CONSERVE BlockChain-Service, Crypto Advance und Value of Bitcoin Conference starten Co-Working Space In der aktuellen Phase der digitalen Geld-Revolution gibt es zu viel Noise, also Rauschen. Es gibt hunderte, wenn nich tausende Kryptowährungen, Tokens, Stable Coins und viele weitere Buzz Words wie Distributed Ledger Technolgy (DLT) oder Decentralized Finance (DeFi). Viele sehen deshalb den Wald vor lauter Bäumen nicht und es ist schwer...
Read More »Sound Money: Was verbirgt sich hinter diesem Begriff?
CONSERVE BlockChain-Service, Crypto Advance und Value of Bitcoin Conference starten Co-Working Space In der aktuellen Phase der digitalen Geld-Revolution gibt es zu viel Noise, also Rauschen. Es gibt hunderte, wenn nich tausende Kryptowährungen, Tokens, Stable Coins und viele weitere Buzz Words wie Distributed Ledger Technolgy (DLT) oder Decentralized Finance (DeFi). Viele sehen deshalb den Wald vor lauter Bäumen nicht und es ist schwer...
Read More »Ethereum: Mehr als eine halbe Milliarde US-Dollar sind aktuell in dApps investiert
Treibt Microsofts Ethereum-Plattform bald die ETH-Preise in die Höhe? Dezentrale Finanzdienstleistungen befinden sich nach wie vor auf dem Vormarsch. Das Gesamtvolumen der Krypto-Währungen, die als Sicherheit hinterlegt werden, beträgt aktuell etwa 670 Millionen USD. Der Begriff der dezentralen Finanzierung wird dabei durch „DeFi“ abgekürzt. Generell meint die Bezeichnung...
Read More »DeFi Adoption: Andreessen Horowitz Invests $25 Million In Compound Lending
Decentralized Finance (DeFi) is among the fastest-growing trends that are based on blockchain. The well-known venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz has recently invested $25 million in the popular DeFi project Compound, thus continuing its involvement in the field.$25 Million Raised For a DeFi ProjectAndreessen Horowitz invested $25 million in the fast-growing project in the field of decentralized finance, Compound Finance. The latter is based in San Francisco and uses blockchain and smart...
Read More »If You Have Good Decentralized Finance Ideas, This Contest Will Award You $5,000
Not only is the Equilibrium framework holding its Crypto DeFiance conference in Singapore on November 16, but they’ll award $5,000 to any team or individual who can come up with a great idea for a decentralized finance application.The company will host its first ever DeFi Brainstorm 2019, a competition of DeFi ideas, as part of its conference, but the action begins far before the conference takes place. Equilibrium will accept contest applications from November 1 through November 15....
Read More »Equilibrium and EOSDT To Host Crypto DeFiance Event During BlockShow Asia 2019
Premier blockchain conference BlockShow Asia, the DeFi developer framework Equilibrium, and the EOS-based decentralized stablecoin EOSDT will host the inaugural edition of its Crypto DeFiance event in Singapore on November 16.Crypto DeFiance will unite blockchain pioneers, dApp developers, cryptocurrency traders, and the global community of crypto enthusiasts for a day of keynote presentations, panel discussions, and wide-ranging exploration of decentralized finance topics. Attendees will...
Read More »Decentralized finance (DeFi & Cake) – Das Potenzial dezentraler Finanzen mit Dr. Julian Hosp
Hey Krypto Fans, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show. Heute spreche ich mit Julian Hosp über seine Firma Cake, sein Projekt DeFi Blockchain und den Kryptomarkt im Allgemeinen.. [embedded content] 4.) Bitcoin Informant bei iTunes als Podcast 5.) Der Bitcoin Informant Inside Telegram Kanal Sonnige GrüsseDennis “Bitcoin-Informant” Koray
Read More »Sequoia-Backed Band Protocol Enters DeFi With Ether-Denominated Binary Options
Photo: Band Protocol / MediumBand Protocol, Sequoia-backed data management company, has launched the mainnet of its decentralized trading app. The news follows Band Protocol’s announcement about going live on Ethereum mainnet.2/ Another key highlight today is the launch of BitSwing Mainnet, which represents a perfect example of dApps made possible with $BAND oracle.?Available now on:— Band Protocol (@BandProtocol) September 30, 2019Features of BitSwingCalled BitSwing,...
Read More »Nasdaq Lists New Index for Decentralized Finance Projects Called Defix
U.S. Stock Exchange Nasdaq has announced the listing of a new index that offers “real-time” tracking of blockchain projects within the decentralized finance (DeFi) segment. Dubbed as Defix, the index will track blockchain projects like MakerDao, Augur, Gnosis, Numerai, 0x and Amoveo.As per the official press release, the London-based Exante brokerage helped to launch Defix. Nasdaq has listed this Index under the ticker DEFX, which can also be tracked on Google and TradingView along with a...
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