Scams, scams, and more scams… It seems whenever we look at news relating to crypto as of late, it’s all we hear about, and according to several tech experts, the problem is getting worse. Crypto Scams Are a Serious Problem Scams have always occurred in the digital currency industry, but they have become more elaborate as time has gone by and the space has undergone change. For example, it used to be that a cyberthief ultimately gained control of the assets in a digital...
Read More »Express Crypto et Bitstack enregistrés en tant que PSAN
Les sociétés Digital Technologie SAS (Express Crypto) et Bitstack SAS sont désormais enregistrées en tant que PSAN (Prestataires de Services sur actifs numériques) auprès de l’AMF pour l’achat / vente d’actifs numériques contre monnaie ayant cours légal. Bitstack, qui propose un système d’achats récurrents de satoshis, est également autorisé à conserver des actifs numériques. Express Crypto se...
Read More »Faire des NFT artisanaux sur Bitcoin – 2) Cas pratiques
Dans le précédent article, j’ai défini ce qu’était un NFT, un événement historique documenté et démontrable à l’aide de la cryptographie, inscrit et horodaté sur une blockchain. Dans cette seconde partie, je vais m’efforcer d’être plus concret et je vais vous donner des exemples de NFT que j’ai réalisé sur Bitcoin, notamment les e-books dédicacés du roman Printeurs. J’espère que mes exemples vont inspirer d’autres créateurs et...
Read More »Binance Publishes a List With 10 Fundamental Rights of Crypto Users
Binance believes the future of crypto needs to be user-focused. Amidst mounting regulations, the CZ-led cryptocurrency exchange has published a list of what it considers to be the basic rights for every digital asset user. Beyond the hype of Bitcoin (BTC) and Dogecoin (DOGE), Binance stated that there is more to the cryptocurrency sector. Its constitution-like document “10 Fundamental Rights for Crypto Users” emphasizes the need for financial inclusion, privacy, among...
Read More »Marathon Digital’s Shares Plunged 27% Amid SEC Crackdown
Shares of the U.S. leading crypto mining company Marathon Digital Holdings (MARA) went on a downward spiral, plunging by nearly 30% within 24 hours amid a recent crackdown by the country’s Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). MARA Down 27% in 24 Hours Since Marathon is primarily a Bitcoin miner, the recent bull run in the crypto market had a positive effect on the company’s stock. In the past month alone, the miner’s stock, MARA, went up by more than 40%. However, the...
Read More »Markteinbruch bedeutet nicht das Ende des Bitcoin Bullenruns
Zumindest wenn wir Nigel Green glauben können. Heute hat der Markt deutlich eingebüßt. Nahezu alle größeren Cryptocoins verloren im zweistelligen Prozentbereich. Ausgelöst wurde der Markteinbruch vor allem durch einen Cash-Out im BTC-Markt – Bitcoin selbst gab ungefähr 8 Prozent ab. Bitcoin News: Markteinbruch bedeutet nicht das Ende des Bitcoin BullenrunsDoch laut Nigel Green gibt es keinen Grund zur Sorge. Der CEO der DeVere Group glaubt nicht, dass die Rallye vorbei ist. Vielmehr denkt er,...
Read More »Bitcoin, Ethereum See Price Plunge as Major Digital Currencies Lose Some Ground
Why do I have to complete a CAPTCHA? Completing the CAPTCHA proves you are a human and gives you temporary access to the web property. What can I do to prevent this in the future? If you are on a personal connection, like at home, you can run an anti-virus scan on your device to make sure it is not infected with malware. If you are at an office or shared network, you can ask the network...
Read More »Bitcoin Mining Firm Marathon Digital Receives Subpoena
Why do I have to complete a CAPTCHA? Completing the CAPTCHA proves you are a human and gives you temporary access to the web property. What can I do to prevent this in the future? If you are on a personal connection, like at home, you can run an anti-virus scan on your device to make sure it is not infected with malware. If you are at an office or shared network, you can ask the network...
Read More »Bitcoin-Preis bald auf 250’000?
Gerade hat der Bitcoin-Preis ein neues Allzeithoch erreicht – knapp 69'000 US-Dollar. Geht es nach einem Bitcoin-Analysten, dann war das aber erst der Anfang. Für Januar 2022 sieht Matthew Hyland 250'000 Dollar, die Millionen-Marke soll schon 2025 geknackt werden. Bitcoin-Analysten gehen von 250’000 Dollar im Januar aus: Kaum hat der Bitcoin seinen eigenen Rekord gebrochen – fast 69.000 USD, gehen die bullischen Nachrichten in Bezug auf den Bitcoin...
Read More »Cardano (ADA) Price Analysis: Risk of More Downsides Below $1.9
ADA price started a major decline from well above $2.20 against the US Dollar. The price is now trading below $2.00 and the 55 simple moving average (4-hours). There was a break below a major bullish trend line with support near $2.00 on the 4-hours chart (data feed via Bitfinex). The price might extend its decline below the $1.92 support zone in the near term. Cardano price is gaining pace below $2.00 against the US Dollar, unlike bitcoin. ADA price must stay above...
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