryptocurrencies for at least a decade. But DeFi is on track to build an interlocking financial system, using blockchain technology to...
Read More »#801 Ethereum Kurs & DeFi Hype, Singapur Krypto Lizenzen & Bitcoin Cash Mining Steuer Debatte
Hey Krypto Fans, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 801. Heute sprechen wir über folgende Themen: Ethereum Kurs & DeFi Hype, Singapur führt Lizenzen für Krypto-Dienstleister ein & Bitcoin Cash Mining Steuer Debatte. [embedded content] Vielen Dank an den heutigen Sponsor Corrigo. Ist deine private Krankenversicherung zu teuer? Deine Beiträge werden ständig erhöht? Dann spare jetzt bist zu 63% monatlich mit einem PKV Tarifwechsel OHNE Versicherungswechsel. ALLE INFOS HIER....
Read More »#795 Bitcoin Mining Gewinne, Ethereum DEFI Wachstum & Maduro startet Petro Krypto Casino
Hey Krypto Fans, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 795. Heute sprechen wir über folgende Themen: Bitcoin Mining fährt fünf Milliarden US-Dollar ein, Ethereum durch DEFI zu 1 Billion Marktkapitalisierung & Maduro startet Petro Krypto Casino. [embedded content] 1.) Bitcoin Mining fährt fünf Milliarden US-Dollar einhttps://www.btc-echo.de/bitcoin-mining-faehrt-fuenf-milliarden-us-dollar-ein/ 2.) Ethereum kann durch DeFi eine Billionen Dollar Marktkapitalisierung...
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